Comments 1

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


@Uncharted2007 Granted I played nintendo almost my whole life (mostly because thats what my family would buy for the house)my dad even bought me a brand new virtual boy when it came out for my birthday. But I also owned a game gear just because my family knew I loved playing games in general and I remember thinking when I first played it WHY isn't everyone buying this and playing it?!? Although I loved my game boy I was blown away with the game gear and still think it is waay underrated. Also I do think that MAINSTREAM video gaming "history" is honestly rather nintendo heavy but for the gamers who started out playing games on an old old macintosh or in the arcades know the real history we just gotta put down our paddles long enough to share our views with the world lol haha