

Anything Playstation. Or Nintendo!

Comments 3

Re: Full Atari 400 Mini Game List Revealed


Firstly, it's miner 2049er, as in the song, miner 49er. Not 'ier'
Secondly, isn't it Flip and Flop, the kangaroo etc? Sure it's not flap.

I am a die hard Atari guy. I still have my 400, my 600xl, my 410 and a few 1060's, all.boxed and ready to use. Apparently it's nice and easy to use a satellite in connection on the TV to push the weird RF cable the original 400 uses.

Even given that I have the original stuff, and a mad amount of games, I'll probably pick 'the 400' up as it's awesome looking.

I must admit though, I will have to look up some of those 'classic' games that we are meant to know about. Maybe they are.marvellous and I missed them at the time. Or maybe they are just filler. The 400 games list really should have included Necromancer, Rainbow Walker, and Alley cat.. (see YouTube if you don't know they are)

Also, crystal castles is awful without a track ball..