

Nintendo gaming since 1990

Comments 21

Re: Polymega Slips Into Early 2020, But It's Bringing Some Cool Stuff With It


It's basically a super expensive rom dumper and emulator platform.

All of these things can be had for massively less cost elsewhere.

Plus the Mister is superior to this in every way.

It's probably not exactly vapourware... yet. But there's already the RetroFreak, and the Retron 5 in this market, and no real need for another proprietary emulator/rom dumper.

Re: Hardware Review: To Enjoy The New BittBoy, You'll Need To Get Your Hands Dirty


The shimmer when moving is caused by incorrect screen aspect ratio. Game Boy had different screen res to NES so it creates a shimmer when moving as horizontal to vertical no. of pixels is out of kilter. Probably better off with a GBA x5 card from kirkzz and an original GBA SP-101. The NES emulator that works on the GBA x5 is outstanding as well.

Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Mini International Edition - Different Design, Different Games, Same Problems?


@hatch you put a sanwa joystick into the 8bitdo arcade stick? I think I saw a YouTube video about this but I thought it might be expensive to buy the ge uube Japanese sanwa parts plus the 8bitdo? If you have a link or can suggest a website would be happy to hear where you got the parts?

Do you know how your sanwa mod compares got he hori stick for the switch? I think those are quite expensive.

Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?


@bimmy-lee yeah a lot of people turfed out their nes boxes i guess. I still have all of mine 😁 game boy seems to be the worst and gba. I guess a lot of bixes fell apart over the last 25 yrs too. Some of mine are pretty shabby, zelda for instance, i even put some zelda sticjers on them as a kid but holds sentimental value anyway and i would never sell that.

Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?


I would say its more like most collectors just hoard and never play their games. Im guilty of this myself.

I actually had to put up 6 shelves in the corner above my computer desk to house all my games, 30 nes, around 20 mega drive, 4 mega cd, a couple of sms, about 8 psp, about 15 GB/GBC, 10 or so GBA, about 30 ds, about 30 3ds, and about 9 switch, and a handful each of ps1 and 2. Acquired a lot of these (except the older 90s systems) in the past 3 yrs and they cost a lot looking up at them.

Would post a pic but i cant figure out how to.

I own a snes and jp sfc, the system i most want to collect, but for even torn label carts they cost an absolute motza, around $100 each, i just cant collect snes so i use an everdrive or my snes mini modded and it tears me up inside lol

Im also not above buying foreign language eu games with non english manuals but games in english. For ibstance i recently bought a german solatorobo for $26 on DS, complete in box, just german manual and cover. The us or otherwise english version packaging goes for $100. I have also bough loose english carts and the jp boxed version super cheap to avoid being gouged for complete in box games i really want. At least the artwork is official this way, just in japanese. I canr do loose carts! Why must people toss the boxes out, WHY JEEBUS WHYYYYY!

Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True


@Damo You should probably link to the Mylifeingaming video on youtube which is all about the OSSC somewhere in your article. The OSSC is in many ways better than the framemeister and their video on alternatives to the framemeister is pretty much the world's best summary on the topic. The other essential resource would be this from Fudoh: . Fudoh has probably tested more upscalers and line doublers than anyone else on the planet for the purpose of retro gaming. The final place to look for info on retro consoles and getting the best possible picture is here: .

Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya


I dont really need joust and jungle hunt in 1080p.

I wish atari all the best since they really started it all, but they dont even sound convinced themselves if looking at kickstarter! Another android emulator slash indie box is not required. Qhy dont they just focus on solid ips and software then release it across platforms? Unless that thing has a genuine 240p line doubler inside it is failware waiting to happen.