I got this from kickstarter (after a looooooong wait and a crazy import fee...), but man, it is just superb compared to the official controller. D-Pad is much better, analogue stick is leaps and bounds better (ever tried playing toy story 2 with the analogue stick? it sucks. on this controller? IT WORKS!), face buttons are, well, about the same lol. The great addition of 2 different triggers is great too, as you get the nice clicky ones for fighting games and pressure sensitive ones for racing games.
A bunch of games not being in English and NEEDING to be for anyone to understand them outside of Japan killed any real interest I had in this when it was announced. I'd consider picking it up at a PS Classic price (when it dropped to £15 lol).
Comments 2
Re: Hands On: Retro Fighters Follows Up Its Superb Brawler64 Pad With The StrikerDC For Dreamcast
I got this from kickstarter (after a looooooong wait and a crazy import fee...), but man, it is just superb compared to the official controller. D-Pad is much better, analogue stick is leaps and bounds better (ever tried playing toy story 2 with the analogue stick? it sucks. on this controller? IT WORKS!), face buttons are, well, about the same lol. The great addition of 2 different triggers is great too, as you get the nice clicky ones for fighting games and pressure sensitive ones for racing games.
Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years
A bunch of games not being in English and NEEDING to be for anyone to understand them outside of Japan killed any real interest I had in this when it was announced. I'd consider picking it up at a PS Classic price (when it dropped to £15 lol).