We've reached a peak here. Pro-tip....if you buy games Second hand off eBay, the developer gets nothing. The only people who gain are the seller and eBay. There is no gain to developer or publisher from somebody paying a huge price for a second hand cartridge compared to somebody downloading a ROM. Not one penny difference.
You even need rules telling you to DO something, as well as to NOT do something? Wow. Try thinking for yourself. This subject, like many in life, is a mass of grey area. Blindly parroting 'but the rules, but the rules' is meaningless.
"Again I say, if there is literally no legal way whatsoever to obtain a game, then get the rom. Who cares?"
Nobody cares, apart from the odd person who thinks rules are black-and-white and always MUST BE FOLLOWED and will stick their fingers in their ears and go 'lalalalanotlistening' if questioned. It's a way of living that (apart from being on the wrong side of history) won't survive adulthood. Life's too complicated for that.
I often wish this had happened. I could have played more games over the years if I hadn't had to spend on two bits of hardware each gen to play everything I wanted to. One box with every third party game under the sun, Nintendo's stellar output and Sony's quirky, how-are-they-making-a-profit first and second party stuff (not to mention being a platform gamers dream) would have been amazing.
But then I also believe competition between platform holders is essential for the industry and for consumers, so it probably wouldn't have turned out as I'm picturing!
Comments 57
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
We've reached a peak here. Pro-tip....if you buy games Second hand off eBay, the developer gets nothing. The only people who gain are the seller and eBay. There is no gain to developer or publisher from somebody paying a huge price for a second hand cartridge compared to somebody downloading a ROM. Not one penny difference.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
You even need rules telling you to DO something, as well as to NOT do something? Wow. Try thinking for yourself. This subject, like many in life, is a mass of grey area. Blindly parroting 'but the rules, but the rules' is meaningless.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
"Again I say, if there is literally no legal way whatsoever to obtain a game, then get the rom. Who cares?"
Nobody cares, apart from the odd person who thinks rules are black-and-white and always MUST BE FOLLOWED and will stick their fingers in their ears and go 'lalalalanotlistening' if questioned. It's a way of living that (apart from being on the wrong side of history) won't survive adulthood. Life's too complicated for that.
Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?
I often wish this had happened. I could have played more games over the years if I hadn't had to spend on two bits of hardware each gen to play everything I wanted to. One box with every third party game under the sun, Nintendo's stellar output and Sony's quirky, how-are-they-making-a-profit first and second party stuff (not to mention being a platform gamers dream) would have been amazing.
But then I also believe competition between platform holders is essential for the industry and for consumers, so it probably wouldn't have turned out as I'm picturing!
Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?
Sony making giant losses in gaming would be news to their accountants
Re: Feature: Say Hello To The CPS Changer, Capcom's First And Only Attempt At A Home Console
Great read, cheers! Never heard of this before.
Re: Book Review: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works
Arrived yesterday but I haven't had chance to take it out of the cellophane yet. Looks lovely.