Comments 14

Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation


@avcrypt I will have to disagree but agree that it does come down to the wisdom of a developer. A just ok developer could have the best of the best to work with but will be limited by their knowledge.

Anyway, FPGA compared to software is like ASM when compared to C or BASIC languages. It's the lowest level and its development relies on the knowledge of the developer. The more experienced developer will develop more accurate and optimized code when working with the lowest level of technology.

I'm not going to argue this topic any further as this my belief from my own experience. But to each their own.

Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation


As an old school programmer...

Software emulation has to focus on multiple issues that arise for different games and write code that resolves those issues. Many issues can arise.

Hardware emulation (FPGA) just has to focus on programming the hardware and that's it. If the developer does an accurate job at programming the hardware, all games work! No need to create fixes per game.

Software emulation is guess work as there is nothing to measure. Just analyzed by what the developer thinks they see or how they think it should behave.

FPGA measures the signals of the hardware and replicates those readings for the FPGA. So yes, more accurate.

Sorry but the "software engineer" Eli Lipsitz has no idea what he is talking about.

If anyone has tried to write emulation for the audio chip in a Tandy 1000 (Texas Instruments SN76489) knows that its audio is effected by the power supply voltage. Rough to do via software emulation and usually not that accurate. Hardware behavior is best to test and program for any system.

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


I'm all for anti-piracy but when you purchase a product, be it a game or not, you can do with it as you wish. For instance... If I purchase a TV, I can paint it, break it, sell it in a yard sell, etc. So if I purchase a game, I should be able to play it how ever I wish. Even if on another console or via emulation. Now for those who don't own the game, be it physical or digital, that is theft.