Comments 3

Re: Best Ghostbusters Games Of All Time


I was about to complain about the ranking of #17 (thinking it was waaay too low), but I was thinking it was the Ghostbusters PS3 game (that was later re-mastered for the PS4). It turns out, THAT Ghostbusters game is #1 on the list, so I have nothing to complain about.

I remember having a fun playing Ghostbusters for the NES, but that’s not on the list. It appears to be the same game as #7, though. It wasn’t fantastic, but it was fun enough for those times.

Sanctum of Slime (#11) was ok. At least it was four player with local co-op, so it gets a thumbs up from me for that! I’d move that one up the list a few pegs just because of the four player capabilities. 😀

Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"


This is an amazing feat that I sadly failed to accomplish in my youth. Now, as a 47 year old husband and father of an 18 year old daughter, I wish this young man a prosperous future. What he did IS amazing. He’s obviously got the brains, quick thinking, hand-eye coordination, dexterity and sticktuitiveness necessary to go far in life. Don’t pay attention to the haters, young man. They don’t know and don’t care; leave ‘em in the dust on your way to the top in whatever you choose to do.

Re: Best WipEout Games, Ranked By You


And here I was…interested to see where Wipeout, based on the tv show, would land. 😋 I hereby vote for Wipeout: Create and Crash on the Wii. And then I vote for WipeOut 2048 on the Vita. I would vote for the PS4 version of WipeOut because it has PSVR support, but the dang game gets me motion sick before I can complete one lap.

Big balls!