

We simp THQNordic and Atari

Comments 213

Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved


Acclaim's few original IP (somewhere between 70 and 80 when I last counted them I believe) scattered to the winds, ending up mostly at Billionsoft along with Accolade, or at Throwback in Canada. Notably, Throwback has two Acclaim games on NSO: Extreme-G and Iggy's Wreckin BALLS.

I haven't heard any whispers of Throwback selling any part of their war chest, so I'm left to assume it's some or all of Billionsoft's section they got back, if anything.

Knowing the way these things work via precedent set by Atari and Piko it will be some time before we get any answers.

Before the demons will let me sleep again.

same as it ever was

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


I will still always be mad about never getting my Golf Story refund, and the pettiness. They had Clear River block me because I kept pointing out all the delays America has to put up with that Europe doesn't because they get sent from the main GOE hub like every other Embracer release from evey other company in the tree. It's only America that has to put up with the slip-slidding dates, despite the fact that Clear River does all the manufacturing AHEAD of pre-orders going live for BOTH regions.

Re: Atari Announces 'Breakout Beyond', A New Game From The Devs Behind The 'Bit.Trip' Series


I mean it makes sense. All the Bit Trip games are obstesebly Breakout but also a rhythm game. Even the Bubsy one, which by the way, I've been pointing this out on every other posting of this story but it's stupid yet on brand that the former Gaijan Entertainment would become the second AA Contract Studio (as I refuse to use any version of "indie" in anything related to a company as big as Atari) to work on two Atari IP in it's current form, but only in theost backwards amd legally retroactive way possible. The only one that could beat it would be THQNordic lending them back Black Forest to make Bentley Bear Goes to Nam

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


@Rudjohns Okay, still not sure why Kid Chameleon isn't on the list, but I cannot find anything to say it isn't still at Sega so I've added it and those 2 Japan only ones I just straight up never heard of before have been added to the count; 558 (I reconsolidated the SMT and Sonic spin-offs)

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


@Rudjohns Aladdin refers to a series of Pachinko machines from the Sammy side, apparently. "...of Illusion" I have listed with an * but only because thats the one Disney series ive seen documentation that Sega owns original IP assests too. Tembo is owned by Gamefreak, but ill have to double check on the three you listed. i remember looking at Kid Chameleon but can't remember the exact reason why i skipped it.

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


@NatiaAdamo I try not add stuff that's directly based on outside licenses for the sake of avoiding feature creep. The only exceptions I've made are
1) Sports - Because of the legla precident set by EA and Piko (of all people) there is a clear delination of the rights ownership for the IP of the game vs. the players/league branding IN FAVOR of the game publisher.

2) Series that while tied to a pre-existing IP at first have characters and stories that have been proven they can stand completely seperate as a franchise divorced from those non-game origins; Super Robot Wars, Kingdom Hearts (in fact there are multiple Disney series that have been shown to have notable assests owned by publishers. That's why there's Disney Afternoon, Of Illusion, Tron is a bit of a chicken and the egg situation since there's conflicting reports on if the game was concieved first or the otherway around. Eitherway, there's MUCH more Tron game media than anything else).

Warner Bros' "LEGO" series is included with a giant * on it becasue it has both of these things going for it, though it is City and Dimensions doing the heavy lifting in that regard.

I don't have Toontown on here because it's a game that, one cannot be divorced from the source material in anyway, unlike the 3rd and 4th Gen games, and two Disney seems to have actually ABANDONED their hold on the trademark on some level; casue there's no way Toontown Resurrected would be allowed to exist if they still had some level of control over it.