It's a shame that it seemed to have such a troubled development because the artwork alone makes it look very promising. Although saying that Team 17 had a record of making console like games for the Amiga that looked good but were never quite right in terms of how they played.
He is 13 I doubt he knows what his life goals are. She is also making the assumption that all he does is stay in his room playing video games. Plus she is employed to read the news not give her opinion on stuff. She is just showing her preconceptions about people who play video games and happen to be good at them.
There seems to be a lot of people working on both Capcom and SNK fighting games for the Mega Drive. Not necessarily a bad thing as it's fun to see how they are running but it seems like everyone has had the same idea on porting arcade fighting games.
Been using the original RG35XX and it is great for most systems up to the PS1 since I only paid £40 for it I would definitely say it fits my needs perfectly. I am not too disappointed that I didn't wait for this model.
@-wc- As others have said there is an alternative OS for the device that comes as a dual boot for the original model and it is far superior and has a large community behind it. Unfortunately the version for this model is still currently in development and the build that is available is actually worse than the stock one that is on it. Give it time though and it will be available in full so it will be more than worth investing in one.
Not sure about the cartridge sticking out in the front like that. Couldn't they have done some kind of pass through connector to have it around the back? Because I can imagine it sticking out how it is will make both the cartridge and connector much more prone to damage if it is dropped. Having a pass through connector so you could have the back of the cartridge flush with the back of the system would make it much more secure.
I have seen some videos already on this pad and it seems it's main selling point was supposed to be a modern day replacement for the Saturn analog controller and from all accounts they haven't managed to get that functionality right. Personally I would have thought if they were aiming for that it should have been their priority to get that right above anything else. It almost seems to me like it wasn't actually tested on real hardware when it was being developed. Because as of right now it is more of a PC controller with analog sticks that no one will get much use from because of their size and placement.
It is quite funny how the guy who wanted to scenes made on a green screen had no clue that they also had to have someone create something to go on that green screen and it didn't just involve putting scenes from the game behind it as it would look oddly out of place. It would have been better being filmed in a specific location and just decorating it to look like a Doom location. Can't really say I am surprised the guy had no clue as he expected one person to port the whole game on her own in 10 weeks. You can tell Randy Scott had never actually produced a game before as he seemed clueless as to what things had to be done because as far as I am aware up until that point he had only funded the original studios to port their own games to systems so didn't have to organise anything himself.
The only game on this collection that I personally ever enjoyed was Heavy Metal Paradroid since I enjoy the original so much too the rest no so much or they have aged poorly.
There are two series that have been long stuck on the PC-Engine CD-Rom that I always wanted to play but they were never translated and the the Far East of Eden games and Cosmic Fantasy. Here is hoping they all get translated one day.
I did know this because I came across one on ebay more than a decade ago that was listed at quite a high price but didn't have much information so I did some searching and was actually surprised it wasn't a mere clone. I imagine finding them outside of India is rare though hence why it was listed at a high price at the time witch was around £400+ if I recall.
@Damo I'm not disagreeing that it could and did annoy people. It just seems that most people at the time seemed to try and be petty as a response rather than try and get people's attention with something that would make you want to buy their hardware. In a way it shows how the industry has changed that most are happy to coexist rather trying to end their competition or scree tem over by any means necessary.
So his plan was just to steal the name Super Mario and release it as a game? But the moment he was told he couldn't use that particular name to cash in on someone else's branding he gave up? Just shows he wanted to make money off of some one else's success rather than make a game to begin with.
@Andee @UK_Kev He has been doing it since 18 if I recall starting on Computer and video games magazine and working on so much he really did work his way up pretty quickly. It wasn't until last year I realised he was the same guy.
Had several issues of this and I always remember how high quality it felt next to other magazines of the time. Not just in the way it was layed out but the better quality paper that was used. I kind of prefered Sega Power at the time because they tended to have the better game guides but it seem no one has ever preserved them online to this point.
Always interesting to go back through some of these magazines and see Richard Leadbetter keep cropping up who went onto create Digital Foundry.
It's not a key feature though it was a bug caused by the original arcade hardware something that they chose to correct themselves in the SNES version but not in the Mega Drive version. If it was a key feature it would have been advertised by Capcom and not removed on the CPS2 games. It maybe more arcade accurate but it's not how Capcom envisioned the game to play so no key features are missing from the SNES version.
@smoreon With Sega I would actually like them to do a store front of their own through a separate app with individual games at this point that can be used on any compatible system. Since they tend to also release the same compilation of games at least once a generation with one or two extras to tempt people who purchased the previous ones. I am sure that way they could also get many third parties to also sign up and probably charge a little more for the licence fee of each game over their own games. Pretty much any system on the market can emulate all Sega consoles at the point even Saturn so they would have a huge library of software to start with even if it was just their own. But I have given up hope on that and will expect a fourth collection of Mega Drive/Genesis games at some point.
@-wc- you are taking this a little personally and yes I think as far as retro systems that is all Sega is capable of as far as retro systems go and definitely what is the single thought when it comes to anyone releasing one on the market.
There is a difference between making a new product and seeing if it sells on the market and making a product that is designed by it's vert nature to invoke nostalgia. Since it wouldn't be a retro console if that console didn't technically get released in the first place it would just be a box with 32X games on that doesn't look like a 32X.
@-wc- it's not simply about me it's the fact that why release a product that is a mini retro game system that will have next to no mass market appeal the reason why Sega to this day still rely on the Mega Drive/Genesis name is because they know the name sells. That is thinking about it from business perspective and how Sega would look at it.
@mus422 why though? Even the 32X wouldn't hold nostalgia for near enough anyone and a never released prototype would just be even more confusing to release not to mention the limited and overall poor library of games. Doesn't sound like a winner to me.
I remember finally getting this just after Christmas because it had sold out everywhere locally to me but once I did get a hold of it me and my brother spent a good couple of week exploring every little corner we could.
Games that used those kind of digitised sprites back then often played like a brick due to a lack of fluid animation compared to hand drawn sprites I can't see this being any better but at least they are giving it a go.
My original comment seems to have ages well on this one although as long as it doesn't aim for being just a skin changed Metroid like it still does then it will be of some interest to me.
Well this definitely has fuelled people after 30 years. From owning both and learning more about them over the years while the Mega Drive could simply brute force a lot of things because of it's faster processor many of those things often took up way more rom space because of how much extra coding was needed. Many SNES games were also made to look like they couldn't run faster because publishers often chose slower rom speeds to save production costs. His sole reason for saying it is better is all down to the CPU without taking into account other pros and cons.
@michaelf I would imagine it will simply be based on the design of the A500 seeing as it is the most recognisable model but still have all the ability to emulate those more powerful systems like the mini does.
I am definitely more interested in picking one up as having the keyboard makes it so much more of an authentic experience much like the C64 version.
While I am a big fan of the N64 I can imagine this will be really expensive and in all honesty even though I have a large collection I can't say I go back too often to playing the games since I have played through all of the ones I wanted to years back and the library is so small it's not like I missed any hidden gems.
@RootsGenoa I can see the logic behind that but it does seem like a way to sell every different handheld they release to the same people rather than have one model that has access to all the games. Oh well would have been nice.
They definitely look like more rugged versions of the Game Boy Color. Annoyingly I would prefer the colour of the Taito model but with the Capcom games on it. I wonder if they will release these collections on cartridge? As they seem to like having certain games licenced only for specific handhelds.
While I can see this being real I would imagine it would never get completed due to the huge undertaking it would be for a single person. Also using this tech demo to settle a debate that the Saturn couldn't handle 3D games as well as the PS1 isn't exactly proving much as again it is simply a tech demo of one small enclosed area with no enemies or anything else to tax the system. let's also take into account people have had nearly 30 years of coding knowledge and better tools to work with since then so I would imagine if people tried to make a new 3D game on the PS1 now they could achieve even better results that developers from back then.
@-wc- it's fine I can be pretty blunt at times and to the point at times. I was hyped when it was announced looking back but they did announce it pretty much with the N64 when Zelda was shown off and it's something I think back on as if they had the storage medium all the way back then why not just launch with that over cartridges as they were apparently cheaper to produce too but let's not think too logically about this.
Those sticks look like an afterthought and stuck in the only place so it still manages to look like a Saturn controller. I can imagine they are pretty unusable on any modern games and only the left one has any use for the Saturn.
@-wc- I wasn't arguing with anyone just simply pointing something out that people wanting something doesn't change something being a flop. All I am doing is putting my point across and you have mistaken that as starting an argument. To be fair it stood no hope of succeeding anyway as it released after the Dreamcast did and just months before the PS2. It was smart to cancel the worldwide release at that point.
@-wc- because simply knowing people who want something doesn't mean it wouldn't have been a flop especially when you only possibly know a small section of people who would potentially be interested in one and not the wider audience. Many people over the years have wanted things that have went on to fail so the same could be applied to every failed game console that some one some where wanted it.
I never had much interest in getting a Mega CD at the time since there were so few games that I wanted and the vast majority were simply Mega Drive games with and intro tacked on and better music or FMV games. We also seemed to get robbed again here in the UK with not getting any of the RPGs. I have one now but even then I only really played a small handful of games on it that ever interested me like Snatcher and Dune.
@Kiwi_Unlimited Well it was a hardware flop because even in Japan so few people wanted it and in all honesty I doubt it would have sold too well anywhere else as there is one thing that really confuses the consumers and that is various hardware add-ons for a system that usually only sell a small fraction of what the main system does. Just because you personally knew several people doesn't mean it wouldn't have failed to sell and Nintendo quickly realised that fact.
FIFA tried tried doing some backhanded business? Yes it was through a licensing firm but I am not totally surprised they attempted something like that. Admittedly in the late 90's there were a load of football games coming out and few stood out. Even when Sony started getting it right with the This is Football series they were a distant third behind the likes of FIFA and PES so even with the license I don't think people would have picked up Sony's offerings over the two that were starting to gain traction even by the late 90s.
The fact that they were trying to make it and acronym rather than just come up with a name that sounded good says it all. The TSO one is kind of amusing as they obviously kind of liked that one in the long run in a way.
Not sure about the lights and they really missed a beat having in not have interchangeable cables seems almost pointless having a usb-c connection and not just having it hard wired since it won't work with other devices.
Was never really a fan of older FIFA games especially the 16 bit ones as I always thought they were way to slow and controlled poorly yet they always seemed to get high review scores in magazines. FIFA 95 was definitely a big deal though for how much it offered and being a Megadrive exclusive. But even at the time I never found them fun to play. Really is interesting that EA had to essentially be talked into making the game by a few employees based in the UK. How times have changed.
@smoreon well 16 times as many textures that are on show still isn't going to make a game that has much variety or be very large in size as a result. While I am not doubting all of what you said but any game made using this kind of technique would have to be very small or use the same repeating for most locations. This is also without any interactable objects or enemies or something like that on screen too then even 16 times the amout of texture shown here wont go very far.
How can this possibly have any value to anyone? Well the fact that it has received so many bids that is more than I expected that's for sure. For those wondering how much much 510 Canadian Dollars is in British pounds then it is just under 310.
@smoreon while that is true even having multiple of the same textures at those lower resolutions would quickly use up space in just several areas. So any game made with those size of textures would still mean it would have to be very small overall as they would quickly use up that 64MB limit.
I seen this the other day after following him for the Portal demake. it's a great tech demo but until someone removes the 64MB sile size limit that even flash cartridges have to stick too then this kind of method wont be practical. It really does show that such a small maximum capacity held back the N64's potential although understandable for the time as producing anything larger would have cost way too much at the time anyway and CDs probably would have loaded too slowly for this to work effectively.
@Andee it's one thing I have noticed when going back and playing games on both the Amiga and C64 recently with the option of using a controller and many of the better regarded platformers were like this. It was a smart design choice for sure.
One thing the Amiga unfortunately suffered from was the fact most joysticks available only used one button despite it being capable of using two button ones. As a result most action games really suffered especially any games that used up to jump as it always felt to me as the jumping was often made too floaty to compensate for the poor joysticks at the time. I even would question if games like Zool, James Pond 2 and Superfrog should be considered among the best since much like any of the one on one fighting games on it they were only considered good due to how average or bad the majority was. I may have also included Syndicate on this list too but that's just because I spent too long playing it over one summer perhaps.
I always find that some information from back then in magazines was never fact checked because they had such tight deadlines or sometimes they came across the information right before having to print it and put it in anyway. Something that was also probably also to do with a bad translation and the two seperate things were assumed to be one in the same. Then after years these things get passed down as facts as there are very little sources that remain from the time and others share the false information as a result.
I do kind of miss those days only to learn years later how wrong the magazines of the era got stuff.
Comments 223
Re: The Making Of: Witchwood, Team17's Abandoned Zelda Rival
It's a shame that it seemed to have such a troubled development because the artwork alone makes it look very promising. Although saying that Team 17 had a record of making console like games for the Amiga that looked good but were never quite right in terms of how they played.
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
He is 13 I doubt he knows what his life goals are. She is also making the assumption that all he does is stay in his room playing video games. Plus she is employed to read the news not give her opinion on stuff. She is just showing her preconceptions about people who play video games and happen to be good at them.
Re: Here's (Even More) Footage Of Street Fighter Alpha Running On Mega Drive / Genesis
There seems to be a lot of people working on both Capcom and SNK fighting games for the Mega Drive. Not necessarily a bad thing as it's fun to see how they are running but it seems like everyone has had the same idea on porting arcade fighting games.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX Plus - A Welcome Upgrade
Been using the original RG35XX and it is great for most systems up to the PS1 since I only paid £40 for it I would definitely say it fits my needs perfectly. I am not too disappointed that I didn't wait for this model.
@-wc- As others have said there is an alternative OS for the device that comes as a dual boot for the original model and it is far superior and has a large community behind it. Unfortunately the version for this model is still currently in development and the build that is available is actually worse than the stock one that is on it. Give it time though and it will be available in full so it will be more than worth investing in one.
Re: 'Mobile FC Creation Kit' Turns The Nintendo Famicom Into A Handheld
Not sure about the cartridge sticking out in the front like that. Couldn't they have done some kind of pass through connector to have it around the back? Because I can imagine it sticking out how it is will make both the cartridge and connector much more prone to damage if it is dropped. Having a pass through connector so you could have the back of the cartridge flush with the back of the system would make it much more secure.
Re: Review: Retro-Bit Sega Saturn 2.4GHz Wireless Pro Controller
I have seen some videos already on this pad and it seems it's main selling point was supposed to be a modern day replacement for the Saturn analog controller and from all accounts they haven't managed to get that functionality right. Personally I would have thought if they were aiming for that it should have been their priority to get that right above anything else. It almost seems to me like it wasn't actually tested on real hardware when it was being developed. Because as of right now it is more of a PC controller with analog sticks that no one will get much use from because of their size and placement.
Re: The True Story Behind Doom 3DO's 'Missing' FMV Scenes
It is quite funny how the guy who wanted to scenes made on a green screen had no clue that they also had to have someone create something to go on that green screen and it didn't just involve putting scenes from the game behind it as it would look oddly out of place. It would have been better being filmed in a specific location and just decorating it to look like a Doom location. Can't really say I am surprised the guy had no clue as he expected one person to port the whole game on her own in 10 weeks. You can tell Randy Scott had never actually produced a game before as he seemed clueless as to what things had to be done because as far as I am aware up until that point he had only funded the original studios to port their own games to systems so didn't have to organise anything himself.
Re: Evercade Reveals TheC64 Collection 3, Coming In 2024
The only game on this collection that I personally ever enjoyed was Heavy Metal Paradroid since I enjoy the original so much too the rest no so much or they have aged poorly.
Re: English Translation Patch For PC Engine CD-ROM² RPG 'Far East of Eden: Ziria' Released
There are two series that have been long stuck on the PC-Engine CD-Rom that I always wanted to play but they were never translated and the the Far East of Eden games and Cosmic Fantasy. Here is hoping they all get translated one day.
Re: Did You Know The NES Had A Much Cooler Name In India?
I did know this because I came across one on ebay more than a decade ago that was listed at quite a high price but didn't have much information so I did some searching and was actually surprised it wasn't a mere clone. I imagine finding them outside of India is rare though hence why it was listed at a high price at the time witch was around £400+ if I recall.
Re: "I Didn't Want Mario Lemieux Hockey, I Wanted Super Mario Hockey"
@Damo I'm not disagreeing that it could and did annoy people. It just seems that most people at the time seemed to try and be petty as a response rather than try and get people's attention with something that would make you want to buy their hardware. In a way it shows how the industry has changed that most are happy to coexist rather trying to end their competition or scree tem over by any means necessary.
Re: "I Didn't Want Mario Lemieux Hockey, I Wanted Super Mario Hockey"
So his plan was just to steal the name Super Mario and release it as a game? But the moment he was told he couldn't use that particular name to cash in on someone else's branding he gave up? Just shows he wanted to make money off of some one else's success rather than make a game to begin with.
Re: Iconic Issues: Sega Magazine #1, January 1994
@Andee @UK_Kev He has been doing it since 18 if I recall starting on Computer and video games magazine and working on so much he really did work his way up pretty quickly. It wasn't until last year I realised he was the same guy.
Re: Iconic Issues: Sega Magazine #1, January 1994
Had several issues of this and I always remember how high quality it felt next to other magazines of the time. Not just in the way it was layed out but the better quality paper that was used. I kind of prefered Sega Power at the time because they tended to have the better game guides but it seem no one has ever preserved them online to this point.
Always interesting to go back through some of these magazines and see Richard Leadbetter keep cropping up who went onto create Digital Foundry.
Re: Did You Know SNES Street Fighter II Is Missing A Key Feature Of The Arcade Original?
It's not a key feature though it was a bug caused by the original arcade hardware something that they chose to correct themselves in the SNES version but not in the Mega Drive version. If it was a key feature it would have been advertised by Capcom and not removed on the CPS2 games. It maybe more arcade accurate but it's not how Capcom envisioned the game to play so no key features are missing from the SNES version.
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Comes To Life Thanks To Fans
@smoreon With Sega I would actually like them to do a store front of their own through a separate app with individual games at this point that can be used on any compatible system. Since they tend to also release the same compilation of games at least once a generation with one or two extras to tempt people who purchased the previous ones. I am sure that way they could also get many third parties to also sign up and probably charge a little more for the licence fee of each game over their own games. Pretty much any system on the market can emulate all Sega consoles at the point even Saturn so they would have a huge library of software to start with even if it was just their own. But I have given up hope on that and will expect a fourth collection of Mega Drive/Genesis games at some point.
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Comes To Life Thanks To Fans
@-wc- you are taking this a little personally and yes I think as far as retro systems that is all Sega is capable of as far as retro systems go and definitely what is the single thought when it comes to anyone releasing one on the market.
There is a difference between making a new product and seeing if it sells on the market and making a product that is designed by it's vert nature to invoke nostalgia. Since it wouldn't be a retro console if that console didn't technically get released in the first place it would just be a box with 32X games on that doesn't look like a 32X.
Loving your passion though.
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Comes To Life Thanks To Fans
@-wc- it's not simply about me it's the fact that why release a product that is a mini retro game system that will have next to no mass market appeal the reason why Sega to this day still rely on the Mega Drive/Genesis name is because they know the name sells. That is thinking about it from business perspective and how Sega would look at it.
Re: Review: Duke Nukem Collection 1 - The King's First Three Adventures In One Place
Got to love a bit of Simon Miller in the trailer
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Comes To Life Thanks To Fans
@mus422 why though? Even the 32X wouldn't hold nostalgia for near enough anyone and a never released prototype would just be even more confusing to release not to mention the limited and overall poor library of games. Doesn't sound like a winner to me.
Re: Anniversary: Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Is 25 Years Old Today
I remember finally getting this just after Christmas because it had sold out everywhere locally to me but once I did get a hold of it me and my brother spent a good couple of week exploring every little corner we could.
Re: Lunatic Fighters Is A Street Fighter-Style Brawler For The Mega Drive / Genesis
Games that used those kind of digitised sprites back then often played like a brick due to a lack of fluid animation compared to hand drawn sprites I can't see this being any better but at least they are giving it a go.
Re: Mega Drive Fan Game 'Metroid Mega Mission' Rebranding To Original Project
My original comment seems to have ages well on this one although as long as it doesn't aim for being just a skin changed Metroid like it still does then it will be of some interest to me.
Re: Gunstar Heroes Developer Treasure On Why Mega Drive Is Better Than SNES
Well this definitely has fuelled people after 30 years. From owning both and learning more about them over the years while the Mega Drive could simply brute force a lot of things because of it's faster processor many of those things often took up way more rom space because of how much extra coding was needed. Many SNES games were also made to look like they couldn't run faster because publishers often chose slower rom speeds to save production costs. His sole reason for saying it is better is all down to the CPU without taking into account other pros and cons.
Re: We're Getting A Full-Size Amiga 'Console' In 2024
@michaelf I would imagine it will simply be based on the design of the A500 seeing as it is the most recognisable model but still have all the ability to emulate those more powerful systems like the mini does.
I am definitely more interested in picking one up as having the keyboard makes it so much more of an authentic experience much like the C64 version.
Re: Classic Sonic Hack 'Sonic Megamix' Is Being Remade In Sonic Mania's Engine
So the mod that got someone noticed in order to make Sonic Mania becomes a mod of that game? That may be a first.
Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output
While I am a big fan of the N64 I can imagine this will be really expensive and in all honesty even though I have a large collection I can't say I go back too often to playing the games since I have played through all of the ones I wanted to years back and the library is so small it's not like I missed any hidden gems.
Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift
@RootsGenoa I can see the logic behind that but it does seem like a way to sell every different handheld they release to the same people rather than have one model that has access to all the games. Oh well would have been nice.
Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift
They definitely look like more rugged versions of the Game Boy Color. Annoyingly I would prefer the colour of the Taito model but with the Capcom games on it. I wonder if they will release these collections on cartridge? As they seem to like having certain games licenced only for specific handhelds.
Re: Hobbyist Developer Claims To Have Got Metal Gear Solid Running On A Sega Saturn
While I can see this being real I would imagine it would never get completed due to the huge undertaking it would be for a single person. Also using this tech demo to settle a debate that the Saturn couldn't handle 3D games as well as the PS1 isn't exactly proving much as again it is simply a tech demo of one small enclosed area with no enemies or anything else to tax the system. let's also take into account people have had nearly 30 years of coding knowledge and better tools to work with since then so I would imagine if people tried to make a new 3D game on the PS1 now they could achieve even better results that developers from back then.
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
@-wc- it's fine I can be pretty blunt at times and to the point at times. I was hyped when it was announced looking back but they did announce it pretty much with the N64 when Zelda was shown off and it's something I think back on as if they had the storage medium all the way back then why not just launch with that over cartridges as they were apparently cheaper to produce too but let's not think too logically about this.
Re: Saturn Pro Controller Is Available For Pre-Order Now
Those sticks look like an afterthought and stuck in the only place so it still manages to look like a Saturn controller. I can imagine they are pretty unusable on any modern games and only the left one has any use for the Saturn.
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
@-wc- I wasn't arguing with anyone just simply pointing something out that people wanting something doesn't change something being a flop. All I am doing is putting my point across and you have mistaken that as starting an argument. To be fair it stood no hope of succeeding anyway as it released after the Dreamcast did and just months before the PS2. It was smart to cancel the worldwide release at that point.
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
@HoyeBoye there was a mouse released with it and came bundled with it so I can imagine it would be a nightmare with a standard controller.
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
@-wc- because simply knowing people who want something doesn't mean it wouldn't have been a flop especially when you only possibly know a small section of people who would potentially be interested in one and not the wider audience. Many people over the years have wanted things that have went on to fail so the same could be applied to every failed game console that some one some where wanted it.
Re: Best Sega CD Games Of All Time
I never had much interest in getting a Mega CD at the time since there were so few games that I wanted and the vast majority were simply Mega Drive games with and intro tacked on and better music or FMV games. We also seemed to get robbed again here in the UK with not getting any of the RPGs. I have one now but even then I only really played a small handful of games on it that ever interested me like Snatcher and Dune.
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
@Kiwi_Unlimited Well it was a hardware flop because even in Japan so few people wanted it and in all honesty I doubt it would have sold too well anywhere else as there is one thing that really confuses the consumers and that is various hardware add-ons for a system that usually only sell a small fraction of what the main system does. Just because you personally knew several people doesn't mean it wouldn't have failed to sell and Nintendo quickly realised that fact.
Re: PlayStation Had The Chance To Steal FIFA From EA In The '90s, But Passed
@Guru_Larry 1999 so it replaced the Adidas Power soccer games after the third game.
Re: PlayStation Had The Chance To Steal FIFA From EA In The '90s, But Passed
FIFA tried tried doing some backhanded business? Yes it was through a licensing firm but I am not totally surprised they attempted something like that. Admittedly in the late 90's there were a load of football games coming out and few stood out. Even when Sony started getting it right with the This is Football series they were a distant third behind the likes of FIFA and PES so even with the license I don't think people would have picked up Sony's offerings over the two that were starting to gain traction even by the late 90s.
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
The fact that they were trying to make it and acronym rather than just come up with a name that sounded good says it all. The TSO one is kind of amusing as they obviously kind of liked that one in the long run in a way.
Re: A Fanmade Port Of SNK vs. Capcom For The C64 / C128 Is Now Available
@Daggot no hardware like that is needed as it comes on a single cartridge file so is only using stock C64 hardware.
Re: Review: RetroSix Super GamePad - The Perfect Replacement For Your Old SNES Controller
Not sure about the lights and they really missed a beat having in not have interchangeable cables seems almost pointless having a usb-c connection and not just having it hard wired since it won't work with other devices.
Re: The Making Of: FIFA International Soccer, The Game That Launched A Billion Dollar Series
Was never really a fan of older FIFA games especially the 16 bit ones as I always thought they were way to slow and controlled poorly yet they always seemed to get high review scores in magazines. FIFA 95 was definitely a big deal though for how much it offered and being a Megadrive exclusive. But even at the time I never found them fun to play. Really is interesting that EA had to essentially be talked into making the game by a few employees based in the UK. How times have changed.
Re: Random: This New N64 Graphics Demo Looks Incredible & Runs On Real Hardware
@smoreon well 16 times as many textures that are on show still isn't going to make a game that has much variety or be very large in size as a result. While I am not doubting all of what you said but any game made using this kind of technique would have to be very small or use the same repeating for most locations. This is also without any interactable objects or enemies or something like that on screen too then even 16 times the amout of texture shown here wont go very far.
Re: Random: Till Receipt For ClayFighter: Sculptor's Cut Reaches $500 On eBay
How can this possibly have any value to anyone? Well the fact that it has received so many bids that is more than I expected that's for sure. For those wondering how much much 510 Canadian Dollars is in British pounds then it is just under 310.
Re: Random: This New N64 Graphics Demo Looks Incredible & Runs On Real Hardware
@smoreon while that is true even having multiple of the same textures at those lower resolutions would quickly use up space in just several areas. So any game made with those size of textures would still mean it would have to be very small overall as they would quickly use up that 64MB limit.
Re: Random: This New N64 Graphics Demo Looks Incredible & Runs On Real Hardware
I seen this the other day after following him for the Portal demake. it's a great tech demo but until someone removes the 64MB sile size limit that even flash cartridges have to stick too then this kind of method wont be practical. It really does show that such a small maximum capacity held back the N64's potential although understandable for the time as producing anything larger would have cost way too much at the time anyway and CDs probably would have loaded too slowly for this to work effectively.
Re: Best Amiga Games Of All Time
@Andee it's one thing I have noticed when going back and playing games on both the Amiga and C64 recently with the option of using a controller and many of the better regarded platformers were like this. It was a smart design choice for sure.
Re: Best Amiga Games Of All Time
One thing the Amiga unfortunately suffered from was the fact most joysticks available only used one button despite it being capable of using two button ones. As a result most action games really suffered especially any games that used up to jump as it always felt to me as the jumping was often made too floaty to compensate for the poor joysticks at the time. I even would question if games like Zool, James Pond 2 and Superfrog should be considered among the best since much like any of the one on one fighting games on it they were only considered good due to how average or bad the majority was. I may have also included Syndicate on this list too but that's just because I spent too long playing it over one summer perhaps.
Re: PS1 Puzzler Devil Dice Was Never A 'Net Yaroze' Title, So Why Does The Internet Think It Was?
I always find that some information from back then in magazines was never fact checked because they had such tight deadlines or sometimes they came across the information right before having to print it and put it in anyway. Something that was also probably also to do with a bad translation and the two seperate things were assumed to be one in the same. Then after years these things get passed down as facts as there are very little sources that remain from the time and others share the false information as a result.
I do kind of miss those days only to learn years later how wrong the magazines of the era got stuff.