no, I already have lots of retro games on the switch like Namco collection, sega genesis collection, Atari collection, snk collection, castlevania collection, contra collection, street fighter collection, arcade archive games, arcade neo geo games. why would I need this system when I have all of these.
Comments 4
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
Even if i lived in Japan, i still wouldn't get it.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
Well, It sounds good, but I have more than enough arcade retro & compliations on my switch.
Re: Feature: 25 Years Ago, Nintendo Took On The Might Of Street Fighter With Killer Instinct
When I got the xbox one, I made sure to get all the killer instinct games, even ki gold on rare replay.
Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics
no, I already have lots of retro games on the switch like Namco collection, sega genesis collection, Atari collection, snk collection, castlevania collection, contra collection, street fighter collection, arcade archive games, arcade neo geo games. why would I need this system when I have all of these.