Doing my part by having netflix and not watching it, I'm tired of adaptations where the directors keep changing the source because they think they are hot *****, go do your own thing.
@PinballBuzzbro I personally like Ritual more than the DS games, maybe not more than Aria.
@mr_benn Can you please stop spreading this misinformation? Sega didn't lose the Sonic IP, there's no obligation.
Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
"It is hardly incumbent on copyright owners, however, to challenge each and every actionable infringement. And there is nothing untoward about waiting to see whether an infringer’s exploitation undercuts the value of the copyrighted work, has no effect on the original work, or even complements it. Fan sites prompted by a book or film, for example, may benefit the copyright owner. See Wu, Tolerated Use, 31 Colum. J. L. & Arts 617, 619–620 (2008)."
Exactly what I expect of a company that has vague patents related to gameplay. This is strong arming because they know no single person can fund the lawyer cost to defend themselves against a multi million dollar company.
It's like he said, the only time I saw an actual sizeable amount of people not play the newest 3D game was with Bloody Roar 4, even the bad DOA6 still had some spotlight instead of people going back to 5. Capcom's newest collection works because it collects vastly different games like rival schools and power stone.
Comments 11
Re: Anniversary: Sega Saturn, The Most Successful Console "Flop" Of All Time, Turns 30 Today
@gb_nes_gamer The hardware necessary to emulate saturn would be so expensive for a mini most people wouldn't bother.
Re: Castlevania: Nocturne Director Hints Season 3 Will Only Happen If You Support Season 2
Doing my part by having netflix and not watching it, I'm tired of adaptations where the directors keep changing the source because they think they are hot *****, go do your own thing.
@PinballBuzzbro I personally like Ritual more than the DS games, maybe not more than Aria.
Re: Argonaut Is Celebrating "Croctober" And Wants Your Croc Stories, Fan Art, Collections And More
I remember being very lost in Croc 2 since I didn't understand the concept of hub worlds, but I still played it all the time.
Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview
Damn, I was never a fan of DQ but Yuuji Hori said everything really.
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
@mr_benn Can you please stop spreading this misinformation? Sega didn't lose the Sonic IP, there's no obligation.
Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
"It is hardly incumbent on copyright owners, however, to challenge each and every actionable infringement. And there is nothing untoward about waiting to see whether an infringer’s exploitation undercuts the value of the copyrighted work, has no effect on the original work, or even complements it. Fan sites prompted by a book or film, for example, may benefit the copyright owner. See Wu, Tolerated Use, 31 Colum. J. L. & Arts 617, 619–620 (2008)."
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
Exactly what I expect of a company that has vague patents related to gameplay. This is strong arming because they know no single person can fund the lawyer cost to defend themselves against a multi million dollar company.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
It's like he said, the only time I saw an actual sizeable amount of people not play the newest 3D game was with Bloody Roar 4, even the bad DOA6 still had some spotlight instead of people going back to 5.
Capcom's newest collection works because it collects vastly different games like rival schools and power stone.
Re: Rogue Flight Is A Star Fox-Inspired Blaster Packed With Anime Vocal Talent
Cool that it's actually very After Burner, so frenetic.
Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
@bobrocks95 said it all, I can't fault the dude for it, blame these disgusting companies.
Re: Mega Man X8 Has Just Got A Free 16-Bit Fan Demake
A shame about missing zero they did say X3 is also one of their favorites, but still, incredible effort.
Re: RHDO Changes Ownership, Rebrands As RomHack Plaza
@angel68 No, just reddit slander.