Comments 79

Re: Building The Ultimate Sega Dreamcast


Ι still can't believe how good and clear the digital image that Dreamcast outputs even with a cheap hdmi connector. As much as I love the Dreamcast I am not that fan of the controller so I bought this adapter that also has 200 blocks of DC memory
Using this I connect my PS4 controller to DC and Saturn (which I also not a big fan)

Re: Hands On: Evercade EXP - Now Packed With Capcom Goodness


I don't get why they do not offer digital games as an option. This is a console not a one time thing like the Mega Drive Classic. I mean I love physical game preservation but actual costs when you play a game should be considered.

Let's say I import the console from the UK or Germany (it is also available there for preorder for 150 euros if you are in mainland EU)... The cost of shipping/customs/taxes/wait time of each cartridges is something I don't really like.

Re: Back In 1994, Konami Almost Released Its Own Games Console


Excluding marketing and other logistics I think the mini consoles prove that it may be easier to make a console today with the advantages in single board computers and software emulation. But even in x86 systems after the success of the steam deck we seem to have a new pc-spec handheld announced every other day!

Re: Best Retro Gaming Systems - What's The Dream Option For You?


@Muriustar I have the 64GB version of the Steam Deck and you can use a program called Emu Deck to set up everything. DS, 3DS and the recent Nintendo system work great. I miss my original saves though; it is a pain to move them from my OG cartridges. There is also a beta version of Vita 3000 for the Deck that I have not tried yet.

Sometimes I think that it was a good decision that I went digital in the Vita. It was hard to find games for it here and there were some very good discounts. Basically, I ended up getting a lot of digital PSP and Vita games after all the good old Sony sales and I have all of them in a 256 SD2Vita memory card.

Re: Best Retro Gaming Systems - What's The Dream Option For You?


@Muriustar This. Basically, a Steam Deck for the systems that are harder to emulate (with a HDMI to type-c dock to connect to a monitor or TV) plus a cheaper lighter handheld like one of the following: RG351V or 280V (really love that they have type-c ports, one less charger to carry around) or a PSP (or Vita) or 3ds (if you are more into Nintendo) for the more easy stuff.

In the end of the day, even though I love OG hardware I can't stand some of them. I have 3 Game Gears, in one of which I changed the capacitors, and the screen does not work in any of them! My Dreamcast does not play OG disks sometimes but if I make a backup of such disk it plays it (although TBO I am surprised of how great and clean picture Dreamcast provides).

Re: This Cheap Hack Runs Sega Saturn Games From The Console's Controller Port


@Damo A quick search shows that you are right. There is no way, at the moment, to boot isos from the Pseudo Saturn.

I use my Pseudo Saturn to boot og games from Japan in my pal Saturn and there are framerate issues in some games. It also works as a ram expansion, it is a very cool hardware piece.

Excluding some popular Sega arcade ports Saturn games are very expensive (and were expensive before everything retro went up in price)... I don't really get it though, the console was not that popular.

Re: You Need To Take A Look At This New Power Rangers Fangame


I am a huge Power Rangers fan. There are many cool fan games. This reuses assets from other games and sound clips from the MMPR episodes. The thing is it really annoyed me that in the Snes game all morphed rangers were palette swaps. I really thought that the Game Gear versions better represented the show.

Re: Welcome To Time Extension


Awesome idea. Looking forward to the content. As you may recall from Push Square I am a retro gamer, SEGA, Castlevania and Square fan and very much in the retro game preservation stuff and emulation.

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