Or why this was even being discussed on a Nintendo games site in the first place, then again we do get those ultra fancy portable P.C console articles... so why not.
Your post represents everything that is wrong with this debate, and just like the original article, which to Liam's credit he has altered the wording to remove the "Narrow Minded" comment, which in my opinion shows lots of maturity, which is rarely seen in such exchanges from either viewpoint.
Your post as a lot of other commenters seems to want to pick sides to the argument, with the view that it's either you agree totally, or if you have any questions about something you are in the anti whatever group is being discussed, when in reality you will get these more polarizing views, but more times than not there are genuinely good arguments presented by either side, and lots of this is lost with the whole I am right, you are wrong statements.
We need to move past this whole division/sides mantra to have any chance of a decent debates on such subjects, and while I agree the more polarizing comments need to be highlighted, their is a tendency to treat every counter opinion as the enemy, which again will only ever turn these comment sections to a battleground.
On this article you can see both points of view, and even the most critical person on here did say the whole show was good, and did not try to push any political agendas etc, when he had finally watched the programme. My only issue was with the initial reporting on the article, as it seemed to want to cause some sort of outrage, by suggesting some would not be happy with parts of the shows content, and calling them "Narrow minded", I said in a previous post it would have been far better to just report the facts and then let the commenters take it from there.
As I said Kudos to Liam for changing the wording of the original article.
Total agreement, write an article in a loaded way, so rather than just simple reporting of the fact the show had a diverse group of participants, and this was a good thing, it had to resort to the assumption people would not like it, because they were narrow minded.
Can only be written this way to cause division in some way or other, then when people react to this sort of blatant baiting, fall back on the whole "People have proved me correct" all along.
Then the threat of a ban just because someone dared to not agree, and rise to the bait that was offered, couldn't make it up.
So why the need for the "Narrow minded people" bit?, I know you are suggesting some sort of premonition was the reason, but still why even include it in the article, if not to cause back and fourth on here.
To be honest my issue is with the tone of this article, rather than anything actually wrong with the show or it's content.
As usual it's an article suggesting some people are intolerant, and we should just all get on with each other, but in reality will only ever divide people.
As I said no issues if the intentions are for the right reasons, my main issues are the media seems to be more inclusive just to look good, as I said this could be genuine.
The modern media has to be seen as more inclusive, which is a great thing and long overdue, and if it's done for the right reasons it's fine, my issue is if it's more window dressing than anything else, so in this respect who knows their motivations, I would hope it's just because it's more representative of a more progressive society.
Love the way the article said some "Narrow minded" fans will not like some of the segments, always a great way so suggest some are not very inclusive, while at the same time not accepting any difference of opinion.
I think I was trying to say I was out of practice with side scrolling games, back in the day they seemed easy, now they seem impossible, but I could say it was the input lag, but who am I trying to kid.
I remember getting Super Star wars, and the Empire strikes back on the SNES and being awesome at them, when they were released on the virtual console they were a nightmare to play, and I was dying left right and center.
It's a real pity Nintendo have not made more of the Star Fox franchise, an open world space exploration game with on foot and space flying combat missions would be ace, and the Switch would be awesome for that type of game.
Comments 35
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
He is not being rude by simply stating his own opinion, just like you are not being rude stating yours.
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
You are correct, pure click bate linked website article, nobody will comment on this.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Not too sure either, guess that had a plan with it, or perhaps the thing was doomed to fail from the beginning.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Yes it's always looked a little suspect to me, a Wii type device in the wrong decade.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Some none Nintendo console news is interesting, this is not, and has never been.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Not so sure we were ever on topic, or this should have been a topic in the first place.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
We know all this is just for clicks, but you have got me hooked.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Or why this was even being discussed on a Nintendo games site in the first place, then again we do get those ultra fancy portable P.C console articles... so why not.
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
What a huge surprise.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Your post represents everything that is wrong with this debate, and just like the original article, which to Liam's credit he has altered the wording to remove the "Narrow Minded" comment, which in my opinion shows lots of maturity, which is rarely seen in such exchanges from either viewpoint.
Your post as a lot of other commenters seems to want to pick sides to the argument, with the view that it's either you agree totally, or if you have any questions about something you are in the anti whatever group is being discussed, when in reality you will get these more polarizing views, but more times than not there are genuinely good arguments presented by either side, and lots of this is lost with the whole I am right, you are wrong statements.
We need to move past this whole division/sides mantra to have any chance of a decent debates on such subjects, and while I agree the more polarizing comments need to be highlighted, their is a tendency to treat every counter opinion as the enemy, which again will only ever turn these comment sections to a battleground.
On this article you can see both points of view, and even the most critical person on here did say the whole show was good, and did not try to push any political agendas etc, when he had finally watched the programme. My only issue was with the initial reporting on the article, as it seemed to want to cause some sort of outrage, by suggesting some would not be happy with parts of the shows content, and calling them "Narrow minded", I said in a previous post it would have been far better to just report the facts and then let the commenters take it from there.
As I said Kudos to Liam for changing the wording of the original article.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Just felt the article kind of jumped the gun with the narrow minded bit, I mean give people chance to commit the crime before convicting them of it.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Well not being narrow minded I have no issues with the stuff you wanted, not my cup of tea, but I will defend your right to have all that stuff.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
People are upset the article tried to divide people, and now it's been altered.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Sound like your own personal wish list to me.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Total agreement, write an article in a loaded way, so rather than just simple reporting of the fact the show had a diverse group of participants, and this was a good thing, it had to resort to the assumption people would not like it, because they were narrow minded.
Can only be written this way to cause division in some way or other, then when people react to this sort of blatant baiting, fall back on the whole "People have proved me correct" all along.
Then the threat of a ban just because someone dared to not agree, and rise to the bait that was offered, couldn't make it up.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Totally agree, enjoyed the show a lot.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
So why the need for the "Narrow minded people" bit?, I know you are suggesting some sort of premonition was the reason, but still why even include it in the article, if not to cause back and fourth on here.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
To be honest my issue is with the tone of this article, rather than anything actually wrong with the show or it's content.
As usual it's an article suggesting some people are intolerant, and we should just all get on with each other, but in reality will only ever divide people.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Agree with that, but sometimes it can be overdone, and then the statement, if you want to call it that, loses it's impact.
Any group of people just want it to be a natural thing they are on the show, which has to be the goal of any inclusivity.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
As I said no issues if the intentions are for the right reasons, my main issues are the media seems to be more inclusive just to look good, as I said this could be genuine.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
The modern media has to be seen as more inclusive, which is a great thing and long overdue, and if it's done for the right reasons it's fine, my issue is if it's more window dressing than anything else, so in this respect who knows their motivations, I would hope it's just because it's more representative of a more progressive society.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Love the way the article said some "Narrow minded" fans will not like some of the segments, always a great way so suggest some are not very inclusive, while at the same time not accepting any difference of opinion.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
I would say not a cat in hells chance.
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
Just watched the video, and the groovy part was just wrong on so many levels.
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
This looks dead on arrival, but good luck to it.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
To be fair it's more that those types of games were the norm, now in the age of 3D games they seem alien to us.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
I think I was trying to say I was out of practice with side scrolling games, back in the day they seemed easy, now they seem impossible, but I could say it was the input lag, but who am I trying to kid.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
I remember getting Super Star wars, and the Empire strikes back on the SNES and being awesome at them, when they were released on the virtual console they were a nightmare to play, and I was dying left right and center.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
I used to be great at side scrolling platform games, but since 3D games became the norm I just got out of practice.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
Love this series, but so tough on the SNES.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Command
Would love Nintendo to develop something like that, without the toys for life feature of course, and some on foot planet exploration too.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Command
It's a real pity Nintendo have not made more of the Star Fox franchise, an open world space exploration game with on foot and space flying combat missions would be ace, and the Switch would be awesome for that type of game.
Re: 10 Years Ago, Tech Giant Panasonic Almost Took On The Nintendo 3DS
Well you would need something to take your mind of all that.
Re: 10 Years Ago, Tech Giant Panasonic Almost Took On The Nintendo 3DS
My only question is why a medieval knight would be playing a video game console.
Re: Feature: Dave "The Games Animal" Perry On Picking Sega Over Nintendo And Returning To Mario 64
The guy is a fool.