Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet 1acccWed 24th Feb 2021 Star Fox Adventures was such a great game. One of the top games on the Gamecube for sure. I liked it even more than Wind Waker! 0
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill 2acccSun 27th Apr 2014 You're a sucker if you think this story is true. What actually happened: The director found a few old Atari cartridges, re-shrinkwrapped them, buried them, and dug them up. Voila, instant hype for his documentary. 0
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures 3acccWed 26th Dec 2012 Star Fox Adventures was maligned? I thought it was an excellent game. It's definitely one of the better Zelda clones to have come out last generation. 0
Comments 3
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet
Star Fox Adventures was such a great game. One of the top games on the Gamecube for sure. I liked it even more than Wind Waker!
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
You're a sucker if you think this story is true. What actually happened: The director found a few old Atari cartridges, re-shrinkwrapped them, buried them, and dug them up. Voila, instant hype for his documentary.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures
Star Fox Adventures was maligned? I thought it was an excellent game. It's definitely one of the better Zelda clones to have come out last generation.