I love the GBA, but for me the Switch is the GOAT. Only thing it’s really missing is access to the legacy Pokemon games(GB/GBC/GBA) then it has pretty much everything the other Nintendo ones have and more.
Also the N-Gage should have been on there, far more successful than the other dregs tacked on at the end.
Cheap games is fine, although $2.99 isn't that cheap for free/99c games on mobile. Starting at $179 seems a lot for what it is too. This will only really appeal to collectors or those with nostalgia for Intellivision.
Comments 2
Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You
I love the GBA, but for me the Switch is the GOAT. Only thing it’s really missing is access to the legacy Pokemon games(GB/GBC/GBA) then it has pretty much everything the other Nintendo ones have and more.
Also the N-Gage should have been on there, far more successful than the other dregs tacked on at the end.
Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch
Cheap games is fine, although $2.99 isn't that cheap for free/99c games on mobile. Starting at $179 seems a lot for what it is too.
This will only really appeal to collectors or those with nostalgia for Intellivision.