Comments 4

Re: Think The NES Can't Handle Mode 7? Think Again


@KingMike Are you're thinking of the tech demo Upsilandre did in 2019? (no special mapper)

(I did a Game Boy / Color riff on that a few years later)

Upsilandre has a good follow up article on the Axelay effect vs Mode 7 too

Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games


@Poodlestargenerica Games on physical media such as cartridges are different from digital rentals because they are covered by the First Sale Doctrine.

"The first-sale doctrine creates a basic exception to the copyright holder's distribution right. Once the work is lawfully sold or even transferred gratuitously, the copyright owner's interest in the material object in which the copyrighted work is embodied is exhausted. *** The owner of the material object can then dispose of it as they see fit. Thus, one who buys a copy of a book is entitled to resell it, rent it, give it away, or destroy it. ***"

Re: Hacker Gets The Game Boy Camera Working On The Mega Duck



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