>LRG is the largest physical publisher in the world
Untrue, but this belief would go a long way to explaining why they're so crap to deal with. Still, I imagine Super deluxe are much more competent to work with from a partner and consumer stand point than their parent company, if only because of influence from the way out of LRG's league 8-4.
I wonder why owns the rights to all those games. I recognize only the Toilken stuff as belonging to Embracer. The rest is just British that goes right over my head.
Clear River SEEMS to be hinting that Snow Bros will release physically the same time as Japan (in Europe at least), but they're being coy on confirming it.
Hopefully their able to get it out simulataneuos since this is the first top to bottom, no outside developers, IP owners, publishers, or other parts of Embracer, full in-house Freemode release.
Offical response from the CEO of Piko interactive on the matter:
Previous attempts to close an acquisition contract by companies like Piko Interactive and other retro IP acquisition companies have fallen through because of the practices by Elite systems. Some would call them sleazy, or “bait and switch”.
I guess Bentley finally got his sequel after a fact. After he already got his Kart racer... Technically. I look forward to the "HD remaster" of Crystal Castle 2 on Super Nintendo Switch.
I always forget who owns the course of Epyx. Some British holding company I think.
Note to self: double check the M Network Intellivision ports later. Those renames are doubled up on the spreadsheet.
You ever hear the story of Roger Coreman's Fantastic Four? How about the creation of Two and a Half Men?
I don't think any of these Sega adaptions The Hollywood Machine has in "various stages of production" are meant to ever see the light of day (barring the Blue ball and white suit exceptions). I think they're just there so A)no one else can make them or more likely B) Connely, those producers, and probably a whole bunch of other ghost writers associates of Connely, are sitting on all these so they can say they're working and get union benefits through the AI Squeeze, or whatever they end up calling this time time period of constant striking in retrospect.
Of course, the presence of a Sega executive throws a bit of a wrench into this, but Sega"s had more people credited for less. Bayonetta Origins has three Sega supervisors credited. For reasons known only to the Japanese copyright office.
Okay, it's one thing for Ziggy to go to the worst part of Embracer for the SNES reprints because options are limited (ba-dum-tish) on that front, but Ziggy has their own SNES emulator that's WAY better than the Carbon Engine. Why is the modern version running in THAT?
Now if only Clear River could hurry up and reorg Limited Run into CRG America so City Connection wasn't stuck with those two narcissists as their default American distributor.
While I never really liked the contents of Game Informer, in fact I always thought their articles and reviews were some of the worst ever put to print, their covers were something I always respected. Sure in the later years they weren't always good, mostly becasue the games they often to put on the cover were recent western AAA offerrings; I.E. crap in a basket not worth the plastic that would go into making their incomplete discs, it was still the best chance we had at getting close to the magic of Famitsu or Nintendo Dream here in the states. We never get to see those special illustrations Nintendo or Capcom make, some of the best character composition and 2D design all just meant to be put on a combeni shelf and be forgotten about in a month. It's an art form we lost at the turn of the millinia, not even the many hobbyist magazines that popped up in the wake of Nintendo's Power death still make their own covers, but Game Informer, of all people, kept that flame alive. Mega Man 11, Playstation 25th anniversay, and Sonic Superstars are some of the best covers in print; not just gaming. I mean in the history of the magazine as an artistic medium.
Here's to you Game Informer. You were usually crap, but when you hit you it out of the part. Say hi to PlayStaion Magazine and the New Yorker's credibility for me, will ya?
Of note, Twitter apparently started sending Twitter mail to Ian in response to his desire to pick up where he left off.
I get that twitter hates a lot of things, but last I checked Mega Man Twitter loved the Archie books. Is it cause IDW Sonic doesn't have the freedom fighters? That's on Penders, people!
The weirdest thing about this game (besides all the homoerotisim) is that Edia is developing this as part of their "Telnet revival" effort. Cho Aniki never had anything to do with Telnet.
Extreme is an IT consultant company that happens to sit on a small ransom of about 41 IP. Edia is a Hamster/City Connection type "retro IP vault" company that claims to have "over 200" IP, but like Atari buying the bones of Intellivision I can only verify around 61. Why crowdfunding is needed for a port of two TurboGrafx games between the two of them is questionable, but given that this is Cho Aniki we're talking about it's probably best not to ask too many questions
I sincerely hope it wasn't a matter of one or the other and Wade is going with WayForward instead of Howard for brand recognition. It's James Montega's team, so it's the good one at WF, but Rising is much more Shantae's sister than an Atari game. Arguably really only Lunar Lander and Akka Ahhr have gotten faithful sequels outside the Recharged remakes, and Akka wasn't even released originally. It was an unfinished "bonus ROM" resurrectted to sell AtGames consoles. Like Aquaventure or Save Mary.
Really it should have been Sunspot's job to make sure he was contacted at all. They're the one's that would have had his contact information, after all.
Comments 215
Re: Think You Know Everything About Sonic And Sega? You Could Earn $130,000 A Year
I would commit several war crimes for the job, and do it for half the pay- oh wait, California.
... 3/4 the pay.
Re: Sega's Rent-A-Hero Is Making A Comeback With The Addition Of Web3 Nonsense
Well that's a shame, but the live performance will be nice
Re: Opinion: Electronic Arts Used To Empower Developers; Now It Looks To Replace Them With AI
Yeah, that makes sense
Re: "Sometimes The Only Way To Preserve A Game Is To Own It" - Japanese Publisher Superdeluxe Gets Physical
>LRG is the largest physical publisher in the world
Untrue, but this belief would go a long way to explaining why they're so crap to deal with. Still, I imagine Super deluxe are much more competent to work with from a partner and consumer stand point than their parent company, if only because of influence from the way out of LRG's league 8-4.
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
Oh is THAT why my dad hates Asia? That... Still doesn't make much sense to me.
Re: Switch Reissue Of Jaleco's Famicom Adventure 'Bio Senshi Dan' Gets A Release Date
We Stan City Connection
Re: Toaplan's Slap Fight & Grind Stormer Are Being Reissued For Modern Consoles
Lars is on a mission to port every single Tatsuijin game more times than Sonic 2
Re: How A Plagiarised Review Turned 'Rule Of Rose' Into A PS2 "Video Game Nasty"
The lesson here is; the Italian media makes the Fox News look same and reasonable
Re: One Of PS2's Rarest Games Just Dropped In Value
Thank you, 505. Very based.
Re: This FIFA 98 And Silent Hill Mash-Up Could Be The First "Survival Horror Football Game"
Soccer Soccer
Re: Last Ninja Collection Will Bring The Classic Beat 'Em Up Series To PC & Switch
Is this what the British had instead of Ninja Gaiden?
Re: "Please Let Us Remaster Ogre Battle," Says Atari And Infogrames Boss
I have a feeling at somepoint NIS is going to become an Atari division.
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
@pomegran ...I do not understand how that pertains to my question
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
I can't believe something good came out of online gambling and block chain tech. And it's freaking Croc
Re: Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection Will Include Yoshiki Okamoto's Most Hated Character After All
@Zeebor15 10/10 game saved
Re: The Worst Castlevania Game Is Getting Remade
@gojiguy credits confirm it's M2
Re: After 40 Years In The Industry, Elite Systems Launches "eBay For Game IP"
@slider1983 I'm not Piko. I just hang out with the guy.
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
I wonder why owns the rights to all those games. I recognize only the Toilken stuff as belonging to Embracer. The rest is just British that goes right over my head.
Re: Snow Bros. Wonderland Gets Worldwide Release This November
Clear River SEEMS to be hinting that Snow Bros will release physically the same time as Japan (in Europe at least), but they're being coy on confirming it.
Hopefully their able to get it out simulataneuos since this is the first top to bottom, no outside developers, IP owners, publishers, or other parts of Embracer, full in-house Freemode release.
Re: After 40 Years In The Industry, Elite Systems Launches "eBay For Game IP"
Offical response from the CEO of Piko interactive on the matter:
Previous attempts to close an acquisition contract by companies like Piko Interactive and other retro IP acquisition companies have fallen through because of the practices by Elite systems. Some would call them sleazy, or “bait and switch”.
Re: 'Backyard Sports Is Set To Make A Comeback "In The Coming Months"
Wonder how this will implode
Re: The Atari 7800+ Resurrects Another Classic Atari Console
I guess Bentley finally got his sequel after a fact. After he already got his Kart racer... Technically. I look forward to the "HD remaster" of Crystal Castle 2 on Super Nintendo Switch.
I always forget who owns the course of Epyx. Some British holding company I think.
Note to self: double check the M Network Intellivision ports later. Those renames are doubled up on the spreadsheet.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
@Twilite9 I was a cartoonist in a previous life, yes.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
You ever hear the story of Roger Coreman's Fantastic Four? How about the creation of Two and a Half Men?
I don't think any of these Sega adaptions The Hollywood Machine has in "various stages of production" are meant to ever see the light of day (barring the Blue ball and white suit exceptions). I think they're just there so A)no one else can make them or more likely B) Connely, those producers, and probably a whole bunch of other ghost writers associates of Connely, are sitting on all these so they can say they're working and get union benefits through the AI Squeeze, or whatever they end up calling this time time period of constant striking in retrospect.
Of course, the presence of a Sega executive throws a bit of a wrench into this, but Sega"s had more people credited for less. Bayonetta Origins has three Sega supervisors credited. For reasons known only to the Japanese copyright office.
Re: "It Would Have Been Impossible To Make This Game At Nintendo" - Star Fox & F-Zero Artist Takaya Imamura Talks Omega 6
Re: Argonaut's Dreamcast Vehicle Shooter 'Red Dog' Is Getting A Fan Revival
My spreadsheet makes the assumption Sega kept the rights when Argonaut went boom.
Re: Rare Region-Locked Classic 'Rendering Ranger: R2' Is Coming To PS4, PS5, Switch, & PC
Okay, it's one thing for Ziggy to go to the worst part of Embracer for the SNES reprints because options are limited (ba-dum-tish) on that front, but Ziggy has their own SNES emulator that's WAY better than the Carbon Engine. Why is the modern version running in THAT?
Re: Australian Comedian Tommy Dassalo Is Getting His Own Game Boy Color Game
Thanks, Australia?
Re: City Connection Announces 'RIKI 8Bit Game Collection' - A Switch Collection Of NES Homebrews
Another common City Connection W.
Now if only Clear River could hurry up and reorg Limited Run into CRG America so City Connection wasn't stuck with those two narcissists as their default American distributor.
Re: Centipede And The Lords Of Midnight Join Antstream's Library
Who would even own Lord of Midnight now?
Re: One Of The Last Major Gaming Magazines, Game Informer, Has Closed After 33 Years
While I never really liked the contents of Game Informer, in fact I always thought their articles and reviews were some of the worst ever put to print, their covers were something I always respected. Sure in the later years they weren't always good, mostly becasue the games they often to put on the cover were recent western AAA offerrings; I.E. crap in a basket not worth the plastic that would go into making their incomplete discs, it was still the best chance we had at getting close to the magic of Famitsu or Nintendo Dream here in the states. We never get to see those special illustrations Nintendo or Capcom make, some of the best character composition and 2D design all just meant to be put on a combeni shelf and be forgotten about in a month. It's an art form we lost at the turn of the millinia, not even the many hobbyist magazines that popped up in the wake of Nintendo's Power death still make their own covers, but Game Informer, of all people, kept that flame alive. Mega Man 11, Playstation 25th anniversay, and Sonic Superstars are some of the best covers in print; not just gaming. I mean in the history of the magazine as an artistic medium.
Here's to you Game Informer. You were usually crap, but when you hit you it out of the part. Say hi to PlayStaion Magazine and the New Yorker's credibility for me, will ya?
Re: Mega Man Series Getting New Comics From Udon Entertainment In 2025
Of note, Twitter apparently started sending Twitter mail to Ian in response to his desire to pick up where he left off.
I get that twitter hates a lot of things, but last I checked Mega Man Twitter loved the Archie books. Is it cause IDW Sonic doesn't have the freedom fighters? That's on Penders, people!
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
Re: Fresh 'Tokyo Xtreme Racer' Trademark Appears In Japan
@KitsuneNight fascinating. The heck is that logo?
Re: Fresh 'Tokyo Xtreme Racer' Trademark Appears In Japan
Who is Genki?
Fill words
Re: Random: This New 'Wolf Fang Kuuga 2001' Model Has Us Reaching For Our Wallets
Good for PaonDP. Get that paycheck.
Re: The Challenge Of Teaching Game History In The Age Of Minecraft, Netflix And ChatGPT
I blame Twitch
Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements
I'm surprised they offered an update at all. Normally LRGDHD goes a year between product updates.
Re: Taito's Arcade Football Game 'Hat Trick Hero' Is Coming To Switch & PS4
Re: Double Dragon Revive Is Coming To Modern Consoles In 2025
It's a PS4 game. There's no way it's not coming to Super Nintendo Switch
Re: Super-Camp Shmup Series 'Cho Aniki' Is Making A Comeback
The weirdest thing about this game (besides all the homoerotisim) is that Edia is developing this as part of their "Telnet revival" effort. Cho Aniki never had anything to do with Telnet.
Extreme is an IT consultant company that happens to sit on a small ransom of about 41 IP. Edia is a Hamster/City Connection type "retro IP vault" company that claims to have "over 200" IP, but like Atari buying the bones of Intellivision I can only verify around 61. Why crowdfunding is needed for a port of two TurboGrafx games between the two of them is questionable, but given that this is Cho Aniki we're talking about it's probably best not to ask too many questions
Re: Fans Get Excited As 'Marvel vs. Capcom 4' Gets Name-Checked In Deadpool Comic
@IceClimbersMain Kingdom Hearts 3 is the 9th Entry in the Kingdom Hearts series.
Re: Fans Get Excited As 'Marvel vs. Capcom 4' Gets Name-Checked In Deadpool Comic
I think the write just thinks Infinite IS 4, which it techinically is, but at the same time, is also 7
Re: Falcom's Popful Mail Is Coming To Nintendo Switch
Ah yes, one of the precious few Falcom games that have nothing to do with Dragon Slayer or Ys.
Re: Upcoming Nuon Game 'Ring Flyer' Will Increase The Console's Library By 12.5%
@Poodlestargenerica disturbing
Re: Upcoming Nuon Game 'Ring Flyer' Will Increase The Console's Library By 12.5%
The community for Jaguar and Lynx stuff is far larger than I thought it would be. And than it should be
Re: "I Am In Talks With Atari" - Howard Scott Warshaw Gives Update On His Yars' Revenge Sequel
I sincerely hope it wasn't a matter of one or the other and Wade is going with WayForward instead of Howard for brand recognition. It's James Montega's team, so it's the good one at WF, but Rising is much more Shantae's sister than an Atari game. Arguably really only Lunar Lander and Akka Ahhr have gotten faithful sequels outside the Recharged remakes, and Akka wasn't even released originally. It was an unfinished "bonus ROM" resurrectted to sell AtGames consoles. Like Aquaventure or Save Mary.
Re: Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver Returns, But As A Graphic Novel
Re: We Could Be Getting A New Parodius After 17 Years MIA
This and Axelay are just standard legal housekeeping. Same reason we aren't getting new Eternal Darkness
Re: Gimmick! 2 Devs Issue Apology To Game's Original Creator
Really it should have been Sunspot's job to make sure he was contacted at all. They're the one's that would have had his contact information, after all.