Comments 4

Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot


@gb_nes_gamer sure I get it I’m not sure how a Goldeneye Bond game could not have that content.

And as for demon slaying, no issues but if it then becomes about killing aliens instead that’s the same problem. It’s like programming is to think aliens will be bad and killing them would be ok, in reality they’re likely to be good and I’d like to see games move away from the low vibe energy of everything needs to die.

Maybe as I’ve grown more mature I’ve just realised that violence even in entertainment form seems so wrong and counter where we want to head as a species, so if we can start to move toward games that are awakening or productive in some way that would be great.

But I’m also not for banning people from playing them, just would like to see games leaning the other side a bit more

Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot


I have to say, while it wouldn’t work for golden eye, I do think it’s a consideration that the entertainment industry does need to look into.

For a long time I thought that it doesn’t affect people but you have to say that it should not seem normal and acceptable to kill people.

It’s mental that it happens in real life with wars. And it should not be acceptable in video games or movies.

Maybe I’m just fed up with all movies basically being about the end of the world or killing people. Can we have a little more focus on creating a world we want to live in please