Comments 6

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


I used to download eveey possible ROM when I was a kid, on Windows 95, because I had no idea that it was a crime. I stop when I realised that and I never used ROMs again in that way.


I started modding gameboys and discovered the Flash cards. Now, I want to play the games I already own, from the 3DS library, on my Gameboy. I see no problem in using a ROM to play it that way, since I paid for the ROM already, from Nintendo eshop, in a store that is not supported anymore, and in a format which will, slowly but surely, degenerate overtime.

ROMs also gives us the possibility of modding a certain game, translate it into a language it was not available when it was released.

This practice, I think, should be legalised because as far as I see it, it is ethical, since: 1. I own the hardwares; 2. I own the software; 3. I am doing a personal project and do not intend to sell it. I think it falls under the concept of 'fair use' of copyrighted material.