Comments 2

Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack Site CDRomance Is No Longer Being Updated


Members of CD Romance staff helped cause the death of ROM Hacking dot Net via mass votes on some intentionally bad ROM hack. They effectively did a DDOS attack on the severs. That was one of the straws that broke the camels back. Spike himself was aware of this and viewed it as good for business. They only backpedaled after Discord messages became public. It almost looks as if they were trying to kill off their biggest competitor because Spike also owns many other rom hack/translation download sites. Here is the thread with all of the discord caps;

Additionally while pre-patched ROMs may be convenient they put the actual fan translators and hackers in greater chance of being involved in some lawsuit against CD Romance.

As a fan translator myself, I am glad to hear this news and I wish the author of this article had looked more into this topic before writing this.