@RetroMasters Me and many others then. Emulation and a moded N64 console are by far the superior way to play N64 games. The MiSTer core looks amazing on a good 1440p IPS Monitor.
@Honkshot If you mean me I'm not trolling. I'm just merely pointing out the N64 suffered in the Graphics department which takes nothing away from what it did at the time or the fun people got out of it... with its handful of decent games.
I will say though all the consoles of the time had bad graphics the N64 tried to hide it behind filtering, dithering on Crt tv's but just made it look like soup. On new panel displays its meagre resolution makes i look even worse and why there are some many video mods and filters for emulation.
You're not going to change the place N64 has 100% rightfully earned in the anals of history by harping on about some meaningless technophile drivel video output quality topic decades after any of these fifth generation consoles were relevant.
N64 is firmly recognised as one of the most important and impacting video game consoles of all time, with a truly revolutionary controller and some of the most critically acclaimed and defining video games ever made--and rigthfully so.
The N64 alongside PlayStation marked one of the most important paradigm shift moments in all of gaming--those are the two systems of that era that in so many relevant ways truly allowed it to be as such--and that's just how it is.
There are consoles, and there are THEE consoles--and N64 is one of THEE consoles.
@Pillowpants To be honest I'm not a big fan of Zelda games more so the later games after the original. Everyone I knew had the Master System the NES didn't really make a dent, so I didn't play anything on the NES until years later and for me Golden Axe Warrior was by far the best game of the genre.
@Pillowpants You can say that about each generation of console or computer: as gaming technology advances, so does the quality of things like graphics. Compare ZX Spectrum games to the N64, and yes, the ZX graphics have aged like milk. The N64, Saturn, and PSX were the first truly 3D capable consoles, and developers got as much out of them as they could. However, the issue with the N64 was how it outputted video. The combination of screen resolution, low res textures, and the filtering and smoothing effects just made the visuals look terrible. This is why the system has had so many video mods created for it, and why emulation which I consider the best way to enjoy these games down to having so much time and effort put into video enhancements and texture packs.
As for Ocarina of time it really did set the bar for future games of its type and had an excellent story line. Basing how great a game is just off graphics just doesn't wash, I would rather have a game with a great story line and gameplay that keeps me engaged and coming back.
@RetroGames You don't have too, but it's true nonetheless. That's why there are so many video mods for the system and why emulation is the best way to play and enjoy the games. Emulation is the de facto way to play the games if you want a better image on a CRT and how to play them on a flat panel with CRT filters
@UtopiaNemo Cleaner models, less popping in and out of walls and the floor, atmosphere and lighting, Texture clipping was reduced, and the controls were a lot better.
Looked a lot nice on my huge TV i had at the time, too.
It was a little more than just "32X bad" coming from Japan. There was a full-blown war between Sega of Japan and Sega of America. That ultimately lead to the downfall of Sega.
Sega dropped the ball and didn't see Sony coming out of left field and had to jury-rig the original design of the Saturn and the rest is history. Sega got too big for the boots and high on their own farts.
Had the PS1 version, but preferred it on the Saturn. Great game either way, with the PS1 version being slightly better. Yet again the Saturn being a pig to develop for gave us a subpar version, with more time though it could have easily been just as good as the PS1 version.
The Saturn is still more powerful than the PS1. I agree the PS1 did better than the Saturn and that the Dreamcast was a dead duck at release. I even understand why and accept it, and I've never said anything to the contrary.
I owned both the Saturn and PSX and enjoyed them both, and know both of the system's failings and their achievements.
You're so blinded by fanboy rage, you keep on wittering on about the same things which have no relevance to the Power of the Saturn and how it's more powerful than the PS1. This article will Iive rent-free in your head for a long time to come.
Keep on raging, You've shown you're a fanboy, and the smell of urine boiling stings the eye's. So I'll take my leave, my job is done here, lol.
@RetroGames And there we have it, You finally came out as being a bitter PSX fanboy.
As they say, the truth hurts, and you're boiling urine by the pint.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, but who cares, the PS and Saturn are now in the past and everyone can enjoy them with emulation and FPGA.
This was exactly my point the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1 but PS1 Fanboys won't except it and start throwing pointless things like sales figures, Game library around to one up the fact the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1(did I mention that already...)
But this, But that, but the other. The Saturn is still more powerful than the PS1. The levels of PS fanboying here is staggering...
This article as created some of the best fanboy mental gymnastics i've ever seen. Just because someone who actually developed for the system and knows his eggs when it comes to the Saturn and PS1 said the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1.
The thing that's made me laugh was I was called a Saturn fanboy, and I was raging… lol because I pointed out the fact of… you guessed it... the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, I just stated the fact that the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1.
The Saturn had dual Hitachi SH-2 32-bit processors running at 28.6 MHz. Two GPU's VDP1 that worked together, one for sprites and poly's and one for backgrounds.
The PS1 had a single 32-bit RISC @40mhz(sometimes) processor and One GPU that had to manage everything.
Thanks for amusing me and proving how a single comment can induce epic(I'm off to play some Pinball now) levels of fanboying by the PS1 fans.
The Saturn is still more powerful than the PS1.... it was however a pig to develop for, but that takes nothing away from the fact of how powerful it was.
@KitsuneNight I'm not a fanboy, though The PSX was the better console in most regards. But that's nothing to do with how powerful the Saturn is. You might see through all this "but the PSX is better than the Saturn" and realise the Saturn is the more powerful console.
I've been playing Gran turismo 1 most of the morning and really enjoying it as I always do, It was the best game of its type and of the time and better than anything Sega had on the Saturn.
Later I might play some PDS on the Saturn because it was the best RPG of its type and of the time and better than anything Sony had on the PS1.
Both of these games show what could be achieved on their respective system, even though the PS1 was less powerful than the Sega Saturn and the Sega Saturn was more powerful than the PS1. Which goes to show what developers could do without the time constraints placed on them and know how in front of them.
The Sega Saturn was more powerful than the PS1 however...
@UtopiaNemo Prove you wrong? No, people will say and believe what they want. I know, I'm not trolling. I'm saying the same thing over and over again because that's a fact people like you can't seem to grasp. You and whatshisname don't want discourse, you want to keep avoiding and arguing the truth.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, T-h-a-t-s i-t
@UtopiaNemo The evidence is there, Jez said it. Others have said it before and will say it after. The facts are easy to find.
Are you really using the Troll label because I won't engage in pointless word salad like "The PS1 had more games" etc?
The point of this article is that Jez said the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1, and people for some reason went on the offensive with "the PS1 has more games" and the like.
If you can't grasp the point of The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, and I'm stating that fact without arguing with you, that's on you.
@RetroGames Facts are facts. The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, It's not hard to see, you just need to look at the specs. I just don't get why people are trying to make this more than it is and keep using excuses based on Games library, development issues etc.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
Jez said what's been said before by others.
Blows my mind sometimes the lengths people will go to and point-blank say white is black...
@RetroGames The article is about how the Saturn is the most powerful, that's it. All the chatter about games library, development issues etc is irrelevant.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
@RetroGames It's there in black and white from Jez, other industry names have said the same. People can keep turning over old ground and mouthing excuses, but facts are facts. The Saturn was more powerful.
Check out the homebrew scene, there's plenty of proof the Saturn is really more capable than was seen back in the day and is more powerful than the PS1.
Like it or not, the Saturn is the more powerful system.
The point is the Saturn was always more powerful than the PS1, most people knew this and no matter how many PS1 fanboys argue "Yeah but the PS1 was easier to develop for, Yeah but the PS1 had more games, Yeah but the Saturn was a mess of chips" and on and on an Ariston won't change the simple fact that the Saturn was a more powerful machine. Granted it was a pig to develop for but with time and effort it was a beast and capable of so much more than it achieved. If things had of been different i.e easier to develop for and it got more investment from developers it would have crushed the PS1.
Unfortunately it is what it it is but the Saturn still went toe to toe with the PS1 and sometimes came off better.
@KitsuneNight You mean harder to develop for. So no, it wasn't just that. This can be seen in the homebrew scene now. The problem was because the Saturn was a pain in the arse to develop for and time was an issue back then, developers couldn't get the best of the hardware in the time they were given.
The Saturn was more powerful than the PSX, and Jez isn't the only one to say it.
It is unnecessary which costs money, time and takes up space, but if people get something from it they should knock themselves out. Personally i have no need for the tappy thingy-ma-jingy and even less a CD addon doody-whatsit and the money im no spending on it will go into something i do have a use for and something that gives me enjoyment.
@Damo I do indeed and there's nothing wrong with it, I agree with you. However there's an issue when people like Pramod try to twist the truth and make out hes not using DRM when everyone knows he is. Whilst making out like jotego is wrong for it.
The big difference is Jotego has followers that support him and his team because they do good work and they put the money back into their work which helps the community thrive.
It's going to suck they always do. I'll watch it when i can download it and by watch it probably flick through it but it being anything other than bargain bin like i doubt it.
Comments 55
Re: Trump's Tariffs Have "Changed Everything" For Makers Of Essential Retro Gaming Gear
Well things like the Tink gear are vastly overpriced so there's always room for price cuts to keep the price the same.
Re: The $160 Modular Mecha Comet Is Giving Us 'DIY Game Boy' Vibes
For the same price or a little bit more there are far better handhelds with bigger screens, keyboards and functionality.
Re: Modder Behind The Custom Sega Neptune Might Make The SNES PlayStation A Reality
@Damo That depends on the price and availability. If it's not stupidly overpriced and there's a big enough community and enough units sold, maybe.
Re: Modder Behind The Custom Sega Neptune Might Make The SNES PlayStation A Reality
With new games developed for the system?
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroMasters Me and many others then. Emulation and a moded N64 console are by far the superior way to play N64 games. The MiSTer core looks amazing on a good 1440p IPS Monitor.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
What are you using custard or cheese ?
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroGames You fill your boots sunshine.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@Honkshot If you mean me I'm not trolling. I'm just merely pointing out the N64 suffered in the Graphics department which takes nothing away from what it did at the time or the fun people got out of it... with its handful of decent games.
I will say though all the consoles of the time had bad graphics the N64 tried to hide it behind filtering, dithering on Crt tv's but just made it look like soup. On new panel displays its meagre resolution makes i look even worse and why there are some many video mods and filters for emulation.
Along the way It's nice to have some bants...
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
Thee Console with the most Video mods to get half a decent picture out of it.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroGames I don't see it as a job but more of a service routing out and cleaning up disinformation spread by fanboys and destroying them...
No thanks are needed, but be ever vigilant for the scourge that is the fanboy.
Taxi!.... 'To the closest kebab shop squire and don't spare the horses'
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroGames haha. Another one!
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroGames lol
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
RetroGames said:
@Fanboy_Destroyer Dude, you're too transparent. Just get an Analogue 3D or whatever, deal with the situation, and move on:
You're not going to change the place N64 has 100% rightfully earned in the anals of history by harping on about some meaningless technophile drivel video output quality topic decades after any of these fifth generation consoles were relevant.
N64 is firmly recognised as one of the most important and impacting video game consoles of all time, with a truly revolutionary controller and some of the most critically acclaimed and defining video games ever made--and rigthfully so.
The N64 alongside PlayStation marked one of the most important paradigm shift moments in all of gaming--those are the two systems of that era that in so many relevant ways truly allowed it to be as such--and that's just how it is.
There are consoles, and there are THEE consoles--and N64 is one of THEE consoles.
Tue 17th 14:32"
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroGames I'm transparent?
I don't need an Analogue I have a N64 hooked up to a CRT.
If it's meaningless why do so many people buy the video mods and people put so much time into texture packs for the Emulation?
I'm not saying the N64 wasn't an important console but nonetheless video output was utter garbage.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@Pillowpants To be honest I'm not a big fan of Zelda games more so the later games after the original. Everyone I knew had the Master System the NES didn't really make a dent, so I didn't play anything on the NES until years later and for me Golden Axe Warrior was by far the best game of the genre.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@Pillowpants You can say that about each generation of console or computer: as gaming technology advances, so does the quality of things like graphics. Compare ZX Spectrum games to the N64, and yes, the ZX graphics have aged like milk. The N64, Saturn, and PSX were the first truly 3D capable consoles, and developers got as much out of them as they could. However, the issue with the N64 was how it outputted video. The combination of screen resolution, low res textures, and the filtering and smoothing effects just made the visuals look terrible. This is why the system has had so many video mods created for it, and why emulation which I consider the best way to enjoy these games down to having so much time and effort put into video enhancements and texture packs.
As for Ocarina of time it really did set the bar for future games of its type and had an excellent story line. Basing how great a game is just off graphics just doesn't wash, I would rather have a game with a great story line and gameplay that keeps me engaged and coming back.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@RetroGames You don't have too, but it's true nonetheless. That's why there are so many video mods for the system and why emulation is the best way to play and enjoy the games. Emulation is the de facto way to play the games if you want a better image on a CRT and how to play them on a flat panel with CRT filters
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
Regardless of that extra memory being utilised all N64 games would still look pants on a TV screen.
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
Wants it to be as cheap as possible and creates a closed system like he did with the original console which will mean more expense.
People will be better off buying a R2 or QMTech they're both cheaper and have a bigger more active community.
The case is hideous yet again and has a huge foot print.
Re: "I Wanted It On PlayStation... They Signed To Saturn" - Ex-Sony Boss Reveals Tomb Raider "Jealousy"
@UtopiaNemo Cleaner models, less popping in and out of walls and the floor, atmosphere and lighting, Texture clipping was reduced, and the controls were a lot better.
Looked a lot nice on my huge TV i had at the time, too.
Re: Don't Forget The Sega 32X Turns 30 This Year, Too
It was a little more than just "32X bad" coming from Japan. There was a full-blown war between Sega of Japan and Sega of America. That ultimately lead to the downfall of Sega.
Sega dropped the ball and didn't see Sony coming out of left field and had to jury-rig the original design of the Saturn and the rest is history. Sega got too big for the boots and high on their own farts.
Re: "I Wanted It On PlayStation... They Signed To Saturn" - Ex-Sony Boss Reveals Tomb Raider "Jealousy"
Had the PS1 version, but preferred it on the Saturn. Great game either way, with the PS1 version being slightly better. Yet again the Saturn being a pig to develop for gave us a subpar version, with more time though it could have easily been just as good as the PS1 version.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
The Saturn is still more powerful than the PS1.
I agree the PS1 did better than the Saturn and that the Dreamcast was a dead duck at release. I even understand why and accept it, and I've never said anything to the contrary.
I owned both the Saturn and PSX and enjoyed them both, and know both of the system's failings and their achievements.
You're so blinded by fanboy rage, you keep on wittering on about the same things which have no relevance to the Power of the Saturn and how it's more powerful than the PS1. This article will Iive rent-free in your head for a long time to come.
Keep on raging, You've shown you're a fanboy, and the smell of urine boiling stings the eye's. So I'll take my leave, my job is done here, lol.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight So why do you keep running around the houses talking about everything but the point of the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1?
If Jez says the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1 by a margin but suffered because of the development issues, I would take his word.
Lol, Not a fanboy my proverbial...
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@RetroGames And there we have it, You finally came out as being a bitter PSX fanboy.
As they say, the truth hurts, and you're boiling urine by the pint.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, but who cares, the PS and Saturn are now in the past and everyone can enjoy them with emulation and FPGA.
This was exactly my point the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1 but PS1 Fanboys won't except it and start throwing pointless things like sales figures, Game library around to one up the fact the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1(did I mention that already...)
Lol, Cope!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
But this, But that, but the other. The Saturn is still more powerful than the PS1. The levels of PS fanboying here is staggering...
This article as created some of the best fanboy mental gymnastics i've ever seen. Just because someone who actually developed for the system and knows his eggs when it comes to the Saturn and PS1 said the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1.
The thing that's made me laugh was I was called a Saturn fanboy, and I was raging… lol because I pointed out the fact of… you guessed it... the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, I just stated the fact that the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1.
The Saturn had dual Hitachi SH-2 32-bit processors running at 28.6 MHz. Two GPU's VDP1 that worked together, one for sprites and poly's and one for backgrounds.
The PS1 had a single 32-bit RISC @40mhz(sometimes) processor and One GPU that had to manage everything.
Thanks for amusing me and proving how a single comment can induce epic(I'm off to play some Pinball now) levels of fanboying by the PS1 fans.
The Saturn is still more powerful than the PS1.... it was however a pig to develop for, but that takes nothing away from the fact of how powerful it was.
Thanks for the fish!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight Rude!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight I'm not a fanboy, though The PSX was the better console in most regards. But that's nothing to do with how powerful the Saturn is. You might see through all this "but the PSX is better than the Saturn" and realise the Saturn is the more powerful console.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@city952 It's not about better graphics, it's about power... Your getting mixed up.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@city952 So what you just said in a roundabout way is the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@avcrypt so what you're saying is the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1. You didn't have to belate it...
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@city952 That's not the point, though. The point is, the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1.
Regarding your point, though, STOP talking bubbles...
Now behave and go play some PSX games. Like Tony The Tiger would say... They're grrrrrreat!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
I've been playing Gran turismo 1 most of the morning and really enjoying it as I always do, It was the best game of its type and of the time and better than anything Sega had on the Saturn.
Later I might play some PDS on the Saturn because it was the best RPG of its type and of the time and better than anything Sony had on the PS1.
Both of these games show what could be achieved on their respective system, even though the PS1 was less powerful than the Sega Saturn and the Sega Saturn was more powerful than the PS1. Which goes to show what developers could do without the time constraints placed on them and know how in front of them.
The Sega Saturn was more powerful than the PS1 however...
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@UtopiaNemo Prove you wrong? No, people will say and believe what they want. I know, I'm not trolling. I'm saying the same thing over and over again because that's a fact people like you can't seem to grasp. You and whatshisname don't want discourse, you want to keep avoiding and arguing the truth.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, T-h-a-t-s i-t
Deal with it.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@UtopiaNemo The evidence is there, Jez said it. Others have said it before and will say it after. The facts are easy to find.
Are you really using the Troll label because I won't engage in pointless word salad like "The PS1 had more games" etc?
The point of this article is that Jez said the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1, and people for some reason went on the offensive with "the PS1 has more games" and the like.
If you can't grasp the point of The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, and I'm stating that fact without arguing with you, that's on you.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight that's a silly response, but you do you, The PS1 is not as powerful as the Sega Saturn.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight I won't argue with you m8 when the fact is the Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. Thats it!
It really is that simple. If you want to get eaten up over it you do you.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight pointless post. The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
A bus just passed me, and it was red, The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
The guy in front of me is wearing shoes, The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
The PS1 had more games than the Saturn, but the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight Simple... The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1 is true, thats it!.
Everything else is irrelevant
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@RetroGames Facts are facts. The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1, It's not hard to see, you just need to look at the specs.
I just don't get why people are trying to make this more than it is and keep using excuses based on Games library, development issues etc.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
Jez said what's been said before by others.
Blows my mind sometimes the lengths people will go to and point-blank say white is black...
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@UtopiaNemo It's the more powerful system that's it. Your points are irrelevant. The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@RetroGames The article is about how the Saturn is the most powerful, that's it. All the chatter about games library, development issues etc is irrelevant.
The Saturn is more powerful than the PS1. That's it!
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@RetroGames It's there in black and white from Jez, other industry names have said the same. People can keep turning over old ground and mouthing excuses, but facts are facts. The Saturn was more powerful.
Check out the homebrew scene, there's plenty of proof the Saturn is really more capable than was seen back in the day and is more powerful than the PS1.
Like it or not, the Saturn is the more powerful system.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
The point is the Saturn was always more powerful than the PS1, most people knew this and no matter how many PS1 fanboys argue "Yeah but the PS1 was easier to develop for, Yeah but the PS1 had more games, Yeah but the Saturn was a mess of chips" and on and on an Ariston won't change the simple fact that the Saturn was a more powerful machine. Granted it was a pig to develop for but with time and effort it was a beast and capable of so much more than it achieved. If things had of been different i.e easier to develop for and it got more investment from developers it would have crushed the PS1.
Unfortunately it is what it it is but the Saturn still went toe to toe with the PS1 and sometimes came off better.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
@KitsuneNight You mean harder to develop for. So no, it wasn't just that. This can be seen in the homebrew scene now. The problem was because the Saturn was a pain in the arse to develop for and time was an issue back then, developers couldn't get the best of the hardware in the time they were given.
The Saturn was more powerful than the PSX, and Jez isn't the only one to say it.
Re: Genesis JRPG Traysia Is Getting A New Physical Release In 2025
One of the worst JRPG's getting a re-release at a stupid price. Well, colour me surprised…
"Telenet's Genesis JRPG Traysia (known as Minato no Traysia in Japan) isn't renowned as one of the best examples of the genre, but it has its fans"
You're better than this, The game was utter *****, One review giving it 2 out of 10.
Re: MiSTer FPGA's Next Trick? Launching Games From CD
It is unnecessary which costs money, time and takes up space, but if people get something from it they should knock themselves out.
Personally i have no need for the tappy thingy-ma-jingy and even less a CD addon doody-whatsit and the money im no spending on it will go into something i do have a use for and something that gives me enjoyment.
Re: Interview: "Creating Cores Isn't Profitable" - Pr4m0d On The Challenges Of FPGA Retro Gaming
@Damo I do indeed and there's nothing wrong with it, I agree with you. However there's an issue when people like Pramod try to twist the truth and make out hes not using DRM when everyone knows he is. Whilst making out like jotego is wrong for it.
The big difference is Jotego has followers that support him and his team because they do good work and they put the money back into their work which helps the community thrive.
Re: Interview: "Creating Cores Isn't Profitable" - Pr4m0d On The Challenges Of FPGA Retro Gaming
Maybe not in it for the money but likes to attack good people doing good work and throwing tantrums when he get's shown his arse.
Implementing DRM and has a Patreon, So he is in it for the money but doesn't have the following to make any.
Re: Interview: Jason Bradbury Talks 'Crtl AI Delete', A Comedic Take On The AI Apocalypse
It's going to suck they always do. I'll watch it when i can download it and by watch it probably flick through it but it being anything other than bargain bin like i doubt it.