@DeciderVT A UI can be both uncluttered and appealing at the same time. The UI doesn't have to look like the controller for a piece of industrial equipment to be functional and clean.
I'm interested in things like this, for sure, but there usually ends up being some caveat that turns me off. If this is sold as an all-in-one that's a huge step up from having to hunt for and buy bespoke parts for a traditional mister, especially now that most of them are old and hard to find at non-insane prices.
@slider1983 Honestly Saturn emulation has progressed to the point that neither will give you a bad time. The situation is worlds less dire than it was five or ten years ago.
@Kingbaard If you play fighters, why in the world would you not instead use one of the multiple amazing arcade sticks available? I'm a bigtime FGC fan, I play SF6 and GG:Strive more than is healthy. If you're serious about fighters then no pad is in contention at all.
The lack of gameplay, even screenshots, is weird. To announce something like this with some some sketches and character art seems like it's way early. Still, they're fun games, a mainstay on my mame cabinet. I won't say I'm looking forward to it, but when it comes out and I remember this exists I'll probably buy it.
@-wc- As someone that bought one with Nights into Dreams, it's not really anything special, lol. The stick is just okay and the ergonomics of the controller are terrible. It was and still is a novelty.
A mid translation patch you can download and play now is better than a perfect translation that'll never come out. I understand the frustrating to having your work released when you feel it's not ready, but I'm getting the feeling that they'll never feel it's ready.
If you mean "Nostalgia, but as a negative emotion rather than a positive one", then yes of course. There are plenty of games/media that I didn't like when they were new and thus will have a loaded opinion of now, even if any remakes end up being great. I have zero interested in this Power Battles game for the same reason you do.
My one and only Croc memory is getting frustrated at the controls in the PSX game and then taking it out to play Twisted Metal 2 for the hundredth time.
What's different? The semi-clear plastic? There are tons of options for semi-clear plastic in these handhelds. Come on, guys. If there's nothing to post about, it's okay to just not post. This is schlock. It looks like an ad.
I'll pass. If the games could be downloaded and run locally it could be a fun Retro Game Pass, but it makes no sense to stream these old games. The hardware could easily run them. Why streaming?
Eh, it is what it is. Most of these consoles, if they had made it into the hands of retro enthusiasts, would have ended up with mods and or ODEs installed anyway. The end result is still that a real console is in the hands of a real person who wants to play it. This is mountain-out-of-a-molehill territory.
Bugs happen, and it seems to have been handled well. Digital players get an updated game right away, and the physical enjoyers just suffer a small delay. Not ideal that the bug happened, but the response is as good as could be expected.
I really hate how every site is a "community" now, because it seems like the only things that happen in "communities" are people starting drama and being vile.
Looks great. I'm not a huge fan of Android handhelds, but it looks to be a good series of devices. At these prices, though, you may as well save a bit and get a Steam Deck.
Looks cool, though I'm not sure who the market really is. Homebrew developers would surely want to invest in a nicer cart with more features, and if you're a homebrew game seller you can get programmable boards much cheaper. I guess it's cheaper than getting one of those boards and the programmer to go with it, but I'm still not super sure who would buy this. At this point if you're someone who loves to play on real hardware you're probably the kind of person who is willing to spring for the best.
It's not that great of a game, sadly. I have it on my mame cabinet and tried to get into it, but the mechanics are just not solid. It's fun to play with so many characters, and the art is good, but the gameplay is lacking.
I'm very impressed, but without the "Can Actually See Things" mode from the updated ports, it's not really going to see much play from me. I like Doom 64, but the original's visuals are so dark and muddy that it impedes actually being able to navigate the levels. The newer ports are so much more enjoyable even if you set all of their other improvements aside.
Wake me up when there's a picture of the actual thing, rather than Tinder-esque ultra-zoomed shots of tiny parts of it. I'm interested in the product, but I'm not going to ooh and aah over pictures of rendered buttons.
Looks good. I feel like there was a brief time where there were a bunch of these arcade racing games on the way, but none of them really materialized. I look forward to throwing this on the Steam Deck, or PS5.
If this video was your kind of thing, then man are you in for a treat when you go through Tito's back catalogue. The channel is all killer no filler. One of the greats.
I always thought the ending was great because the gun made D. Mob look like a monster. I mean he already was but up to that point it was a game about people posturing and punching each other, and he straight up pulled out a gun. It was an "over the line" moment that made fighting him really tense and climactic. It was a genius ending.
Comments 34
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
@DeciderVT A UI can be both uncluttered and appealing at the same time. The UI doesn't have to look like the controller for a piece of industrial equipment to be functional and clean.
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
I really hope the UI is better than the mister UI. I don't know why people seem to latch onto it so much. It's awful. It looks and works like a ti-83.
Re: For $275, You Can Have A PSP In Home Console Form
@pixeljones It's trivially easy to rip your games to the memory stick and run them from there. The loading times are much improved.
Re: "The Wildest Interview I Have Ever Conducted" - The SuperSega Saga Just Keeps Getting Better
What a guy. Absolute legend. This whole thing has been a real saga.
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
@hste Buy the FPGA, buy the ram module, buy the io board(s), buy the case. Or buy a kit from a reseller that is very expensive.
Buy the product.
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
I'm interested in things like this, for sure, but there usually ends up being some caveat that turns me off. If this is sold as an all-in-one that's a huge step up from having to hunt for and buy bespoke parts for a traditional mister, especially now that most of them are old and hard to find at non-insane prices.
Re: To Celebrate 30 Years Of Saturn, A New Version Of Yaba Sanshiro Is Coming To Windows PCs
@slider1983 Honestly Saturn emulation has progressed to the point that neither will give you a bad time. The situation is worlds less dire than it was five or ten years ago.
Re: To Celebrate 30 Years Of Saturn, A New Version Of Yaba Sanshiro Is Coming To Windows PCs
@Kingbaard If you play fighters, why in the world would you not instead use one of the multiple amazing arcade sticks available? I'm a bigtime FGC fan, I play SF6 and GG:Strive more than is healthy. If you're serious about fighters then no pad is in contention at all.
Re: Sonic Wings Reunion Is Coming To Switch, PS5 And Steam Next Year
The lack of gameplay, even screenshots, is weird. To announce something like this with some some sketches and character art seems like it's way early. Still, they're fun games, a mainstay on my mame cabinet. I won't say I'm looking forward to it, but when it comes out and I remember this exists I'll probably buy it.
Re: To Celebrate 30 Years Of Saturn, Emulator Yaba Sanshiro Is Coming To Windows PCs
@-wc- As someone that bought one with Nights into Dreams, it's not really anything special, lol. The stick is just okay and the ergonomics of the controller are terrible. It was and still is a novelty.
Re: Interview: How NES RPG Former Dawn Is Bringing CD-ROM Power To Nintendo's 8-Bit System
A little odd that for $30 you don't even get the manual.
Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out
A mid translation patch you can download and play now is better than a perfect translation that'll never come out. I understand the frustrating to having your work released when you feel it's not ready, but I'm getting the feeling that they'll never feel it's ready.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
If you mean "Nostalgia, but as a negative emotion rather than a positive one", then yes of course. There are plenty of games/media that I didn't like when they were new and thus will have a loaded opinion of now, even if any remakes end up being great. I have zero interested in this Power Battles game for the same reason you do.
Re: Argonaut Is Celebrating "Croctober" And Wants Your Croc Stories, Fan Art, Collections And More
My one and only Croc memory is getting frustrated at the controls in the PSX game and then taking it out to play Twisted Metal 2 for the hundredth time.
Re: Resident Evil 3 Joins GOG On September 25th, But Some Fans Wish It Were Later
It honestly is kind of a miss. It would have been funny.
Re: PowKiddy Is Actually Doing Something Slightly Different With Its RGB20 Pro
What's different? The semi-clear plastic? There are tons of options for semi-clear plastic in these handhelds. Come on, guys. If there's nothing to post about, it's okay to just not post. This is schlock. It looks like an ad.
Re: 50 More PS1 Classics Coming To Antstream Arcade, PS2 And GameCube Games Could Be Next
I'll pass. If the games could be downloaded and run locally it could be a fun Retro Game Pass, but it makes no sense to stream these old games. The hardware could easily run them. Why streaming?
Re: SuperSega Wants To Answer Your Questions About Its All-In-One FPGA Console
Talk is cheap. Until they've shown the goods it's all bluster and hot air.
Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles
Eh, it is what it is. Most of these consoles, if they had made it into the hands of retro enthusiasts, would have ended up with mods and or ODEs installed anyway. The end result is still that a real console is in the hands of a real person who wants to play it. This is mountain-out-of-a-molehill territory.
Re: Random: Someone Modded Tim Walz Into Crazy Taxi
Needs to be made to run on real hardware so that someone can mail it to him.
Re: Zephyr's Pass Dev Offers Update After "Unfortunate" Last-Minute Bug Discovered
Bugs happen, and it seems to have been handled well. Digital players get an updated game right away, and the physical enjoyers just suffer a small delay. Not ideal that the bug happened, but the response is as good as could be expected.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
@Blofse The Ouya wasn't vaporware. It came out. It was on the shelf at Walmart, even.
Re: ROMHacking.net Is Winding Down After Almost 20 Years
I really hate how every site is a "community" now, because it seems like the only things that happen in "communities" are people starting drama and being vile.
Re: Genki's SavePoint Is Like A Modern-Day Memory Card For Your Steam Deck, iPhone And More
Not really sure why this is an article on this site.
"A company made a USB-C SSD."
Re: The Upcoming 8-Bit RPG 'Scarmonde' Is Giving Us Major Final Fantasy Vibes
Looks pretty fun. I'm looking forward to giving it a try.
Re: GoRetroid Unveils New Charging Dock For Its Handheld Systems
Looks great. I'm not a huge fan of Android handhelds, but it looks to be a good series of devices. At these prices, though, you may as well save a bit and get a Steam Deck.
Re: EverDrive Maker Krikzz Releases $40 Genesis / Mega Drive ROM Cart, Open-ED
Looks cool, though I'm not sure who the market really is. Homebrew developers would surely want to invest in a nicer cart with more features, and if you're a homebrew game seller you can get programmable boards much cheaper. I guess it's cheaper than getting one of those boards and the programmer to go with it, but I'm still not super sure who would buy this. At this point if you're someone who loves to play on real hardware you're probably the kind of person who is willing to spring for the best.
Re: SNK Vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Is Coming To Modern Platforms
It's not that great of a game, sadly. I have it on my mame cabinet and tried to get into it, but the mechanics are just not solid. It's fun to play with so many characters, and the art is good, but the gameplay is lacking.
Re: Doom 64 Arrives On Sega Dreamcast, Thanks To New Fan Port
I'm very impressed, but without the "Can Actually See Things" mode from the updated ports, it's not really going to see much play from me. I like Doom 64, but the original's visuals are so dark and muddy that it impedes actually being able to navigate the levels. The newer ports are so much more enjoyable even if you set all of their other improvements aside.
Re: Can You Match These Consoles With Their Controller Ports?
15. I've watched a ton of retro content in addition to owning a bunch of these. I'm really interested in hardware and mods, so this was a fun quiz.
Re: $150 Handheld MiSTer With AMOLED Screen Starts To Take Shape
Wake me up when there's a picture of the actual thing, rather than Tinder-esque ultra-zoomed shots of tiny parts of it. I'm interested in the product, but I'm not going to ooh and aah over pictures of rendered buttons.
Re: Super Polygon Grand Prix Is A New Virtua Racing Successor Coming To Steam
Looks good. I feel like there was a brief time where there were a bunch of these arcade racing games on the way, but none of them really materialized. I look forward to throwing this on the Steam Deck, or PS5.
Re: This PC Engine Mod Is The Most Relaxing Thing We've Watched In Ages
If this video was your kind of thing, then man are you in for a treat when you go through Tito's back catalogue. The channel is all killer no filler. One of the greats.
Re: "There Are No Guns In Hip Hop" - The Fight To Save Def Jam Vendetta's Ending
I always thought the ending was great because the gun made D. Mob look like a monster. I mean he already was but up to that point it was a game about people posturing and punching each other, and he straight up pulled out a gun. It was an "over the line" moment that made fighting him really tense and climactic. It was a genius ending.