Comments 4

Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb


@Scarmucci No resemblance? Dude, the final fantasy games don't even half resemble each other. Just about every game has dipped in everything. From medieval, to sci-fi to modern.

There is no set defining pattern for these games. The theme itself is Fantasy. Fantasy can take place in any setting, including sci-fi which games like FF7 and 8 use.

The rules of fantasy arent limited to swords and wizards. Spirits within is pure fantasy with heavy sci-fi.

Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good


@SonOfDracula No one forces anyone to do anything, however that doesn't mean we should be excluded from calling out bad things when it comes it our hobbies.

DnD is a hobby no one is forced to play, yet that community banned together to call out they deemed is poison to their hobby.

If you want to live in a world defending bad practices simply because of the idea you aren't forced to participate then so be it. However it's not your place to be condescending to others who feel different and upset.