Comments 12

Re: Review: Retro Fighters BattlerGC Pro - Time To Finally Retire Your GameCube's WaveBird


I have a couple of the original gcbattlers and a couple of these new pros and they're such a massive step up in quality over the originals.

They do however have the same problem where when connecting more than one controller they can 'trip out' because of crosstalk between the recievers (which are exactly the same for both pro and original) and the controller can't figure out which reciever to connect to.

Does the same on the retro fighters dreamcast controllers.

No mention of this in the article though?

Re: Review: Retro Fighters StrikerDC Wireless Pad - Cut The Cord On Dreamcast


There is an issue with deadzones on the analogue stick though that I'm hoping gets patched.
Had mine for over a month but can't play gigawing with it at all and wind up back on the arcade stick which defeats the point of buying a wireless pad in the first place.
99% happy but with gigawing being my favourite shooter it's a bitter pill to swallow after shelling out 50 quid.

Re: Dreamcast, Sega's Final Console, Turns 25 Today


Still play this regularly to this day, can't believe it's been 25 years since I got it!!
Played gigawing with my lad last weekend and blew his mind with crazy taxi and cannonspike after.
He even chose this over spiderman 2 on ps5!
When he's older I've got a feeling he'll lose himself in skies of arcadia and timestalkers and can have his mates over for 4 player powerstone or streetfighter 3 tournaments.
Can't wait to see his face when I get the twin sticks out for virtual on!
Honestly boggles the mind that this console failed