@joey302 There is an excellent history of Atari video on YouTube, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. It gives an excellent view of what happened and has alot of Bushnell being interviewed. Atari could have been Apple if they played it right. Of course they didn't. Funny thing is Steve Jobs once worked at Atari. I could go on and on. Checkout the video it's a great watch. https://youtu.be/tOUxetHEn6Y sorry I don't Know how to post videos in my messages. This videos is very long an hour and a half so get some popcorn.
Absolutely nothing to worry about for any of the gaming companies. Atari has been very unprofessional during this entire process. I have been following with interest but no longer have any interest as they have been stupidly secret. Then they jump out every six months and say hey look at this video of our mock up. It's been a terrible campaign and just gets worse. I was interested but decided it looked like it was going to be a scam. It's due out in June 2019. They should be showing some titles. They met their crowdfunding yet no news comes to those who funded. That's terrible.
Ouya could have been a serious contender but they blew it. I have High hopes for this Atari system. Lets hope the Controllers are better than the Jaguar controllers lol
@ElkinFencer10 do you know what processor they are using? I'm wondering if they are slapping the old Atari jaguar processor in there since they are using the case. Really it wouldn't be bad the Jaguar had outstanding 2d power but Atari kept pushing this crappy 3d engine. Heck maybe they put a Raspberry Pi in there. I heard it was hard as heck programming for the jaguar. I just just didn't get what kind of power this thing had from the videos they posted
I really like these guys. I hope they succeed. After watching the video I kinda have an idea why they went with the Jaguar design. I just wonder what kind of Processor they are using and exactly what will it push. The Atari Jaguar Had a killer 2d color pallette. It was capable of doing some very good 2d games but instead they pushed this crappy 3d gaming engine. Heck I would actually be happy to see the Jags Processor and a bunch of 2d games made for it. But I also understand the Atari Jaguar was really hard to program on. I would just like to know what's under the hood and they didn't explain that real well. Heck it could be a Raspberry Pi under there.
I was hoping somebody would make a new TG16. This seems to have its own software which is cool. They could probably cut costs by putting games on CDROM and switching to a CDROM format. Seems a bit pricey though to play some retro looking games.
Comments 16
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
One thing is for sure. Today's Atari is not the Atari of yesteryear and will never be again. That's to bad.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
@Lumine me too
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
@joey302 There is an excellent history of Atari video on YouTube, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. It gives an excellent view of what happened and has alot of Bushnell being interviewed. Atari could have been Apple if they played it right. Of course they didn't. Funny thing is Steve Jobs once worked at Atari. I could go on and on. Checkout the video it's a great watch. https://youtu.be/tOUxetHEn6Y sorry I don't Know how to post videos in my messages. This videos is very long an hour and a half so get some popcorn.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
Absolutely nothing to worry about for any of the gaming companies. Atari has been very unprofessional during this entire process. I have been following with interest but no longer have any interest as they have been stupidly secret. Then they jump out every six months and say hey look at this video of our mock up. It's been a terrible campaign and just gets worse. I was interested but decided it looked like it was going to be a scam. It's due out in June 2019. They should be showing some titles. They met their crowdfunding yet no news comes to those who funded. That's terrible.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
The price is really going to decide it for me. If it's above 100 dollars I will probably pass since it looks to be a download only system.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
Ouya could have been a serious contender but they blew it. I have High hopes for this Atari system. Lets hope the Controllers are better than the Jaguar controllers lol
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
I am so supporting that! Welcome back Atari.
Re: Modular Retro Console Polymega's Mystery CD-ROM Format Is Revealed
Funny little Tidbit. CDRom promised a way lower cost but that never translated to the consumer.
Re: Exclusive: Getting Under The Hood Of RetroBlox, The Clone Console To Rule Them All
I'm very interested. Nice article. I will be keeping my eyes open for Retroblox
Re: Feature: The Day Sega Took Over An F1 Race And Senna Lifted A Sonic Trophy
Wheres Super Monaco 3d for 3ds? I need it!
Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon
I want it!
Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue
@ElkinFencer10 do you know what processor they are using? I'm wondering if they are slapping the old Atari jaguar processor in there since they are using the case. Really it wouldn't be bad the Jaguar had outstanding 2d power but Atari kept pushing this crappy 3d engine. Heck maybe they put a Raspberry Pi in there. I heard it was hard as heck programming for the jaguar. I just just didn't get what kind of power this thing had from the videos they posted
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
I really like these guys. I hope they succeed. After watching the video I kinda have an idea why they went with the Jaguar design. I just wonder what kind of Processor they are using and exactly what will it push. The Atari Jaguar Had a killer 2d color pallette. It was capable of doing some very good 2d games but instead they pushed this crappy 3d gaming engine. Heck I would actually be happy to see the Jags Processor and a bunch of 2d games made for it. But I also understand the Atari Jaguar was really hard to program on. I would just like to know what's under the hood and they didn't explain that real well. Heck it could be a Raspberry Pi under there.
Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue
I was hoping somebody would make a new TG16. This seems to have its own software which is cool. They could probably cut costs by putting games on CDROM and switching to a CDROM format. Seems a bit pricey though to play some retro looking games.
Re: Feature: Say Hello To The CPS Changer, Capcom's First And Only Attempt At A Home Console
Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine
I miss these machines. They were just tons of fun to play and collect games for.