I really hope this comes to the PS5 in physical form! I still enjoy playing Tokyo Highway Battle, Highway 2000, and Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 from time to time.
@Bonggon5 I also had the Sega Channel for a bit. I don't remember much about it though. I did buy a complete Sega Channel adapter from a local store a few years back. I wish I could hook it up and use it haha
@no_donatello I remember seeing Sega's MP3 player prototype in the Dreamcast Magazine and being excited for it, but it was never released. So, while I agree that having a VMU MP3 player today is pointless I'm still excited about it! haha
I remember my brother driving us up to Toys'r'us to pick up our Dreamcast along with another controller, two VMUs, a Jump Pack, and about 5 games on launch day.
I'd later go on to have over 300 games including the entire North American catalog complete in box. I also had 2 fishing controllers, 3 mice, 4 keyboards, over a dozen VMUs/4x memory cards and controllers, 6 systems, 2 racing wheels, 3 light guns, 2 maracas, 2 dance pads, 2 arcade sticks, and lots of strategy guides, magazines and demo discs.
It was a favorite of mine for a very, very long time. Now, it seems that I might enjoy thinking of the era more than playing the games.
Edit: I did play the first stage of Sonic Adventure this morning in honor of the 25th anniversary.
I reshelled my Dreamcast and Saturn 2 years ago. I did a blue top with the OG bottom on my Dreamcast. I like to think of it as a special edition Sonic Adventure Dreamcast haha. I just saw the linked site has PS2 shells. I might have to get one of those!
I feel that membranes is something no aftermarket company ever thinks about, so I'm glad someone is! I had to swap in my OG membranes to my Retro-Bit Genesis and Saturn controllers for them to feel proper during gameplay.
A problem I ran into with my older consoles that can output hdmi is that my TV (4k) doesn't do a great job of upscaling the image. I do have an old '07 Bravia LCD (720p) that I use for my son's Switch and the image looks great! Maybe I should take it back and gift him a new TV lol
@Sketcz That is my thinking. We do trivia at work and once tried to make questions using AI, but it was giving incorrect information like the ones seen in these posts.
I'll admit I've purchased some JP games, but either because it was an exclusive or because the US version was too expensive. I should note that my local retro stores sell JP games/systems cheap and I think it is because not a lot of people but them.
I just feel sad for those younger kids who will never have the experience of walking through a game store and picking up 5 good games for $40. No more "this looks interesting and is only $5" pick ups. I still have my copy of Duck Hunt with the price sticker on the back, which reads $0.29. It probably sells for $10 today even though most people don't have a CRT to play it. Oh well.
The N64 module has been very disappointing for me. I hope a software update will fix the issues in having. So far I've had acouple of problems such as the system rebooting each time I try a load a game (which requires a reset of the PM), audio issues if a game does load (resetting the game does fix this), but the main problem I have is that there seems to be a stutter of some kind (as if the game data is being loaded off a disc, like when the lazer moves to load in new data). I think this (or something else) is making some games unplayable like Banjo-Kazooie because it will unregister me holding the Z button for when I'm using the Talon Trot, which causes Kazooie to go back into her backpack and Banjo to squat down.
The NES and Sega modules are great. The SNES module has a lot of lag, which in hoping they can fix via an update.
Edit: In general I wish more wireless controllers were supported. For the N64 only my Retro Fighter Wireless Brawler64 is supported. I have the NSO N64 controller and 8Bitdos Wireless PCB replacement for my OG controller that can connect to RetroTime's N64 BlueRetro adapter, but neither one works. I prefer the OG trident controller, but will make due with the Brawler64.
@Thomystic I used to have that as my homepage, but then I ended up spending way too much on games. I'm trying to stick to my budget this year. Thanks for the info though!
@Gamelore I have some of their larger items so I know what you mean. I only get those now for the games I absolutely love. I do agree the prices can be high, but I try to keep to the base versions. I also agree that RetroBit does a nice job with their retro releases. I picked up Gleylancer, Gaiares, and the Toaplan box set, which seemed underpriced after seeing the quality.
@obijuankanoobie Ah, yeah, I've been there before. There are some I'll never get because I didn't know about it while it was open to pre-order. I do keep an eye on their site from time to time to see if there is anything coming up. They do sell on Amazon and Best Buy which is nice.
I'm fine with Limited Run Games, but am curious to why so many don't like them. I've purchased over a dozen games from them over the years without issue. I know they're slow, but I guess I'm used to that.
I worry the "unique" hardware will be a local/cloud hybrid system. It just seems (to me) that Microsoft wants to hold all the power (digital only games) and become the Netflix of gaming (GamePass). I loved the OG Xbox and 360, but have been feeling uneasy with them with the One and Series as it seems they want digital to be the main way to play and 'own' games. I hope I'm wrong though.
@NewBond That's cool you got to see the Viaduct! It was weird because I was like, "I feel like I've been here, it is familiar somehow". Let me know once you have Deep Forest Raceway made so I can drive it! Haha
Seattle Circuit in GT2 was my favorite track. When I visited Seattle I recognized the area because I played that track so much. It was pretty cool that I recognized an area 20 years after seeing it in a game.
@Jimgamer8 Thanks for the reply. Sorry to hear that you have lag problems as well. I didn't notice any real issues with the CD based games or Genesis/32x games even with wireless controllers. I guess I'll keep my Super NT and OG N64s. I really hope the NES module doesn't have lag crosses fingers
I received the snes and n64 modules recently, but they've been a let down. The snes has a lot of lag and makes playing anything impossible. I tested it with multiple tvs, hdmi cables, and controllers. I don't know what the problem is. My Super NT works fine with all of the tested items.
The n64 has compatibility issues. I've only tested six games so far and three have problems. One wouldn't load at all, one has audio hiccups, and the last has graphical glitches.
I picked up the blue version and am pretty happy with it. I'm glad they didn't go with the two row 6 button design as I'm used to the original button layout.
Their Xbox Hunter controllers are on their way. I hope they're good!
I pre-ordered the classic edition for the Switch and the regular edition for the PS5! I was never good at RKA so I'm looking forward to the rewind feature and save states.
I understand everyone's annoyances with the company. It took 2.5 years for me to receive mine (ordered May 2019 and got it November 2021), but I feel it was worth the wait. I did use a Framemeister with scart hookups for years before my order and while I waited for it to arrive, so I was already in good shape.
My pros: I can have one system under my tv instead of many, which also means one input and one power cable. The emulation hasn't been an issue. I can use wireless controllers. The quick saves are awesome! The TV filters. Can take screenshots for saving high scores on games that don't keep it (like Streets of Rage). I can keep my games on my shelf reducing wear and tear. It outputs 1080p for all systems, so I don't have to buy upgrades for the rest of my retro systems. Cartridges copy instantly. Supports ssd. It supports burned discs. Super quick and slick UI. Custom background music (I'm using Starlight from Sonic). Free updates.
My cons: It scratched some of my discs. My only module (Genesis/32x) has tight pins, but I only have to put each game in once to copy. Disc game can take 10 minutes or so to copy, which takes a long time when you have hundreds of games to go through. There's only 2 usb ports and they're a little closer together, which means you can't use 2 8bitdo usb dongles at the same time (2 retrobit dongles fit). New company, so I'm unsure if the long-term reliability of the unit. The module is annoying to change out.
That is all I can think of right now for pros and cons. The product isn't for everyone. I feel only you could decide if it is right for you. $450 is a lot. I got mine when it was $300. I still feel $450 is worth it for me and what I want for my gaming setup.
I just got a notification my n64 module shipped, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm still waiting for my nes and snes modules as well as the light guns. I ordered a second unit for my brother almost 2 years ago. That is how much I like the product.
@Damo Thanks for all that you do on this site! It is a fun place to visit!
@Jimgamer8 I currently have a Framemeister, would you say the x5 is better than it? I've moved to hdmi for most of my consoles, but still use it for PS/2 (Scart), DC (Scart) and N64 (s-video).
@Edd-O I have their Gaiares release, but missed out on the Gleylancer one. I think they did the Toaplan releases as well. They (retro-bit) do great work with these releases! I did just preorder this one (Eliminate Down). Now I need to find that Gleylancer one...
I remember this coming out while I worked at an EB Games (before merging with GameStop). I don't think we sold a single one. I do still have some display cases for it though haha
Comments 72
Re: "Nobody Wants To Fund A New Racing Game" But Tokyo Xtreme Racer Is Off To A Flying Start On Steam
I really hope this comes to the PS5 in physical form! I still enjoy playing Tokyo Highway Battle, Highway 2000, and Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 from time to time.
Re: Sega Saturn Wireless Earphones And Wireless Charger Go On Sale In Japan
I bought their Mega Drive version (last year?) and they're good, but the cradle won't charge now, leaving the earbuds dead. I'm unsure how to open it
These do look neat, but I won't be buying them haha
Re: Revisit Sega's Groundbreaking Sega Channel Service With These Newly-Preserved Videos
@Bonggon5 I also had the Sega Channel for a bit. I don't remember much about it though. I did buy a complete Sega Channel adapter from a local store a few years back. I wish I could hook it up and use it haha
Re: 8BitMods Shows How You'll Manage Dreamcast Save Data On Its VMU Pro
@no_donatello I remember seeing Sega's MP3 player prototype in the Dreamcast Magazine and being excited for it, but it was never released. So, while I agree that having a VMU MP3 player today is pointless I'm still excited about it! haha
Re: This In-Car PS2 Entertainment System Is Giving Us Serious FOMO Vibes, 14 Years Too Late
I love stuff like this. It reminded me of the N64 controllers I'd see attached to tvs in hotel rooms. I always wanted to take that controller lol
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
I remember my brother driving us up to Toys'r'us to pick up our Dreamcast along with another controller, two VMUs, a Jump Pack, and about 5 games on launch day.
I'd later go on to have over 300 games including the entire North American catalog complete in box. I also had 2 fishing controllers, 3 mice, 4 keyboards, over a dozen VMUs/4x memory cards and controllers, 6 systems, 2 racing wheels, 3 light guns, 2 maracas, 2 dance pads, 2 arcade sticks, and lots of strategy guides, magazines and demo discs.
It was a favorite of mine for a very, very long time. Now, it seems that I might enjoy thinking of the era more than playing the games.
Edit: I did play the first stage of Sonic Adventure this morning in honor of the 25th anniversary.
Re: Feature: The Inside Story Behind Grand Theft Auto III's Japanese Release
I actually have a Japanese PS2 copy of GTA III, but didn't know it helped form CERO. It just makes it a little more special to me now haha
Re: I Just Reshelled My Dreamcast, And You Should Too
I reshelled my Dreamcast and Saturn 2 years ago. I did a blue top with the OG bottom on my Dreamcast. I like to think of it as a special edition Sonic Adventure Dreamcast haha. I just saw the linked site has PS2 shells. I might have to get one of those!
Re: 35 Years Ago, GTA And Lemmings Creator DMA Design Opened Its First Office
Whoa! They opened their doors the same day my wife was born! I was just playing GTA III yesterday next to her on the couch, too.
Re: Has Your SNES Pad Seen Better Days? Don't Worry, A Fix Is Coming
EBay is always a gamble! I pick stuff locally when possible.
Re: Has Your SNES Pad Seen Better Days? Don't Worry, A Fix Is Coming
@WaveBoy Thanks for the info! My NES and SNES pads are good because I use the ones that came with my classic consoles
Re: Has Your SNES Pad Seen Better Days? Don't Worry, A Fix Is Coming
I feel that membranes is something no aftermarket company ever thinks about, so I'm glad someone is! I had to swap in my OG membranes to my Retro-Bit Genesis and Saturn controllers for them to feel proper during gameplay.
Re: The Next Analogue Pocket Limited Edition Is Made From Aluminum, Costs $500
I wish they'd update the d-pad instead as it isn't quite as good as it should be imo.
Re: Random: Used Book Retailer Half Price Books Is Selling Zelda: Minish Cap For $400
I've only been to a HPB once. I picked up a near mint CIB GameGear for $40. I'm guessing it was about 10 years ago.
$400 is insane! I still have my OG copy I bought back when the game came out.
Re: Gallery: Retro-Bit's Eliminate Down Reissue Gives You A Rare Game Without The Eye-Watering Price
@gojiguy I missed out on the Gleylancer re-release, but I did find one at a local store without a markup. I hope you can find one!
Re: Gallery: Retro-Bit's Eliminate Down Reissue Gives You A Rare Game Without The Eye-Watering Price
Mine should arrive today! I have a decent repro, but am excited to have this official re-release!
Re: At $20, This Is The Cheapest HDMI Mod Yet - And It Works With PS2, Xbox And Dreamcast
@KitsuneNight That's cool that you also have an older tv that you use. I hope it works well into the future!
Re: At $20, This Is The Cheapest HDMI Mod Yet - And It Works With PS2, Xbox And Dreamcast
A problem I ran into with my older consoles that can output hdmi is that my TV (4k) doesn't do a great job of upscaling the image. I do have an old '07 Bravia LCD (720p) that I use for my son's Switch and the image looks great! Maybe I should take it back and gift him a new TV lol
Re: Google's Wildly Inaccurate Attempt To Celebrate Sonic Causes Complete Confusion
@Sketcz That is my thinking. We do trivia at work and once tried to make questions using AI, but it was giving incorrect information like the ones seen in these posts.
Re: Golden Axe Is Getting A 10-Episode Animated TV Series From Comedy Central
Who was asking for this? Out of curiosity I'd give it a watch, but I don't have access to Comedy Central.
Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry
I'll admit I've purchased some JP games, but either because it was an exclusive or because the US version was too expensive. I should note that my local retro stores sell JP games/systems cheap and I think it is because not a lot of people but them.
I just feel sad for those younger kids who will never have the experience of walking through a game store and picking up 5 good games for $40. No more "this looks interesting and is only $5" pick ups. I still have my copy of Duck Hunt with the price sticker on the back, which reads $0.29. It probably sells for $10 today even though most people don't have a CRT to play it. Oh well.
Re: Random: Crazy Taxi Fan Goes To Extreme Lengths To Ensure They've Got The Right Soundtrack
The DC version is my preferred version. I like the slowdown as I helps me haha
Re: The Making Of: Perfect Dark Zero And The Final Push To Hit Xbox 360's Launch
@Guru_Larry I can't recall anything specific like that, but it does sound right. In general the weapons were a step down from Perfect Dark.
Re: Outgoing PlayStation CEO Claims PS2 Has Sold 160 Million, Yet Some Don't Believe Him
I find it fascinating that the Switch is as close as it is when you consider it never had a price drop.
Re: Flashback: The Lost 32X Castlevania That Led To Symphony Of The Night
@KingMike I'm not a 32x expert, but I think 10-12 of those were made. I have some of them on the list.
Re: Polymega's N64 Module Sells Out, New Stock Coming In June
The N64 module has been very disappointing for me. I hope a software update will fix the issues in having. So far I've had acouple of problems such as the system rebooting each time I try a load a game (which requires a reset of the PM), audio issues if a game does load (resetting the game does fix this), but the main problem I have is that there seems to be a stutter of some kind (as if the game data is being loaded off a disc, like when the lazer moves to load in new data). I think this (or something else) is making some games unplayable like Banjo-Kazooie because it will unregister me holding the Z button for when I'm using the Talon Trot, which causes Kazooie to go back into her backpack and Banjo to squat down.
The NES and Sega modules are great. The SNES module has a lot of lag, which in hoping they can fix via an update.
Edit: In general I wish more wireless controllers were supported. For the N64 only my Retro Fighter Wireless Brawler64 is supported. I have the NSO N64 controller and 8Bitdos Wireless PCB replacement for my OG controller that can connect to RetroTime's N64 BlueRetro adapter, but neither one works. I prefer the OG trident controller, but will make due with the Brawler64.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
@Thomystic I used to have that as my homepage, but then I ended up spending way too much on games. I'm trying to stick to my budget this year. Thanks for the info though!
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
@Gamelore I have some of their larger items so I know what you mean. I only get those now for the games I absolutely love. I do agree the prices can be high, but I try to keep to the base versions. I also agree that RetroBit does a nice job with their retro releases. I picked up Gleylancer, Gaiares, and the Toaplan box set, which seemed underpriced after seeing the quality.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
@obijuankanoobie Ah, yeah, I've been there before. There are some I'll never get because I didn't know about it while it was open to pre-order. I do keep an eye on their site from time to time to see if there is anything coming up. They do sell on Amazon and Best Buy which is nice.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
I'm fine with Limited Run Games, but am curious to why so many don't like them. I've purchased over a dozen games from them over the years without issue. I know they're slow, but I guess I'm used to that.
Re: "Feels Like 2000 Again!" - Father Of Xbox Wades In On Microsoft's Multiplatform Hoo-Ha
I worry the "unique" hardware will be a local/cloud hybrid system. It just seems (to me) that Microsoft wants to hold all the power (digital only games) and become the Netflix of gaming (GamePass). I loved the OG Xbox and 360, but have been feeling uneasy with them with the One and Series as it seems they want digital to be the main way to play and 'own' games. I hope I'm wrong though.
Re: Bitmap Bureau Collection Includes Xeno Crisis, Battle Axe And Final Vendetta
I have all the of these physical, but I'll still pick this up haha
Maybe I'll give my brother my other copies...
Re: Best Gran Turismo Games, Ranked By You
@NewBond That's cool you got to see the Viaduct! It was weird because I was like, "I feel like I've been here, it is familiar somehow". Let me know once you have Deep Forest Raceway made so I can drive it! Haha
Re: Best Gran Turismo Games, Ranked By You
Seattle Circuit in GT2 was my favorite track. When I visited Seattle I recognized the area because I played that track so much. It was pretty cool that I recognized an area 20 years after seeing it in a game.
Re: Playmaji Gives Update On Polymega Light Gun, Base Unit, Module And Controller Pre-Orders
@Jimgamer8 Thanks for the reply. Sorry to hear that you have lag problems as well. I didn't notice any real issues with the CD based games or Genesis/32x games even with wireless controllers. I guess I'll keep my Super NT and OG N64s. I really hope the NES module doesn't have lag crosses fingers
Re: Playmaji Gives Update On Polymega Light Gun, Base Unit, Module And Controller Pre-Orders
I received the snes and n64 modules recently, but they've been a let down. The snes has a lot of lag and makes playing anything impossible. I tested it with multiple tvs, hdmi cables, and controllers. I don't know what the problem is. My Super NT works fine with all of the tested items.
The n64 has compatibility issues. I've only tested six games so far and three have problems. One wouldn't load at all, one has audio hiccups, and the last has graphical glitches.
Has anyone else had issues with lag?
Re: Review: Retro Fighters StrikerDC Wireless Pad - Cut The Cord On Dreamcast
I picked up the blue version and am pretty happy with it. I'm glad they didn't go with the two row 6 button design as I'm used to the original button layout.
Their Xbox Hunter controllers are on their way. I hope they're good!
Re: Insert Coin Has Added A Bunch Of New Sega Items To Its Store
I would have loved this 20 years ago. Also, it feels odd to see younger people wearing shirts for games that I grew up with.
Re: Here's A Brand New Trailer For Rocket Knight Adventures Re-Sparked Collection
I pre-ordered the classic edition for the Switch and the regular edition for the PS5! I was never good at RKA so I'm looking forward to the rewind feature and save states.
Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?
I understand everyone's annoyances with the company. It took 2.5 years for me to receive mine (ordered May 2019 and got it November 2021), but I feel it was worth the wait. I did use a Framemeister with scart hookups for years before my order and while I waited for it to arrive, so I was already in good shape.
My pros: I can have one system under my tv instead of many, which also means one input and one power cable. The emulation hasn't been an issue. I can use wireless controllers. The quick saves are awesome! The TV filters. Can take screenshots for saving high scores on games that don't keep it (like Streets of Rage). I can keep my games on my shelf reducing wear and tear. It outputs 1080p for all systems, so I don't have to buy upgrades for the rest of my retro systems. Cartridges copy instantly. Supports ssd. It supports burned discs. Super quick and slick UI. Custom background music (I'm using Starlight from Sonic). Free updates.
My cons: It scratched some of my discs. My only module (Genesis/32x) has tight pins, but I only have to put each game in once to copy. Disc game can take 10 minutes or so to copy, which takes a long time when you have hundreds of games to go through. There's
only 2 usb ports and they're a little closer together, which means you can't use 2 8bitdo usb dongles at the same time (2 retrobit dongles fit). New company, so I'm unsure if the long-term reliability of the unit. The module is annoying to change out.
That is all I can think of right now for pros and cons. The product isn't for everyone. I feel only you could decide if it is right for you. $450 is a lot. I got mine when it was $300. I still feel $450 is worth it for me and what I want for my gaming setup.
I just got a notification my n64 module shipped, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm still waiting for my nes and snes modules as well as the light guns. I ordered a second unit for my brother almost 2 years ago. That is how much I like the product.
@Damo Thanks for all that you do on this site! It is a fun place to visit!
Re: Review: RetroTINK 5X Pro - RetroTINK 4K's Cheaper Sibling Is Still Worth A Look
@Jimgamer8 Thanks for the info! I'll look into it on retrorgb.com.
Re: Review: RetroTINK 5X Pro - RetroTINK 4K's Cheaper Sibling Is Still Worth A Look
@Jimgamer8 I currently have a Framemeister, would you say the x5 is better than it? I've moved to hdmi for most of my consoles, but still use it for PS/2 (Scart), DC (Scart) and N64 (s-video).
Re: Sega Announces The Return Of Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, And More
I'm cautiously excited for these as I'm thinking they'll be more budget titles than anything. I could be wrong!
I would love for these to be part of a new Sega Ages line of games, like the 2500 series on the PS2. Sega, please don't have these be digital only!
Re: One Of The Mega Drive's Most Insanely Expensive Games Is Getting A Reissue
@Edd-O I have their Gaiares release, but missed out on the Gleylancer one. I think they did the Toaplan releases as well. They (retro-bit) do great work with these releases! I did just preorder this one (Eliminate Down). Now I need to find that Gleylancer one...
Re: One Of The Mega Drive's Most Insanely Expensive Games Is Getting A Reissue
I have a repro of this game, but would love to have this release instead. It was a great game! Shame it never came west...
Re: All Outstanding Polymega Pre-Orders Will Ship This Year, Says Playmaji
I did receive my email confirmation yesterday. I hope these ship soon for everyone!
Re: Anniversary: Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Turns 20 Today
This is probably my favorite Mario Kart! I didn't know a lot of people didn't like it
I still have mine I bought 20 years ago with the bonus disc. I'm glad the game and the GameCube are getting more respect these days!
Re: Review: EON XBHD HD Adapter For Xbox - Bring Your OG Console Into The Modern Age
@HammerKirby I have that adapter for my Xbox and love it!
Re: Tomb Raider Gold Finally Comes To The Sega Saturn
I'm not a fan of Tomb Raider, but I love it when fans do things like this.
Re: Anniversary: Nokia's N-Gage Turns 20 Today
I remember this coming out while I worked at an EB Games (before merging with GameStop). I don't think we sold a single one. I do still have some display cases for it though haha