Another funny bit: the cover is going through the character/image names alphabetically. Kirby for "K," Red Shell for "R," etc. Hilariously, Link is for... Z? Why wouldn't they use Zelda?
@Darthmoogle An appearance in a spinoff game hardly warrants a place on the cover. If this was a Super Nintendo book, absolutely, but I think it's a stretch to associate the Nintendo 64's legacy with a series that never graced the console. By your logic, Samus should be on the cover too.
I really don't understand everyone getting bent out of shape about this. Nintendo has one of the most incredible collections of IP in the industry, and yet they are so behind the times that a vast majority of these masterpieces can't be enjoyed by newer generations. Never mind the difficulty for some of these games to be found physically, there are so many games from the era of cartridges that are nearly impossible to find for less than $100. Three years into the switch's life span and not only are we missing N64 games, but there are so many SNES games that are still missing from the service. We are not actively taking any money from Nintendo for using this device for a number of games. Nintendo isn't losing any money on games they are not providing a modern release for. Getting bent out of shape about this is downright silly. The more access that the layman has to these incredible games, the more Nintendo's current IP can flourish and be passed down for generations to come.
Holy crap, I knew so much about this game's backstory that I never knew it wasn't officially titled "Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet!" I always call it Dinosaur Planet!
Anyway, great article! Man, this coupled with the hardware feature on the Tezuka GB Light is incredible, keep it up, guys!
Comments 5
Re: Bitmap Books Is Launching 'N64: A Visual Compendium' This Year
Another funny bit: the cover is going through the character/image names alphabetically. Kirby for "K," Red Shell for "R," etc. Hilariously, Link is for... Z? Why wouldn't they use Zelda?
Re: Bitmap Books Is Launching 'N64: A Visual Compendium' This Year
@Hippolytus The closest we got to Ness in the cancelled EarthBound 64 is this image that bears a resemblance, but their true identity remains unconfirmed. No promotional art exists of Ness, only of Lucas and his family:
@Darthmoogle An appearance in a spinoff game hardly warrants a place on the cover. If this was a Super Nintendo book, absolutely, but I think it's a stretch to associate the Nintendo 64's legacy with a series that never graced the console. By your logic, Samus should be on the cover too.
Re: Bitmap Books Is Launching 'N64: A Visual Compendium' This Year
Great sign that they're using a photo of Ness on the front cover... using promotional art from the SNES era... for an N64 book.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
I really don't understand everyone getting bent out of shape about this. Nintendo has one of the most incredible collections of IP in the industry, and yet they are so behind the times that a vast majority of these masterpieces can't be enjoyed by newer generations. Never mind the difficulty for some of these games to be found physically, there are so many games from the era of cartridges that are nearly impossible to find for less than $100. Three years into the switch's life span and not only are we missing N64 games, but there are so many SNES games that are still missing from the service. We are not actively taking any money from Nintendo for using this device for a number of games. Nintendo isn't losing any money on games they are not providing a modern release for. Getting bent out of shape about this is downright silly. The more access that the layman has to these incredible games, the more Nintendo's current IP can flourish and be passed down for generations to come.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures
Holy crap, I knew so much about this game's backstory that I never knew it wasn't officially titled "Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet!" I always call it Dinosaur Planet!
Anyway, great article! Man, this coupled with the hardware feature on the Tezuka GB Light is incredible, keep it up, guys!