Comments 13

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@scully1888 Fruitless debate. Yes, you're right. It is disgusting. Disgusting that E4 picked people for their surface traits and nothing else. You're unwillingness to admit it isn't disgusting, I guess. Just naive? I dunno.

''basically saying that women and Black people can't present the show without being there for representation''

No, not at all. I'm not sure how old the term 'diversity hire' is. but it gets used a lot NOW, because that is what we're seeing. Before, people got jobs based on the skills they brought to a role more than what demographic they'd appeal to.

Whatever, its too early for me and i'm waving the white flag. Go back to my first post, near the top. A little bit of snark, but I also offer constructive criticism, wish the show makers well, and hope this finds an appreciative audience. What more can I do?

One more thing. ''There were people of all ages, genders and races on the original show too and nobody batted an eyelid''.

Thank you for bringing this up. I miss the 90s so very deeply. Can't imagine we'll see another time this free and liberal while I'm still kicking around. We really do need to get our narratives straight though. Did women and POC back then have movie and TV representation or not then?

Peace out.

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@scully1888 ''There were people of all ages, genders and races on the original show too and nobody batted an eyelid''


''but now it's 2021 and apparently that means it's a "box-ticking exercise" if everyone isn't a white male''.


You have three presenters. The one with the charisma, presenting experience and games knowledge, and the two there for representation.

You can say I'm disgusting for seeing it that way, I say E4 are the ones in the wrong for cynically tokenizing them.

You have a non-binary contestant and a gay couple. Absolutely fine. But the odds of these people being featured on the very first show, one after another, are infinitesimally small, unless E4's goal, the whole point, was to actually showcase differing gender identities and sexual preference.

The audience was supposed to notice. We noticed, we mentioned it, and for this reason we need to ''have a word with ourselves''?

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@Damo The only reason for people to take issue with obvious tokenism is narrow-mindedness? Imagine if Rab got this gig alongside his long-time Consolevania Co-host, Ryan. Presumably, You've immediately upped the easy banter and personality quotient on the show 100%, but that would also mean a TV show in 2021 fronted by two old, white males, which is a no-go. Now, I think that was the wrong move, and more than that, discrimination. Can I really not have that opinion? Is it that hateful? What if we all just back down and agree to disagree?

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@Samwise7 Are you sure? There's a Guardian article from 2019 to skim if you're interested - 'Acceptance of gay sex in decline in UK for first time since Aids crisis'. Believe it or not, most of the 'bigots' you meet online are just 90s flavoured Liberals trying to warn Twitter Checkmarks and activists that while their intentions may be good, their methods are going to backfire bigtime. I had no issue with any of the 'diversity' contestants, but space them out if the goal is to normalise.

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@Damo Eh. There are debates that people just do not want to have regarding liberalism vs progressivism, colour-blindness vs heightened racial awareness, representation vs tokenism, and Nintendo Life is the very last place for me to try and force it. But... I didn't fully understand OldPierre's post myself, but I know this stuff is incredibly hard to discuss, and maybe you're wilfully misunderstanding to reinforce your own virtue? Non-Binary peeps and LGBT are still less than 10% of the population, so if the show makers aren't saying SOMETHING political, then booking is quite the fluke of percentage odds.

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


As one of the narrow-minded fans, I would advise that you can avoid boring accusations of 'box-ticking' by actually giving the co-hosts something to do, and spacing out your They/Them and same-sex couple challengers throughout the series. Its not going to be for me, but I wouldn't mind if it got a long run for a new generation. Swapping out the reserved middle-aged studio audience for a group of excited kids will immediately improve the vibe. Put it on at 5 in the afternoon, E4! Still very much for children despite words as rude as ''arse'' being muttered.