@Clyde_Radcliffe Wrong. Putting Starfox characters was a good decision after the flop of Jet Force Gemini due to its bland looking characters. And Miyamoto didn't force anything. He only suggested to put Fox. The developers accepted but they were free to refuse. It's their decision in the end even if it's more popular to bash Miyamoto.
Comments 4
Re: Anniversary: Famicom At 40: How Nintendo's Console Faced An Uphill Struggle For Supremacy
@samuelvictor Yeah playing the victim while doing all dirty tricks possible to kill competitors. That's classic Sony.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet
@Clyde_Radcliffe Wrong. Putting Starfox characters was a good decision after the flop of Jet Force Gemini due to its bland looking characters. And Miyamoto didn't force anything. He only suggested to put Fox. The developers accepted but they were free to refuse. It's their decision in the end even if it's more popular to bash Miyamoto.
Re: Best Of 2019: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
It's even worse since consoles have hard drives. It's a miracle if these things last more than 10 years.
Re: Feature: How Pirate Television Helped Sega Beat Nintendo In The UK
I'm not a weirdo who hates his own family so I prefer Nintendo.