Comments 11

Re: Fan Developer Gives Daytona USA A Virtua Racing-Style Makeover


@RextheSheep Daytona has less polygons than Virtua Racing on arcades. Maybe the 32x version could have been made on the engine of 32x Virtua Racing with almost no textures, but prioritizing gameplay and track design. Perhaps more 2d elements? It would be great if somebody tried to port it.

Re: Think The NES Can't Handle Mode 7? Think Again


It looks great and it would be nice to see that in a full game. But it's not mode 7, as you made clearer in the text below the video. Anyway, these tricks always seem more impressive when did on stock hardware or using mappers that were available on the console's era.

Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer


@AJB83 I'm almost on the same boat, haha. I used to work as software developer, but I'm a graduated music teacher and I also do other things. I never really made a game, but I sometimes code for personal projects and I'd love to make something retro. I made some shorts demos in adventure game studio, but I looked up the other day and I believe the easiest way to make a retro game is using Unity. I'd like to take some time with it to do something, but these kind of effects require a retro 2d engine to really make sense, I believe.

Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer


@AJB83 Cool! Which programming language did you use for that? I was also interested on doing it when I came into that site. I recently found there's an engine for raster graphics on modern hardware called tileengine that handles linescrolling and pseudo 3d for doing this kind of games. I'd like to try it sometime.