Comments 4

Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya


Um, so even after they "launched" their teaser and now their onto crowd funded stage, they STILL can't friggin figure out their website really ?? Supposedly they have some investment and backing but yet they went with the crowdfunding way, oh I know this way they'll get info from the community right ?

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


Flashcarts, Homebrew, Modding Communities, all of them started and continue with good intentions and without them NONE of the existing and past game companies would be where they are now, with saying that all communities have within them rotten apples and it only takes 1 to make them all look bad. This latest re-surgance of "classics" would NOT be at the fever pitch it is without these supposed "horrible" communities...