Comments 34

Re: Sonic Wings Reunion Is Coming To Switch, PS5 And Steam Next Year


The lack of gameplay, even screenshots, is weird. To announce something like this with some some sketches and character art seems like it's way early. Still, they're fun games, a mainstay on my mame cabinet. I won't say I'm looking forward to it, but when it comes out and I remember this exists I'll probably buy it.

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


If you mean "Nostalgia, but as a negative emotion rather than a positive one", then yes of course. There are plenty of games/media that I didn't like when they were new and thus will have a loaded opinion of now, even if any remakes end up being great. I have zero interested in this Power Battles game for the same reason you do.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


Eh, it is what it is. Most of these consoles, if they had made it into the hands of retro enthusiasts, would have ended up with mods and or ODEs installed anyway. The end result is still that a real console is in the hands of a real person who wants to play it. This is mountain-out-of-a-molehill territory.

Re: EverDrive Maker Krikzz Releases $40 Genesis / Mega Drive ROM Cart, Open-ED


Looks cool, though I'm not sure who the market really is. Homebrew developers would surely want to invest in a nicer cart with more features, and if you're a homebrew game seller you can get programmable boards much cheaper. I guess it's cheaper than getting one of those boards and the programmer to go with it, but I'm still not super sure who would buy this. At this point if you're someone who loves to play on real hardware you're probably the kind of person who is willing to spring for the best.

Re: Doom 64 Arrives On Sega Dreamcast, Thanks To New Fan Port


I'm very impressed, but without the "Can Actually See Things" mode from the updated ports, it's not really going to see much play from me. I like Doom 64, but the original's visuals are so dark and muddy that it impedes actually being able to navigate the levels. The newer ports are so much more enjoyable even if you set all of their other improvements aside.