Comments 7

Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Generations


There's no point in making one of these unless the emulation is near perfect, the game list is full of classics, and the controllers are also true to the original design. Nintendo seems to be the only company that can make that happen, so here's hoping that SNES Mini is up next.

Re: Feature: ​The Making Of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories


I was pretty surprised about some of the themes hit upon in Shattered Memories. I'm pretty sure I remember a part when you get to the school where there's a memory of a kid that died from autoerotic asphyxiation. There were some other fairly disturbing memories as well throughout the game. It was a very creepy game if you let it absorb you.

Re: Hardware Review: Cyber Gadget Retro Freak


@Moshugan I understand and agree with that sentiment but, speaking as someone who was just recently playing my Wii U with an original SNES controller hooked up to it via an adapter, I feel that as long as it supports usb controllers, I'm good. I know it's wonderful to get that authentic feel, but I'd just play the games on my actual SNES if I want that. My classic controller (both pro and original snes style one) are honestly just as functional if not superior anyway.