Comments 10

Re: Anniversary: WarioWare Is Now 20 Years Old


I hadn’t touched the series outside of playing the demo for WarioWare Gold on 3ds. This was one of the launch titles that came with the GBA for NSO. That is when I started with WarioWare Inc, only last month. That game is super fun and addictive. It still holds up well and surprises you with very good graphics time and again, some of them not thought possible on the GBA like a realistic banana. Can’t recommend this enough for those who have the NSO expansion pack. Give it a whirl!

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


@UK_Kev A fair complaint. I personally use the switch online version of select genesis games for the rewind features and suspend point, which is basically saving a certain point of the game. It helps a ton for when I play Sonic 2. Getting the Chaos Emeralds in the bonus levels without failing the ring requirement is a pain.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


The dreamcast had a pretty solid lineup, with both Sonic Adventures headlining the library. But no Sega console was as successful or as popular, and just awesome in general, as the Sega genesis. No wonder Sega ports genesis titles to modern consoles and even smartphones whenever possible. This put Sega on the map. Made Nintendo go on high alert for the first time. Sonic 1,2,3 and knuckles. Golden Axe 1 and 2. Gunstar and the numerous Phantasy Stars. Ristar (damn that’s a lotta stars). Streets of Rage 1 and 2. Shining Force. Fantasy Zone. So many good ones, and I’m probably forgetting a lot more than that.

Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time


Still furious that I forgot to pick up Shadow Dragon And The Blade Of Light on the switch eshop a few years back. It was a limited run, three months I think? This is a really good list, and I should probably finish the games on here that I do own at some point, like Earthbound.