Having a browse through at the moment and this is great.
A couple of years back, I had a similar idea for keeping track of new SNES releases although I only got as far as listing them in a spreadsheet. There were quite a few, but not so many as to be overwhelming. Apart from the fact I couldn't work out if a Kunio compilation had actually been released or not I think I got them all down.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the list anymore. There's also been quite a few releases since then so it would be outdated anyway, but it would have been a good starting point to take another crack at it.
I was a big TOTAL! fan. I had an almost complete run of issues and was actually a subscriber when it ended. Unfortunately most of them got chucked out at some point although I still have some around including the first issue (with the adventure game down the sides of the pages) and the final one.
A fun mag to begin with that matured a little as it went on. I don't think that's a bad thing, I quite liked that in the last few issues the vibe was "hey the N64 is going to be great, mind you that PlayStation looks good..."
Glad to see this feature appear as it was a popular mag that is usually ignored.
Comments 4
Re: The ZX Spectrum Just Got An Amazing New Donkey Kong Port, But Don't Expect It To Be Around Long
Looks good, but I'd say Mario Bros. is more in need of a new port than Donkey Kong. Colours aside, the Ocean port of DK was pretty decent.
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
Having a browse through at the moment and this is great.
A couple of years back, I had a similar idea for keeping track of new SNES releases although I only got as far as listing them in a spreadsheet. There were quite a few, but not so many as to be overwhelming. Apart from the fact I couldn't work out if a Kunio compilation had actually been released or not I think I got them all down.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the list anymore. There's also been quite a few releases since then so it would be outdated anyway, but it would have been a good starting point to take another crack at it.
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
Pier Solar?
Watermelon sure do like to annoy us Dreamcast fans.
Re: Feature: The Making of TOTAL! Magazine
I was a big TOTAL! fan. I had an almost complete run of issues and was actually a subscriber when it ended. Unfortunately most of them got chucked out at some point although I still have some around including the first issue (with the adventure game down the sides of the pages) and the final one.
A fun mag to begin with that matured a little as it went on. I don't think that's a bad thing, I quite liked that in the last few issues the vibe was "hey the N64 is going to be great, mind you that PlayStation looks good..."
Glad to see this feature appear as it was a popular mag that is usually ignored.