I wouldn't say it was one of the challenges back in the day as everyone at the time knew how to connect a new device to their TV and tune it in. If you are used to doing it regularly it was pretty simple and quick.
I was pretty lucky at the time of playing this I had a small Philips TV that was pretty much made for gaming as it had two large stereo speakers either side of the screen so I got to play every game with stereo sound at the time. Although admittedly many games didn't make the option at the time still and we're all mainly in mono as standard. It wasn't until the next generation where stereo sound was the default.
Jeff Jarrett isn't exactly known for his good business decisions everything he starts up he either has to sell because he can't maintain it or it goes bust. That is a perfect fit for Acclaim in many ways.
l think people also think the Acclaim name is a recognisable brand when it no longer is and was probably only relevant for a brief period in the late 90s when their output was high and they were really pushing games visually but often many of their games didn't play as great as people remember or were really bad like their wrestling games but were rated highly mainly because the WWE name was slapped on them and the moment it became ECW people thought the games were now bad despite playing the same as the previous ones.
Also one correction he isn't a former wrestler at 57 he is still active and has matches almost weekly much to my dismay.
While the idea of this sounds good but if you are using the co-processor in the cartridge to do most or all of the work then you are using very little of the original hardware then the original console is more of a pass though. I get the argument that consoles then often used extra chips on the cartridge to enhance the games but they often worked equally with what the original system could do not replace it. Even the 32X relied on the Mega Drive heavily. This is one reason I wasn't that excited for Paprium as it really just used the colour palette of the system and the vast majority if not all of the game was only using the fpga chip that was used.
@Zeebor15 Pang is co-owned by Capcom. If I am correct, so while whoever picked up the rights that Mitchell Corporation is also co-owner it is probably why there haven't been many re-releases of the games because it involves too much negotiations across multiple parties. This is why a lot of these old games get lost to time because the publisher usually used a third party developer that had some of the original rights and one or both are long gone and the rights distributed to random holding companies. Even Sega said last year a lot of their older games they aren't fully sure if the own all of the rights or not because of situations like this.
I have a copy of the SNES games released by Super Fighter Team back in 2013. Admittedly I have only played it a small handful of times. Very surprised it never got released back in 1994 as it was definitely a good looking and sounding game. Although I do wonder if there is any demand for a sequel and I am honestly not a fan of the hand drawn art style for this particular one and think a pixel art would have looked better especially because the original holds up well.
People to this day keep on about dumping the rom for the game but that would be worthless on its own as the "custom" chip it uses has never been cracked and unless it ever is dumping the game will get you no where. That doesn't take into account no emulator would be able to run it either as the chip used is considerably more powerful than the original hardware so you would need completely custom emulators too. If I recall this game didn't even like running on non-official Sega hardware either as it was pretty much programmed not to do so. Fonzie being the retro hardware snob he is pretty much went out of his way to make sure as few people as possible could play the game and then blamed everyone else as the reason why. He attitude alone is the reason it's had so many issues so he deserves no more money.
This guy has no self awareness in how he comes across. If you were to picture a sleazy con man in your head chances are it would be someone that looks like him. He seems to crave the attention this brings and feels he can convince everyone that despite his lies being obvious that he can some how change people's opinion by talking more and coming up with a story more crazy than the last one.
Where I live we lost WH Smith about 3 years ago after everything started opening back up in the city centre but even the next nearest one 4 or 5 miles away never seems to be busy. News agents and stores of that ilk like WH Smith or a dying thing due to most people being able to get the information they need online for free. Even the other stuff they sell you can usually find better specialist stores nearby. I am honestly surprised they have lasted as long as they have. Then again as the article says they make most of their money from travel locations and hospitals which is understandable when people try and fill that time with something to read.
He seems to think that the more he talks the more convincing he is. A smart con man would have long disappeared at this point but no one ever accused him of being smart. Even the people that he claims can confirm they have had refunds are all Spanish and seem to all have accounts with similar emails or account names or something and they are either him or people he knows in all likely hood. He seems to be acting in a really bad telenovela.
It just doesn't look practical to me just like the majority of these things for phone. If you want to play retro games on the go though there are plenty of dedicated handhelds that are fairly cheap that would be better suited to that task over a smartphone and you don't have to remove the controls from the screen every time you exit the game and the emulator you are in goes full screen.
@KingMike I'm pretty sure they do I was saying it more as a joke than anything. Still it sounds crazy just to write it down that is a possible conviction.
Ah yes making a kart racing game out of a racing game... seems more redundant than anything and more like a separate mode in one of the regular games than anything. But his view of Kart racing games seems misguided if the game is good and high quality it won't effect the main games that it's a spin-off from. There is one huge piece of proof in this with Mario Kart being one of the best selling game series in history even separate from the mainline Mario games. Both Sonic and Crash have had moderately successful ones to that did kill their mainline games.
I mean I won't be surprised it gets taken down since they are charging for it. That is the quickest way to catch Nintendo's attention. Fan made ports are one thing if they are free but when money gets involved they are just asking for it do be taken down.
Can you imagine growing up in life with a criminal conviction of not going to school one day so you could queue up for a game on the day it's released. They no doubt didn't in in silence in an orderly fashion too to be respectful. I do miss those days of having to queue up on launch nights for certain things though not so much in the colder months though.
@Jellyscare I am not saying they expected to make loads of money but they should have expected it would be a struggle just to break even seeing as they didn't know how big of a market it was to begin with. One thing I don't like is then begging people to buy their game to support them and future releases. Even on such an obscure system you should at least aim to make your software as unique as you can rather than just expecting people to buy it because it's new software for something that has just about none to begin with. Like I said it's great they are making a game for it but they should have been prepared for possibility that their aren't enough collectors out there in the first place who would probably just buy it and never play it even if they did get a copy.
The thing is with a game on a platform that is so niche you should really have seen if there was a market out there for a game to begin with. People aren't simply going to pay that much money for a game even if it's at a discount for a system they probably don't own I have also seen the game in action and it looks like a glorified tech demo. It's fantastic that they are releasing a game for it but there is probably no market for it even with collectors that have the vast majority of what was originally released anyway.
I would say it is shocking but all they do is give automated generic responses with zero human interaction and with no examples give. Many large platforms now just handle things this way and ban you for no reason and when you question why they can't actually give any reason specifically. Getting through to a real person or someone who doesn't just sit there copying from a list of responses they have is the most difficult part.
It would be nice if it also included many of the games that over the last decade or so as well as trying to find a good list of what has been released can prove tricky.
It was released after the PlayStation and Saturn and the previous generation was selling less anyway. When you take into account that the mega drive wasn't exactly known for its rpgs it was probably never going to sell too much in the west in 1995 anyway regardless of price. If it had been in 1992 or 93 then maybe what he is saying may have been true but if anything they were probably expecting it to sell in such low numbers due to the changing market and the price was so they didn't risk losing out on the production costs.
I know the two sides were combative towards each other but I can't see it being that bad that they would risk not making money just to prove they are right and western gamers didn't like rpgs. This is only his personal assumption as to why it was priced that way and not any inside knowledge he has because someone told him that was why. It sounds more like he was bitter that he didn't get to translate and publish it and no doubt change certain things in the game to what he wanted.
The USB ports that is somehow needed for extra power for some reason is the one that most people are suspicious about. If you need two separate power sources just to run it then there is a serious design flaw. Not only that due to his shaking hand and constant moving of his phone you can't actually tell what the cable is connected to. I also find it suspicious they have yet to show even a single 3D Saturn game and only 2D ones so even if this is real then the performance must be really bad on anything taxing. Not enough resources for making a half decent video where someone else is holding a camera but he did when it came to someone filming him parking a car apparently. claiming you aren't a rich person and driving in with such a car would make most people think you are lying regardless of if it is his or not it's asking for people not to believe you.
I mean it did say they could just claim the full amount from people when they made the pre order and that basically authorised them to do so at their will. Not sure why people are surprised they are taking advantage of this. Why would you pay them knowing that at any point they can just decide to take the money they want?
Why does the box it's in look like it's been in a fire and dragged across a gravel track of some kind? Did all his money go on the car hence why he cant afford a fraction of that to not only produce a working prototype but a few thousand euros to get the production started? I tried to watch the video but if he thinks a video he shoots on his phone where he moves it off of the device multiple times or is so close you can't actually make out what is going on. From what I can work out this thing needs two separate ways to power it at the same time and an allen key for some reason.
This is the same game as the pseudo mode 7 jetpack demo? I have to say I am very impressed at the use of colour managing to make it seems like the colour palette is much more varied. One of the things limiting old cartridge based systems was there was a limit to how large the room size could go even with the mappers used it was normally only expanded to what size rom chips that could be afforded by the publisher.
I was a little interested with that jetpack stuff but this has got me much more curious.
@Grackler well on the PCB that was shown off there didn't seem to be anywhere internally one could even connect but most people didn't seem to notice because of all the other issues. Not that anything internally seemed to be connected to anything in the first place so I imagine the CD drive will just magically work once you crack a hole in the side.
Edit: I just read a comment on the video and now they are saying it may not even come with a CD drive at all due to "issues" but instead a compact flash card reader. Odd choice of flash storage if you ask me. But it sounds like it won't do what was originally promised even if does come out.
The fact they have so few pre-orders should tell them if they want people buying in they will have to do more than show something that clearly isn't fit for purpose. rather than them spending time deleting comments on their videos to hide the negativity they should either just get on with showing something real to prove people wrong which I doubt will happen or just stop the smoke and mirrors show which I also can't see happening.
Capcom done a great job with many Disney games on both the NES and SNES and at the same time Sega were making many excellent games themselves although in this instance it was Virgin Games but most platforms had really high quality Disney games in general at the time.
This is what I would have always wanted to see back at the time 32X games on CD that really take advantage of all three pieces of hardware. I imagine if Sega of America had its way they would have released and all in one system with all three combined. Although I can definitely see how that would cause huge amounts of market confusion having two 32-bit CD systems on the market at the same time and as I say as much as I would have liked to have seen this at the time Sega of America was too keen to hold onto the past and keep old hardware on the market rather than go all in on the Saturn.
So essentially you can just put the roms on an SD card yourself and play them? Just like any other retro device out there? It really does show that retro game collectors are now doing it for social status just to say they had to pay huge amounts to own something.
A lot of older system could find ways to do pseudo mode 7 style effects even the Mega Drive it just takes a lot more rom space to program it all in and doing anything like that in software is a much slower process and takes more CPU power to pull it off often coming across slow in comparison. It does look good though and it's good to see new developers trying new stuff like this on old systems.
I don't think there is any bad nostalgia because if you have fond memories of something regardless of if it was to good or bad subjectively it's the memories of the time and situation you are remembering and not necessarily the quality of something.
That being said I find in the years since people have created a nostalgia that they never experienced first had on how good things were that they claim to remember more from hearing other peoples experiences or in the early days of the internet from what they heard from friends on things and they will often have false recollections of how much they liked something or how big of a deal something was despite not directly experiencing it.
Although I have often seen people call old games that were even considered average at the time as classics and think they were considered great at the time by many others. There was also no real way to see how the majority of not only the public near you thought of something but all over the world as there was a time when we only had reviews in games magazines as a way to tell us if something was good and if you're favourite said it was then it had to be true. This is despite the fact that some magazines gave drastically different scores back then on average and terrible games.
Then we come to games then get remastered like Croc in the modern age and even at the time it was considered average and no one who brought it probably considered it great and the reason it sold as well as it did was many games did on the PS1 regardless of quality especially if the got rereleased on a budget label for half the price. Yet you would think people were crying out for it from some of the articles written about it since it's announcement. I think some people are trying to now cash in on nostalgia now with things just because they are old and are hoping people have false memories of a product thinking they loved it more than they actually did just because they owned it.
@flibblesan That is exactly what I thought. How can one be amazing and the other be bad? That system also cut down and discarded much of the internals and the case in order to cut down the size and make it smaller but that got praised and this is considered bad for simply removing the CD drive.
You can pre-order a discount? The price also seems way too low for a niche FPGA system that will only have small amounts manufactured at any one time. Also not a fan of having a disc drive being on the side as it effectively means you would have to have a lot. Whoever designed the mock up just didn't think it through and it really should be a something with a lip and top loading like the majority of Sega systems if it does turn out to be real then it needs to be redesigned to not look so cheap and nasty looking.
There is going to be a point where systems like this are just going to become waste. It gets even worse when the same manufacturers are the ones releasing several systems a year very close in what they aim to do that all look different. I personally think it would be better if they had two or three systems that aimed to do different consoles as their highest point and then updated them yearly but kept a similar design each time. If you at times are creating your own competition you are only confusing your own potential customers.
@nocdaes at that point if you want something dedicated to just playing retro games there are many handhelds for a similar price point and easier to navigate that probably having to remove it each time you want to navigate through apps.
The price seems a bit too much to me as I can't seem how it costs so much to produce to warrant that kind of price especially seeing as the internal memory is the same as the original and in order to boost that you have to supply your own Micro SD card. I appreciate it is being hand made essentially by one person and you are paying for they time it takes him to make each one but it still seems twice as much of what it is actually worth at most.
Saying that though the backlight and rechargeable battery are certainly a good feature for long term use and something that was probably way too expensive for Sega to have ever introduced it 25 years ago to keep them affordable.
How fancy this guy has a garden and a shed. On a serious not though this is one of the reasons I have stopped collecting older physical discs because of lack of storage space and don't really want to store stuff up in my loft where I know it is cold and damp and a couple of years ago I had two separate leaks just 6 months apart so I wouldn't trust storing anything up there. If I don't have shelf space in the limited space I do have then I either sell some stuff to make room or don't buy it as I also don't want my flat to be overrun with stacks of games or other physical media.
@KitsuneNight I would imagine after 25 years since the original patent went in it has also long since expired so Sega probably doesn't have any kind of rights to a similar designed system for a console they no longer produce. If it had Sega and Dreamcast branding all over it then that would be a different matter.
@KingMike They did I have the official CD they released. It would have been good if they added some other stuff on the CD other than just music an all in one system probably would have taken advantage of it more if it sold well enough. But I do understand why publishers at the time would have dismissed a game that used both at the same time but for optional enhanced sound tracks I think it may have been fairly popular as it would double up as a regular audio CD for those without a Mega CD.
@KingMike The easiest way to look at it as the cartridge slot cant do two functions at once so it can be used for either being a rom. cartridge, ram or as you suggested as a memory card. One feature that was never used during the Mega Drive's commercial life was that you could have had a lot of data on a cartridge to load in faster while also having stuff at the same time on CD that loaded a bit slower to make games load faster in general and store any music, cutscenes and voice acting on CD. The Saturn did a similar thing with KOF '95. It was probably down to the cost and how few people would but games that were on both a cartridge and CD that would only function together.
@KingMike it's a ram expansion for the Mega CD not for the Mega Drive so the cartridge port since it says it's a cartridge. Its pretty much the exact same concept as the Sega Saturn ram expansion since you cant use the port to do anything else at the same time.
Here I thought the announcement a while back of the Golden Axe cartoon was a strange choice but this is just very random to even be considered to be made.
So they have no prototype and it is simply a concept of what they think they can do? Unless you have something to prove you are doing it then many people will be doubtful especially as more and more things like this pop up on crowdfunding sites and never appear now.
The opening theme for this game is second only to Soul Blade for me. The crazy Japaneseness of the plot was so refreshing at the time as many games when translating them to English tried to tone down how crazy they were. Still have the same copy I got brand new back then and my original save file all these years later that I backed up first on a Datel shockwave as it had flash memory and then later on a more modern memory card. in a way it's a shame the sequel didn't expand on this game even though it is a good game itself it felt less ambitious than the first one.
@Kuruwin thanks for proving my point about entitlement. Also it doesn't say they ever purchased it it the first place just who play tested it and once old office building get shut down these things often get left behind or even the person that play tested it was never asked to return it and they just gave it to some one. You are making a hypothetical situation up yourself that it was sold illegal all those years ago. It says nothing about the person who had it in their possession being any kind of collector and just because you personally not caring about their possible situation doesn't mean that isn't the reason behind it. You seem to have really wanted to go out your way to prove you feel more entitled to it being preserved though once again thank you for proving my point.
Not sure why everyone feels so entitled that they should have dumped the rom before selling it. They aren't under any obligation to do so and may not have had the means to do so. Also going out of their way to get it dumped would incur some kind of cost that they probable didn't want as they simply wanted to sell something they owned for the highest price. People are also saying that if the value dropped after the rom was dumped isn't important it's about preserving it. How do you know how important that money is to the seller and what it was needed for? Once again entitlement thinking a hobby of yours is possibly more important than something that could be happening in the sellers real life.
Admittedly it makes it sound like the Gameboy screen itself possibly was a cause for cancer rather than that many people who owned one when it first game out are probably in their 40s or close. They really could have made that more clear as I am sure some will tell their friends upon seeing it that Gameboys caused cancer as evidence games are bad for you or something like that.
@Darknyht I know all that and you are pretty much agreeing with my thoughts that Microsoft would be more interested in concentrating on the stuff they do own rather than licences to expired stuff.
I am aware Deadpool also didn't cost anywhere near that much just that if it did then the outcome would have been disappointing. The fact that even yearly COD games weren't close to that figure at the time would make it impossible to believe people thought they would put anything even close to that into a movie tie-in.
Comments 223
Re: Random: This Teacher Challenged His Students To Hook Up An NES To An Old TV
I wouldn't say it was one of the challenges back in the day as everyone at the time knew how to connect a new device to their TV and tune it in. If you are used to doing it regularly it was pretty simple and quick.
Re: Today I Learned That Metal Gear Solid Roasted People Who Didn't Own A Stereo TV
I was pretty lucky at the time of playing this I had a small Philips TV that was pretty much made for gaming as it had two large stereo speakers either side of the screen so I got to play every game with stereo sound at the time. Although admittedly many games didn't make the option at the time still and we're all mainly in mono as standard. It wasn't until the next generation where stereo sound was the default.
Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved
Jeff Jarrett isn't exactly known for his good business decisions everything he starts up he either has to sell because he can't maintain it or it goes bust. That is a perfect fit for Acclaim in many ways.
l think people also think the Acclaim name is a recognisable brand when it no longer is and was probably only relevant for a brief period in the late 90s when their output was high and they were really pushing games visually but often many of their games didn't play as great as people remember or were really bad like their wrestling games but were rated highly mainly because the WWE name was slapped on them and the moment it became ECW people thought the games were now bad despite playing the same as the previous ones.
Also one correction he isn't a former wrestler at 57 he is still active and has matches almost weekly much to my dismay.
Re: GamesCare's New Genesis Dev Cart Will Help "Create Games Beyond The Power Of The Console"
While the idea of this sounds good but if you are using the co-processor in the cartridge to do most or all of the work then you are using very little of the original hardware then the original console is more of a pass though. I get the argument that consoles then often used extra chips on the cartridge to enhance the games but they often worked equally with what the original system could do not replace it. Even the 32X relied on the Mega Drive heavily. This is one reason I wasn't that excited for Paprium as it really just used the colour palette of the system and the vast majority if not all of the game was only using the fpga chip that was used.
Re: Capcom's SNES Shooter 'Super Pang' Is Getting An Unofficial Mega Drive Port
@Zeebor15 Pang is co-owned by Capcom. If I am correct, so while whoever picked up the rights that Mitchell Corporation is also co-owner it is probably why there haven't been many re-releases of the games because it involves too much negotiations across multiple parties. This is why a lot of these old games get lost to time because the publisher usually used a third party developer that had some of the original rights and one or both are long gone and the rights distributed to random holding companies. Even Sega said last year a lot of their older games they aren't fully sure if the own all of the rights or not because of situations like this.
Re: Four Years Later, The Revival Of The SNES Run 'N Gunner 'Nightmare Busters' Gets Its First Trailer
I have a copy of the SNES games released by Super Fighter Team back in 2013. Admittedly I have only played it a small handful of times. Very surprised it never got released back in 1994 as it was definitely a good looking and sounding game. Although I do wonder if there is any demand for a sequel and I am honestly not a fan of the hand drawn art style for this particular one and think a pixel art would have looked better especially because the original holds up well.
Re: Random: "This Is Hilarious" - 'New' Iranian PS1 Consoles Cause Amusement Online
The 90's has finally come to Iran.
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
People to this day keep on about dumping the rom for the game but that would be worthless on its own as the "custom" chip it uses has never been cracked and unless it ever is dumping the game will get you no where. That doesn't take into account no emulator would be able to run it either as the chip used is considerably more powerful than the original hardware so you would need completely custom emulators too. If I recall this game didn't even like running on non-official Sega hardware either as it was pretty much programmed not to do so. Fonzie being the retro hardware snob he is pretty much went out of his way to make sure as few people as possible could play the game and then blamed everyone else as the reason why. He attitude alone is the reason it's had so many issues so he deserves no more money.
Re: Random: The Gloriously Unhinged SuperSega Saga Now Has Its Own Song
This guy has no self awareness in how he comes across. If you were to picture a sleazy con man in your head chances are it would be someone that looks like him. He seems to crave the attention this brings and feels he can convince everyone that despite his lies being obvious that he can some how change people's opinion by talking more and coming up with a story more crazy than the last one.
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
Where I live we lost WH Smith about 3 years ago after everything started opening back up in the city centre but even the next nearest one 4 or 5 miles away never seems to be busy. News agents and stores of that ilk like WH Smith or a dying thing due to most people being able to get the information they need online for free. Even the other stuff they sell you can usually find better specialist stores nearby. I am honestly surprised they have lasted as long as they have. Then again as the article says they make most of their money from travel locations and hospitals which is understandable when people try and fill that time with something to read.
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
He seems to think that the more he talks the more convincing he is. A smart con man would have long disappeared at this point but no one ever accused him of being smart. Even the people that he claims can confirm they have had refunds are all Spanish and seem to all have accounts with similar emails or account names or something and they are either him or people he knows in all likely hood. He seems to be acting in a really bad telenovela.
Re: 8BitDo's Solution For Smartphone Retro Gaming Is Revealed
It just doesn't look practical to me just like the majority of these things for phone. If you want to play retro games on the go though there are plenty of dedicated handhelds that are fairly cheap that would be better suited to that task over a smartphone and you don't have to remove the controls from the screen every time you exit the game and the emulator you are in goes full screen.
Re: Remember When Dragon Quest III's Launch Triggered Arrests In Japan?
@KingMike I'm pretty sure they do I was saying it more as a joke than anything. Still it sounds crazy just to write it down that is a possible conviction.
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
Ah yes making a kart racing game out of a racing game... seems more redundant than anything and more like a separate mode in one of the regular games than anything. But his view of Kart racing games seems misguided if the game is good and high quality it won't effect the main games that it's a spin-off from. There is one huge piece of proof in this with Mario Kart being one of the best selling game series in history even separate from the mainline Mario games. Both Sonic and Crash have had moderately successful ones to that did kill their mainline games.
Re: The ZX Spectrum Just Got An Amazing New Donkey Kong Port, But Don't Expect It To Be Around Long
I mean I won't be surprised it gets taken down since they are charging for it. That is the quickest way to catch Nintendo's attention. Fan made ports are one thing if they are free but when money gets involved they are just asking for it do be taken down.
Re: Remember When Dragon Quest III's Launch Triggered Arrests In Japan?
Can you imagine growing up in life with a criminal conviction of not going to school one day so you could queue up for a game on the day it's released. They no doubt didn't in in silence in an orderly fashion too to be respectful. I do miss those days of having to queue up on launch nights for certain things though not so much in the colder months though.
Re: "We Need To Sell At Least 75" - Nuon Game 'Ring Flyer' Needs Your Help To Make It "Worthwhile"
@Jellyscare I am not saying they expected to make loads of money but they should have expected it would be a struggle just to break even seeing as they didn't know how big of a market it was to begin with. One thing I don't like is then begging people to buy their game to support them and future releases. Even on such an obscure system you should at least aim to make your software as unique as you can rather than just expecting people to buy it because it's new software for something that has just about none to begin with. Like I said it's great they are making a game for it but they should have been prepared for possibility that their aren't enough collectors out there in the first place who would probably just buy it and never play it even if they did get a copy.
Re: "We Need To Sell At Least 75" - Nuon Game 'Ring Flyer' Needs Your Help To Make It "Worthwhile"
The thing is with a game on a platform that is so niche you should really have seen if there was a market out there for a game to begin with. People aren't simply going to pay that much money for a game even if it's at a discount for a system they probably don't own I have also seen the game in action and it looks like a glorified tech demo. It's fantastic that they are releasing a game for it but there is probably no market for it even with collectors that have the vast majority of what was originally released anyway.
Re: "A Slap In The Face Of All Creators" - YouTube Terminates Popular Retro Gaming Channel Without Warning
I would say it is shocking but all they do is give automated generic responses with zero human interaction and with no examples give. Many large platforms now just handle things this way and ban you for no reason and when you question why they can't actually give any reason specifically. Getting through to a real person or someone who doesn't just sit there copying from a list of responses they have is the most difficult part.
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
It would be nice if it also included many of the games that over the last decade or so as well as trying to find a good list of what has been released can prove tricky.
Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price
It was released after the PlayStation and Saturn and the previous generation was selling less anyway. When you take into account that the mega drive wasn't exactly known for its rpgs it was probably never going to sell too much in the west in 1995 anyway regardless of price. If it had been in 1992 or 93 then maybe what he is saying may have been true but if anything they were probably expecting it to sell in such low numbers due to the changing market and the price was so they didn't risk losing out on the production costs.
I know the two sides were combative towards each other but I can't see it being that bad that they would risk not making money just to prove they are right and western gamers didn't like rpgs. This is only his personal assumption as to why it was priced that way and not any inside knowledge he has because someone told him that was why. It sounds more like he was bitter that he didn't get to translate and publish it and no doubt change certain things in the game to what he wanted.
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
The USB ports that is somehow needed for extra power for some reason is the one that most people are suspicious about. If you need two separate power sources just to run it then there is a serious design flaw. Not only that due to his shaking hand and constant moving of his phone you can't actually tell what the cable is connected to. I also find it suspicious they have yet to show even a single 3D Saturn game and only 2D ones so even if this is real then the performance must be really bad on anything taxing. Not enough resources for making a half decent video where someone else is holding a camera but he did when it came to someone filming him parking a car apparently. claiming you aren't a rich person and driving in with such a car would make most people think you are lying regardless of if it is his or not it's asking for people not to believe you.
Re: Confusion Reigns As SuperSega Pre-Orders Get Charged For The Full Amount
I mean it did say they could just claim the full amount from people when they made the pre order and that basically authorised them to do so at their will. Not sure why people are surprised they are taking advantage of this. Why would you pay them knowing that at any point they can just decide to take the money they want?
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
Why does the box it's in look like it's been in a fire and dragged across a gravel track of some kind? Did all his money go on the car hence why he cant afford a fraction of that to not only produce a working prototype but a few thousand euros to get the production started? I tried to watch the video but if he thinks a video he shoots on his phone where he moves it off of the device multiple times or is so close you can't actually make out what is going on. From what I can work out this thing needs two separate ways to power it at the same time and an allen key for some reason.
Re: We Can't Quite Believe That Former Dawn Is Running On Real NES Hardware
This is the same game as the pseudo mode 7 jetpack demo? I have to say I am very impressed at the use of colour managing to make it seems like the colour palette is much more varied. One of the things limiting old cartridge based systems was there was a limit to how large the room size could go even with the mappers used it was normally only expanded to what size rom chips that could be afforded by the publisher.
I was a little interested with that jetpack stuff but this has got me much more curious.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
@Grackler well on the PCB that was shown off there didn't seem to be anywhere internally one could even connect but most people didn't seem to notice because of all the other issues. Not that anything internally seemed to be connected to anything in the first place so I imagine the CD drive will just magically work once you crack a hole in the side.
Edit: I just read a comment on the video and now they are saying it may not even come with a CD drive at all due to "issues" but instead a compact flash card reader. Odd choice of flash storage if you ask me. But it sounds like it won't do what was originally promised even if does come out.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
The fact they have so few pre-orders should tell them if they want people buying in they will have to do more than show something that clearly isn't fit for purpose. rather than them spending time deleting comments on their videos to hide the negativity they should either just get on with showing something real to prove people wrong which I doubt will happen or just stop the smoke and mirrors show which I also can't see happening.
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
Capcom done a great job with many Disney games on both the NES and SNES and at the same time Sega were making many excellent games themselves although in this instance it was Virgin Games but most platforms had really high quality Disney games in general at the time.
Re: Doom CD32X Fusion Is The First Non-FMV Game To Utilize The Sega's Tower Of Power
This is what I would have always wanted to see back at the time 32X games on CD that really take advantage of all three pieces of hardware. I imagine if Sega of America had its way they would have released and all in one system with all three combined. Although I can definitely see how that would cause huge amounts of market confusion having two 32-bit CD systems on the market at the same time and as I say as much as I would have liked to have seen this at the time Sega of America was too keen to hold onto the past and keep old hardware on the market rather than go all in on the Saturn.
Re: Taito Arcade Memories Volume 2, An SD Card With ROMs On, Is Now Selling For Crazy Money
So essentially you can just put the roms on an SD card yourself and play them? Just like any other retro device out there? It really does show that retro game collectors are now doing it for social status just to say they had to pay huge amounts to own something.
Re: Think The NES Can't Handle Mode 7? Think Again
A lot of older system could find ways to do pseudo mode 7 style effects even the Mega Drive it just takes a lot more rom space to program it all in and doing anything like that in software is a much slower process and takes more CPU power to pull it off often coming across slow in comparison. It does look good though and it's good to see new developers trying new stuff like this on old systems.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
I don't think there is any bad nostalgia because if you have fond memories of something regardless of if it was to good or bad subjectively it's the memories of the time and situation you are remembering and not necessarily the quality of something.
That being said I find in the years since people have created a nostalgia that they never experienced first had on how good things were that they claim to remember more from hearing other peoples experiences or in the early days of the internet from what they heard from friends on things and they will often have false recollections of how much they liked something or how big of a deal something was despite not directly experiencing it.
Although I have often seen people call old games that were even considered average at the time as classics and think they were considered great at the time by many others. There was also no real way to see how the majority of not only the public near you thought of something but all over the world as there was a time when we only had reviews in games magazines as a way to tell us if something was good and if you're favourite said it was then it had to be true. This is despite the fact that some magazines gave drastically different scores back then on average and terrible games.
Then we come to games then get remastered like Croc in the modern age and even at the time it was considered average and no one who brought it probably considered it great and the reason it sold as well as it did was many games did on the PS1 regardless of quality especially if the got rereleased on a budget label for half the price. Yet you would think people were crying out for it from some of the articles written about it since it's announcement. I think some people are trying to now cash in on nostalgia now with things just because they are old and are hoping people have false memories of a product thinking they loved it more than they actually did just because they owned it.
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
Ah yes Square and Enix two companies in the past well know for their support of Sega consoles. What an odd choice of publishers to make these.
Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles
@flibblesan That is exactly what I thought. How can one be amazing and the other be bad? That system also cut down and discarded much of the internals and the case in order to cut down the size and make it smaller but that got praised and this is considered bad for simply removing the CD drive.
Re: You'll Be Able To Secure Your SuperSega FPGA Console For Just Three Bucks
You can pre-order a discount? The price also seems way too low for a niche FPGA system that will only have small amounts manufactured at any one time. Also not a fan of having a disc drive being on the side as it effectively means you would have to have a lot. Whoever designed the mock up just didn't think it through and it really should be a something with a lip and top loading like the majority of Sega systems if it does turn out to be real then it needs to be redesigned to not look so cheap and nasty looking.
Re: Anbernic Reveals Another Game Boy-Style Handheld, The RG406V
There is going to be a point where systems like this are just going to become waste. It gets even worse when the same manufacturers are the ones releasing several systems a year very close in what they aim to do that all look different. I personally think it would be better if they had two or three systems that aimed to do different consoles as their highest point and then updated them yearly but kept a similar design each time. If you at times are creating your own competition you are only confusing your own potential customers.
Re: PlayCase Turns Your iPhone Into A Proper Portable Game Console
@nocdaes at that point if you want something dedicated to just playing retro games there are many handhelds for a similar price point and easier to navigate that probably having to remove it each time you want to navigate through apps.
Re: Review: Dreamcast VM2 - An Essential VMU Upgrade For All Sega Fans
The price seems a bit too much to me as I can't seem how it costs so much to produce to warrant that kind of price especially seeing as the internal memory is the same as the original and in order to boost that you have to supply your own Micro SD card. I appreciate it is being hand made essentially by one person and you are paying for they time it takes him to make each one but it still seems twice as much of what it is actually worth at most.
Saying that though the backlight and rechargeable battery are certainly a good feature for long term use and something that was probably way too expensive for Sega to have ever introduced it 25 years ago to keep them affordable.
Re: This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed
How fancy this guy has a garden and a shed. On a serious not though this is one of the reasons I have stopped collecting older physical discs because of lack of storage space and don't really want to store stuff up in my loft where I know it is cold and damp and a couple of years ago I had two separate leaks just 6 months apart so I wouldn't trust storing anything up there. If I don't have shelf space in the limited space I do have then I either sell some stuff to make room or don't buy it as I also don't want my flat to be overrun with stacks of games or other physical media.
Re: EmuDeck Machine Aims To Elevate Retro Game Emulation To A "Console-Like Experience"
@KitsuneNight I would imagine after 25 years since the original patent went in it has also long since expired so Sega probably doesn't have any kind of rights to a similar designed system for a console they no longer produce. If it had Sega and Dreamcast branding all over it then that would be a different matter.
Re: This Sega Genesis RAM Cart Could Take Homebrew Development To A New Level
@KingMike They did I have the official CD they released. It would have been good if they added some other stuff on the CD other than just music an all in one system probably would have taken advantage of it more if it sold well enough. But I do understand why publishers at the time would have dismissed a game that used both at the same time but for optional enhanced sound tracks I think it may have been fairly popular as it would double up as a regular audio CD for those without a Mega CD.
Re: This Sega Genesis RAM Cart Could Take Homebrew Development To A New Level
@KingMike The easiest way to look at it as the cartridge slot cant do two functions at once so it can be used for either being a rom. cartridge, ram or as you suggested as a memory card. One feature that was never used during the Mega Drive's commercial life was that you could have had a lot of data on a cartridge to load in faster while also having stuff at the same time on CD that loaded a bit slower to make games load faster in general and store any music, cutscenes and voice acting on CD. The Saturn did a similar thing with KOF '95. It was probably down to the cost and how few people would but games that were on both a cartridge and CD that would only function together.
Re: This Sega Genesis RAM Cart Could Take Homebrew Development To A New Level
@KingMike it's a ram expansion for the Mega CD not for the Mega Drive so the cartridge port since it says it's a cartridge. Its pretty much the exact same concept as the Sega Saturn ram expansion since you cant use the port to do anything else at the same time.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
Here I thought the announcement a while back of the Golden Axe cartoon was a strange choice but this is just very random to even be considered to be made.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
So they have no prototype and it is simply a concept of what they think they can do? Unless you have something to prove you are doing it then many people will be doubtful especially as more and more things like this pop up on crowdfunding sites and never appear now.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
The opening theme for this game is second only to Soul Blade for me. The crazy Japaneseness of the plot was so refreshing at the time as many games when translating them to English tried to tone down how crazy they were. Still have the same copy I got brand new back then and my original save file all these years later that I backed up first on a Datel shockwave as it had flash memory and then later on a more modern memory card. in a way it's a shame the sequel didn't expand on this game even though it is a good game itself it felt less ambitious than the first one.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
@Kuruwin thanks for proving my point about entitlement. Also it doesn't say they ever purchased it it the first place just who play tested it and once old office building get shut down these things often get left behind or even the person that play tested it was never asked to return it and they just gave it to some one. You are making a hypothetical situation up yourself that it was sold illegal all those years ago. It says nothing about the person who had it in their possession being any kind of collector and just because you personally not caring about their possible situation doesn't mean that isn't the reason behind it. You seem to have really wanted to go out your way to prove you feel more entitled to it being preserved though once again thank you for proving my point.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
Not sure why everyone feels so entitled that they should have dumped the rom before selling it. They aren't under any obligation to do so and may not have had the means to do so. Also going out of their way to get it dumped would incur some kind of cost that they probable didn't want as they simply wanted to sell something they owned for the highest price. People are also saying that if the value dropped after the rom was dumped isn't important it's about preserving it. How do you know how important that money is to the seller and what it was needed for? Once again entitlement thinking a hobby of yours is possibly more important than something that could be happening in the sellers real life.
Re: Old Enough To Remember The Original Game Boy? Then Think About Screening For Cancer, Says Charity
Admittedly it makes it sound like the Gameboy screen itself possibly was a cause for cancer rather than that many people who owned one when it first game out are probably in their 40s or close. They really could have made that more clear as I am sure some will tell their friends upon seeing it that Gameboys caused cancer as evidence games are bad for you or something like that.
Re: Did Activision's Deadpool Game Really Cost $100 Million To Make?
@Darknyht I know all that and you are pretty much agreeing with my thoughts that Microsoft would be more interested in concentrating on the stuff they do own rather than licences to expired stuff.
I am aware Deadpool also didn't cost anywhere near that much just that if it did then the outcome would have been disappointing. The fact that even yearly COD games weren't close to that figure at the time would make it impossible to believe people thought they would put anything even close to that into a movie tie-in.