I HAD a tabletop Donkey Kong in wooden cabinet at 16, I used the heck out of it, I forgot what store sold them... (49+ years ago? roughly) I loved it. So how are these new?
@ThanosReXXX The reason people post about what they don't want is two-fold; First they have no idea what they do want, usually from lack of real-life experience, secondly, they are all about I. Me, My, Themselves. They assume the net is here to serve them, and they are never wrong about anything. But, with little education, they are able to instruct others on how to live their lives. G-D forbid they should come to understand the value of personal r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y.
Comments 2
Re: Feature: Quarter Arcades Is Bringing Coin-Op History Home - And It Wants To Work With Nintendo Next
I HAD a tabletop Donkey Kong in wooden cabinet at 16, I used the heck out of it, I forgot what store sold them... (49+ years ago? roughly) I loved it. So how are these new?
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
@ThanosReXXX The reason people post about what they don't want is two-fold; First they have no idea what they do want, usually from lack of real-life experience, secondly, they are all about I. Me, My, Themselves. They assume the net is here to serve them, and they are never wrong about anything. But, with little education, they are able to instruct others on how to live their lives. G-D forbid they should come to understand the value of personal r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y.