@jimmytodgers appreciate the info! I would say you're the first person who's commented about my tinfoil hat... but I don't want to start my day by lying over my morning coffee. XD
On paper, that sounds really awesome but am I the only one bothered by the fact that, to perform this feat, your monitor will be monitoring you? I'm not saying there's necessarily anything malicious or insidious involved...but I'd be looking for and reading any fine print a monitor like that came with. :-/
@montrayjak the caveat is that every game has its own rules. But, for example, I think the regular speedrun of Castlevania begins on first control of the character. For something like this, something repetitive like beating the game 70+ times would probably not be considered part of the run. The run would only be from first character control after the game has been setup to let you perform the ACE.
Other games might have something similar if the runner is manipulating the RNG. For example, one of the classic pokemon games (I can't remember if it's Crystal or Gold/Silver) involves resetting the game 17 times to manipulate the stats of the starting pokemon. But the timing of the speedrun starts AFTER those 17 resets.
In some other game, though, if part of a trick involves things done on the save screen, that might be included in the speedrun even though navigating the save screen is not generally considered "playing the game." But, like I said first, every game is different and every game will have multiple categories of speedruns which may have different rules between them.
@RupeeClock I feel this. My personal preference for watching and doing speedruns will always be for glitchless or no major glitches categories. But I love that the speedrun community is able to make a category for every way to play because I totally want to see the crazy, game breaking bugs and glitches and exploits like what's on display here.
I remember this episode for Ribisi playing a genuinely creepy character. Some monster-of-the-week episodes were just about "ooo, scary ghost/monster/thing" and maybe it was gross or scary in that way but Ribisi's character had this creepy crush on I think his teacher or a social worker and really just played it up so well the "X-File" aspect of it took a backseat to the character portrayal. Definitely a highlight episode from season 3.
Highly recommend the speedruns of Robotrek on RPGLimitBreak's youtube channel. They're entertaining and informative about the game.
Also think it's interesting that this is another instance of DieHard GameFan proving its worth back in the day by bringing a different perspective on a game.
Will never, ever get over GamePro's rating scale faces... (-_-)
I loved the sci-fi angle of the movie but I'd agree with the one reviewer that I had a hard time getting into the movie overall because of the paper thin characters (especially the villain), overall weak plot, and unsatisfying "power of love" ending. Some of the actors did the best they could but there's only so much you can do with such a weak plot and script. Personally, I feel like setting the movie on our real, actual Earth instead of a fantasy world (and avoiding any of the deep dive conspiracies about what and how many worlds the Final Fantasy series takes place on) was one of its first and biggest blunders. Like, especially with sci-fi/fantasy movies, I want my level of escapism to be a little higher, to take me out of feeling like I'm just watching more problems on this planet.
I still put the movie on once in a while to watch the opening action scene and when the city is attacked; I think both of those sequences were particularly cool. I was 17 when this movie came out, saw it in the theaters, and remember my biggest disappointments (even at that age, without fully developed critical thinking skills) were the plot and setting. I wish this movie were better regarded as time passes and could achieve a 'cult classic' level of appreciation but I think it misses that and it'll come down to it being not a great movie overall with a few redeeming traits.
Oh, man...core memory unlocked. I didn't have this tape but I had one (here in the US) that was this short video with some moves for Guile, Chun-li, and maybe Ryu. A guy in an arcade walked you through how to do them. The coolest part to me was that it also included two live action commercials for SF2, one with Guile and one with Chun-li. Thinking back on it, I don't even know where that VHS came from. I wonder what ever happened to it...
I don't know how folks go about playing the ROM hacks (not my taste in gaming) but, if you liked the Celeste/Mario one, I suggest looking up the speedrun of Celeste.SMC at Summer Games Done Quick 2022 on youtube. Even though they're not to my taste, I still found that run fascinating to watch.
This is written like it's awesome and I guess it is for these folks that are waiting for their orders but I feel like the tone of this article is a little... off. Like, isn't this more of yet another cautionary tale about the dangers of trusting either companies like SLG or backing things on Kickstarter??
I think it's cool that companies exist that want to produce these limited collector's editions but the lack of oversight for them to deliver on timelines or protections for backers and the fact that you only can "guarantee" yourself a copy because of scalpers means you're forced to submit to said lack of oversight and protections. :/
6'3" without the suit. She'll always be a freaking valkyrie in my headcanon regardless of how dirty games like Other M or all her appearances with heels do her.
Kind of a general one but I remember in the late 80s, prior to the launch of the SNES in the US, I remember the department stores here (Macy's, Hecht's, JCPenney, Sears, Montgomery Wards) would have their electronics department and I remember one of them being this black, curved wall with TVs set in it and NES systems running stuff like Mega Man 2 on them. I had no clue what they were or how to play them or anything (I was still single digits in the late 80s). But definitely a core memory related to gaming in a place.
I vividly remember the arcade named Champions in my local mall.
I remember Toys R' Us stores with their video game sections and they had little paper cards in pockets under pictures of the games. You took one up to the register to buy it then went over to this caged warehouse lock up area (reminds me of the IRA guy that the brothers buy guns from in Boondock Saints) with your receipt to pick up your game.
I could probably dig deeper into the dusty file boxes of my memories but those are some of the old, core ones.
@GrailUK I was blown away by all the little environmental details in this game back in the day. Just the fact that shell casings eject from your cannon and your shots leave pockmarks on the floors and ceilings. So immersive for a side scrolling shooter in that era. 💯
I never saw the movie but I remember reading and loving the novelization in the early 90s-ish (I was single digits at the time). I remember the novel very fondly but I've chosen to refrain from seeing the movie because I know there's no way it will live up to either what I imagined as a child or the space battles that modern special effects have brought to the screen.
This is what I think about when I read about the reaction times of things like fighter pilots and baseball players being measured in fractions of a second. For such a conceptually simple game, watching it played with such perfection is mind boggling.
I can't be the only be person who needed their inventory to not just fit but actually be organized, right? Nades over here, ammo neatly stacked there, healing items in this corner, oh, yes. Did that in games like Deus Ex, too. 😌
Only called once that I clearly remember: I was probably around 10-ish, and it was for Shadowrun on the SNES. I don't remember for certain what for, but it was in the first zone of the game and it might have been related to healing the shaman in the graveyard. The guy I spoke to was very nice and we did get me through it.
Comments 22
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
*and it has taken him all of this time and spending $5.5 million to recover.
There. Fixed that sentence for you.
Re: Samsung's New Odyssey 3D Monitor Might Be The Ultimate Way To Emulate Nintendo 3DS
@jimmytodgers appreciate the info! I would say you're the first person who's commented about my tinfoil hat... but I don't want to start my day by lying over my morning coffee. XD
Re: Samsung's New Odyssey 3D Monitor Might Be The Ultimate Way To Emulate Nintendo 3DS
On paper, that sounds really awesome but am I the only one bothered by the fact that, to perform this feat, your monitor will be monitoring you? I'm not saying there's necessarily anything malicious or insidious involved...but I'd be looking for and reading any fine print a monitor like that came with. :-/
Re: Castlevania's "Ultimate Glitch" Has Been Discovered
@montrayjak the caveat is that every game has its own rules. But, for example, I think the regular speedrun of Castlevania begins on first control of the character. For something like this, something repetitive like beating the game 70+ times would probably not be considered part of the run. The run would only be from first character control after the game has been setup to let you perform the ACE.
Other games might have something similar if the runner is manipulating the RNG. For example, one of the classic pokemon games (I can't remember if it's Crystal or Gold/Silver) involves resetting the game 17 times to manipulate the stats of the starting pokemon. But the timing of the speedrun starts AFTER those 17 resets.
In some other game, though, if part of a trick involves things done on the save screen, that might be included in the speedrun even though navigating the save screen is not generally considered "playing the game." But, like I said first, every game is different and every game will have multiple categories of speedruns which may have different rules between them.
edit: it's Crystal.
Re: Castlevania's "Ultimate Glitch" Has Been Discovered
@RupeeClock I feel this. My personal preference for watching and doing speedruns will always be for glitchless or no major glitches categories. But I love that the speedrun community is able to make a category for every way to play because I totally want to see the crazy, game breaking bugs and glitches and exploits like what's on display here.
Re: Unseen Raw Footage Of E3 2001 Shows Why The Defunct Event Was Such A Huge Deal
@Steel76 Simpler times, before anyone knew what "DLC" stood for...
Re: Remember When Virtua Fighter 2 Was In The X-Files?
I remember this episode for Ribisi playing a genuinely creepy character. Some monster-of-the-week episodes were just about "ooo, scary ghost/monster/thing" and maybe it was gross or scary in that way but Ribisi's character had this creepy crush on I think his teacher or a social worker and really just played it up so well the "X-File" aspect of it took a backseat to the character portrayal. Definitely a highlight episode from season 3.
Re: Is Quintet's Robotrek The Most Underrated SNES JRPG Ever?
Highly recommend the speedruns of Robotrek on RPGLimitBreak's youtube channel. They're entertaining and informative about the game.
Also think it's interesting that this is another instance of DieHard GameFan proving its worth back in the day by bringing a different perspective on a game.
Will never, ever get over GamePro's rating scale faces... (-_-)
Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb
I loved the sci-fi angle of the movie but I'd agree with the one reviewer that I had a hard time getting into the movie overall because of the paper thin characters (especially the villain), overall weak plot, and unsatisfying "power of love" ending. Some of the actors did the best they could but there's only so much you can do with such a weak plot and script. Personally, I feel like setting the movie on our real, actual Earth instead of a fantasy world (and avoiding any of the deep dive conspiracies about what and how many worlds the Final Fantasy series takes place on) was one of its first and biggest blunders. Like, especially with sci-fi/fantasy movies, I want my level of escapism to be a little higher, to take me out of feeling like I'm just watching more problems on this planet.
I still put the movie on once in a while to watch the opening action scene and when the city is attacked; I think both of those sequences were particularly cool. I was 17 when this movie came out, saw it in the theaters, and remember my biggest disappointments (even at that age, without fully developed critical thinking skills) were the plot and setting. I wish this movie were better regarded as time passes and could achieve a 'cult classic' level of appreciation but I think it misses that and it'll come down to it being not a great movie overall with a few redeeming traits.
Re: The Making Of: Nintendo Magazine System's Street Fighter II VHS - The Ultimate Cover Gift?
Oh, man...core memory unlocked. I didn't have this tape but I had one (here in the US) that was this short video with some moves for Guile, Chun-li, and maybe Ryu. A guy in an arcade walked you through how to do them. The coolest part to me was that it also included two live action commercials for SF2, one with Guile and one with Chun-li. Thinking back on it, I don't even know where that VHS came from. I wonder what ever happened to it...
Re: A Fanmade SNES Port Of Metroid Is Now Available In Beta Form
in b4 the cease & desist from Big N...
Re: Best ROM Hacks, Mods And Homebrews Of 2023
I don't know how folks go about playing the ROM hacks (not my taste in gaming) but, if you liked the Celeste/Mario one, I suggest looking up the speedrun of Celeste.SMC at Summer Games Done Quick 2022 on youtube. Even though they're not to my taste, I still found that run fascinating to watch.
Re: Best Light Gun Games Of All Time
Time Crisis was the GOAT to me. But...no Revolution X? No Area 51?? My memories of movie theater lobbies as a teen are crushed.
Re: Turrican Ultra Collector's Edition Finally Shipping 2 Years After Pre-Orders Opened
This is written like it's awesome and I guess it is for these folks that are waiting for their orders but I feel like the tone of this article is a little... off. Like, isn't this more of yet another cautionary tale about the dangers of trusting either companies like SLG or backing things on Kickstarter??
I think it's cool that companies exist that want to produce these limited collector's editions but the lack of oversight for them to deliver on timelines or protections for backers and the fact that you only can "guarantee" yourself a copy because of scalpers means you're forced to submit to said lack of oversight and protections. :/
Re: Random: So, How Tall Is Metroid's Samus Aran?
6'3" without the suit. She'll always be a freaking valkyrie in my headcanon regardless of how dirty games like Other M or all her appearances with heels do her.
Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?
Kind of a general one but I remember in the late 80s, prior to the launch of the SNES in the US, I remember the department stores here (Macy's, Hecht's, JCPenney, Sears, Montgomery Wards) would have their electronics department and I remember one of them being this black, curved wall with TVs set in it and NES systems running stuff like Mega Man 2 on them. I had no clue what they were or how to play them or anything (I was still single digits in the late 80s). But definitely a core memory related to gaming in a place.
I vividly remember the arcade named Champions in my local mall.
I remember Toys R' Us stores with their video game sections and they had little paper cards in pockets under pictures of the games. You took one up to the register to buy it then went over to this caged warehouse lock up area (reminds me of the IRA guy that the brothers buy guns from in Boondock Saints) with your receipt to pick up your game.
I could probably dig deeper into the dusty file boxes of my memories but those are some of the old, core ones.
Re: SNES Classic Cybernator Is Coming To Switch Next Month, Thanks To M2
@GrailUK I was blown away by all the little environmental details in this game back in the day. Just the fact that shell casings eject from your cannon and your shots leave pockmarks on the floors and ceilings. So immersive for a side scrolling shooter in that era. 💯
Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time
I was scrolling nervously until I saw Alien vs Predator. One of only two games I ever pumped enough quarters into to beat in an arcade.
Re: Flashback: Why Did We Never Get A True 'Last Starfighter' Video Game?
I never saw the movie but I remember reading and loving the novelization in the early 90s-ish (I was single digits at the time). I remember the novel very fondly but I've chosen to refrain from seeing the movie because I know there's no way it will live up to either what I imagined as a child or the space battles that modern special effects have brought to the screen.
Re: Tetris The Grand Master 3 Speedrunner Records First World Record in 13 Years
This is what I think about when I read about the reaction times of things like fighter pilots and baseball players being measured in fractions of a second. For such a conceptually simple game, watching it played with such perfection is mind boggling.
Re: Love Resident Evil 4's Inventory Tetris? Well, We Have The Games For You
I can't be the only be person who needed their inventory to not just fit but actually be organized, right? Nades over here, ammo neatly stacked there, healing items in this corner, oh, yes. Did that in games like Deus Ex, too. 😌
Re: Museum Shares Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Maps Used By Nintendo Counselors
Only called once that I clearly remember: I was probably around 10-ish, and it was for Shadowrun on the SNES. I don't remember for certain what for, but it was in the first zone of the game and it might have been related to healing the shaman in the graveyard. The guy I spoke to was very nice and we did get me through it.