Comments 8

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


I own Everdrive flash carts for SNES (SD2SNES), NES (N8), Sega Genesis (Mega Everdrive), and GameBoy/Color (Everdrive GB), and they all work amazingly well. Highly recommended for retro gamers that don't want to spend $100 for Sunset Riders, etc on eBay.

Everdrives are also WAY easier to setup than a Raspberry Pi (Everdrives took me minutes to figure out, Raspberry Pi took me weeks).

I use my Everdrives with a Super Retro Trio, instead of the original consoles. I own the original consoles and they work great, but I don't want to put extra wear and tear on them, so I use the Super Retro Trio clones system instead, although I'm looking forward to the forthcoming HD version which supports HDMI.