But then the Ys series and Tales series don't count as jrpgs either. There's no hard and fast definition of what constitutes a JRPG.
There's also not really a particular good way of defining an RPG in general, some say it's where stats determine victory rather than player skill. But that leads to weird scenarios like Fallout 3 being classed as an RPG and New Vegas being classed as a action game. When you break it down should a genre be defined by how good the dodge button is.
I personally don't think so. If someone asks me to recommend a good jrpg on the DS. The first game that pops in my head is The World Ends With You. It's not turn based, but does it matter, it ticks every other jrpg box.
What a coincidence. I downloaded this on Friday. I've been trying to fill out my Wii U collection before the March closure point.
From what I've played it's really fun. It's also a good game for SHMUP amateurs like myself. It doesn't kick you in the teeth straight away. If anyone has any must buys on the Wii U before it's last hurrah let me know.
Comments 3
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
But then the Ys series and Tales series don't count as jrpgs either. There's no hard and fast definition of what constitutes a JRPG.
There's also not really a particular good way of defining an RPG in general, some say it's where stats determine victory rather than player skill. But that leads to weird scenarios like Fallout 3 being classed as an RPG and New Vegas being classed as a action game. When you break it down should a genre be defined by how good the dodge button is.
I personally don't think so. If someone asks me to recommend a good jrpg on the DS. The first game that pops in my head is The World Ends With You. It's not turn based, but does it matter, it ticks every other jrpg box.
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
Personally I'd take out
OG Final Fantasy
Breath of Fire 2
Tales of Symphonia
Secret of Mana
Golden Sun
Swap them for
Breath of Fire IV
Trials of Mana
Lost Odyssey
Re: CIBSunday: Soldier Blade (PC Engine)
What a coincidence. I downloaded this on Friday. I've been trying to fill out my Wii U collection before the March closure point.
From what I've played it's really fun. It's also a good game for SHMUP amateurs like myself. It doesn't kick you in the teeth straight away. If anyone has any must buys on the Wii U before it's last hurrah let me know.