i agree that anything you can look back fondly on shouldnt immediately be taken as a bad thing, but there are 100% cases where nostalgia bait is used for cheap engagement and brownie points
going back to movies i enjoyed shark tale and chicken little as a kid, even liked the CL gamecube game. but i wont defend it as anything good that shouldve paved our future
its scary how easy video games can have such a grip on your life. any hobby can be done in moderation when you give yourself a balanced cutoff point between work and relaxing
2 weeks of gaming doesnt even sound that bad in the grand scheme of things, but good on him for realizing he'd rather focus on other priorities
ive always found screened-controllers with tv play interesting, it reminds me of the fun times i had with nintendo land. and each controller having its own screen seems like even more fun possibilities. but with a $250 price point, and me looking next to my switch, it's be a tough sell
this looks pretty promising for a fun casual time, multiplayer touchscreen controls seem like fun on the tv. but i also dont think im in the audience for this, not being able to do much local multiplayer in general
Comments 4
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
i agree that anything you can look back fondly on shouldnt immediately be taken as a bad thing, but there are 100% cases where nostalgia bait is used for cheap engagement and brownie points
going back to movies i enjoyed shark tale and chicken little as a kid, even liked the CL gamecube game. but i wont defend it as anything good that shouldve paved our future
Re: The Last Of Us Star Says Banjo-Kazooie Was So Good It Made Him Quit Video Games
its scary how easy video games can have such a grip on your life. any hobby can be done in moderation when you give yourself a balanced cutoff point between work and relaxing
2 weeks of gaming doesnt even sound that bad in the grand scheme of things, but good on him for realizing he'd rather focus on other priorities
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
ive always found screened-controllers with tv play interesting, it reminds me of the fun times i had with nintendo land. and each controller having its own screen seems like even more fun possibilities. but with a $250 price point, and me looking next to my switch, it's be a tough sell
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
this looks pretty promising for a fun casual time, multiplayer touchscreen controls seem like fun on the tv. but i also dont think im in the audience for this, not being able to do much local multiplayer in general