Comments 6

Re: Polymega's Latest System Update Has Some Unwelcome Surprises


Good to see some more realistic Polymega coverage - am sure it's all resolvable with an update or two. Had my N64 module through the door the other day - looks like a quality product. Just need to actually wait for my base unit and other module to turn up first. Hopefully all the updates will be live by the time i get my hands on it!

Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?


@damo cheers for the response. Good to hear you have been feeding back to Playmaji. Am hopeful the February date is going to be the one, the N64 module is en route already. One of the most frustrating things about the whole situation is how much i think i'll enjoy the system when i get it - i'd be a lot less bothered about the delays if i wasn't so eager to get my hands on one!

Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?


@Damo apologies if this comes across a little harsh but i'm using it more of an opportunity to vent than anything! There are probably a fair few people, myself included, who purchased one of these systems off the back of positive reviews of which this is one of the more prominent. Since purchase we've spent two years plus waiting for systems, often with complete silence from Playmaji for months on end and a concern that the money was down the drain. Every time Playmaji have something new to announce you are there to signal boost almost like an official PR channel for them with very little mention of the problems. It would be nice if you were able to use your special relationship you seem to have with them to ask some of the tougher questions and get updates for those of us still waiting. Or maybe cease advertising their new endeavours until they've delivered on the outstanding orders. This may now be a little irrelevent with the latest shipping news but until i have a system in hand i'm going to struggle to believe any announcement. Even with the recent positive news my expected date of getting a system has gone from "by end of 2023" to "may slip into January" to "3rd week of february"...

Re: Polymega Production Crippled By Component Shortages


As it was the glowing review from Nintendo Life(and also Victor Lucas) who pushed me over the edge to buy one of these I'm glad you covering the downsides as well. So frustrating having to wait as cant wait to start installing all my games on it. Unfortunately it seems I will have to wait. 50 a month is a fairly slow drip feed of units. Hoping they can resolve this as if they can deliver on the original units they would no doubt have a bunch more people buying one.

Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine


I've been watching this system for a while now, it looks really decent and reviews well. Only problem i seem to have with the thing is how to get my hands on it at a decent price. @Damo Did they mention anything about purchasing from the UK in any of your correspondence?

Initially it was available at a really high mark up from either Amazon or some German warehouse company but not directly. Then all of those pre-order links stopped working. I've just had another look at the site which seems to be offering the $ price but didn't go far enough into the process to see if UK shipping was available. If it is, then buying the console with all the modules may be considerably better offer than it was initially.

Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year


I've been really interested in this product since i saw some of the beta hands on videos but actually getting hold of one seems to be a nightmare. Even if i was willing to pay the overinflated price of these in Europe, clicking on the UK preorder link (on the old website - not sure if this has changed with the new) would take me to an amazon page that said they didn't deliver to my location. Feels like they've really dropped the ball on the actual supply of these units - i'd thought they were putting all their efforts into the US distribution and leaving us in Europe to deal with 3rd parties but now the US side has gone belly up too...