@MSaturn when have you checked the last time any online store? they are flooded with crappy ai art. I would not touch any game with ai art key artworks. it just shows that the developer do not care for the quality of their product or do not trust in it, so why should I trust in it.
@axelhander but why donl you think a title card is not important at all? There is some great culture in vinyl album covers as well as in game covers. there are even books about it. I would never buy a game with obvious made AI art.
@SlangWon Sorry I don't want to offend you but please think a little bit further. Do we have a lack of quantity in video games? no, the opposite is the case. do we need more poorly made crap AI made games? for sure not.
Ai can be useful I agree but it's not on the same level as professionals.
Also it's theft. stop pretending like it isn't. I really don't know how anyone can promote it who is not the owner of a big multi million dollar company. What will you, as a consumer, have from AI? cheaply and quickly made worse content. do we really have an issue of quantity of content? can you play and watch all the games, shows and movies you like? so why do you want more but worse ones? And who benefits from having AI? only shareholder and owners of big companies, everyone else loses.
Haha I played the german version back then... I played it, beat it and loved the game but I did that once and then I importet the american one, which is at least a lot better than the german version . Still one of my top games of all time
as someone who comes from europe I also think sometimes the US regulations are super weird... So violence is absolutely ok but showing a little bit too much skin means the title gets an 18 ranking? Thats crazy to me.
I think the vision always was that she is hot... she isn't anymore and the reason for that is likely the screaming minirity that it's not ok anymore for women in media to look good.
even though I love Mario Kart, I always thought this was the Mario Kart 64 killer. The Adventure Mode was so cool (something I always wanted for Mario Kart). Also the design of the Tracks were so much better than the one from Mario Kart (So many cool obstacles, hidden pathes etc)
@HammerGalladeBro Ok your right, maybe I should change my wording a bit. I think it is ok if you play the games. If you cannot play the games because of the language barrier, it makes no sense in my opinion. I saw many people in youtube videos with games like Dragon Quest for NES.
To be really honest here, I think it makes zero sense if you go to japan to buy retro games there, that you can never play because, lets be realistic, most people do not speak japanese or can't read it. so instead of hording that stuff, let japanese people enjoy it other wise it will rotting in your shelf...
looks interesting but I prefer the original. It's again one of those "hey Game XYZ looks super awesome in unreal engine" demos. they never look really good. There are millions of graphical styles but people now only want to see 2D HD even though it doesn't fit to most old games...
love the original but i think 40 bucks for a game that looks pretty much like a ps 1 game with little updated graphics is 25 bucks too much for my taste.
The PS2 was the decline of JRPGs... Grandia 3, Star Ocean, Breath of Fire they all were worse on PS2... Some other were worse but still ok like Suikoden 3 (which got worse afterwards). It took 10-15 Years until the JRPG market recovered in my opinion but we are still not on a quality level of the SNES or the PS1 compared to their time.
@shgamer but if you want those games digital just buy a switch or one of those china emulation handhelds. i think an evercade loses all of it’s USP when it’s digital
Love Rock n Roll Racing but why the hell did they changed the perspective? the "top down"-ish perspective is far to flat which makes the game very bad readable and the other behind the shoulder perspective just looks very rough. they copied so much from the original and added some bad changes to it...
Comments 21
Re: Retro Indie Title "Moons of Darsalon" Is Headed To Consoles, Complete With Icky AI Art
@MSaturn when have you checked the last time any online store? they are flooded with crappy ai art. I would not touch any game with ai art key artworks. it just shows that the developer do not care for the quality of their product or do not trust in it, so why should I trust in it.
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@axelhander but why donl you think a title card is not important at all? There is some great culture in vinyl album covers as well as in game covers.
there are even books about it.
I would never buy a game with obvious made AI art.
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
Sorry I don't want to offend you but please think a little bit further.
Do we have a lack of quantity in video games?
no, the opposite is the case. do we need more poorly made crap AI made games? for sure not.
Ai can be useful I agree but it's not on the same level as professionals.
Also it's theft. stop pretending like it isn't.
I really don't know how anyone can promote it who is not the owner of a big multi million dollar company.
What will you, as a consumer, have from AI? cheaply and quickly made worse content. do we really have an issue of quantity of content? can you play and watch all the games, shows and movies you like? so why do you want more but worse ones?
And who benefits from having AI? only shareholder and owners of big companies, everyone else loses.
Re: Random: The Story Behind Final Fantasy VII's "Worst" Translation
Haha I played the german version back then... I played it, beat it and loved the game but I did that once and then I importet the american one, which is at least a lot better than the german version .
Still one of my top games of all time
Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview
as someone who comes from europe I also think sometimes the US regulations are super weird... So violence is absolutely ok but showing a little bit too much skin means the title gets an 18 ranking? Thats crazy to me.
Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
the guy is right.
Re: Interview: "Wizardry Just Had A Kind Of Soul" - How Digital Eclipse Brought The RPG Classic Into The Modern-Age
I still want to buy the game but I want it physically... I hope for a limited run or a iam8bit release
Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?
I think the vision always was that she is hot... she isn't anymore and the reason for that is likely the screaming minirity that it's not ok anymore for women in media to look good.
Re: Nintendo's Game Boy Is A Hot Item In Japan Again
yeah wow so westerns just bought all of them...
Re: Crash Team Racing For PS1 Just Got A 60FPS Widescreen Mod
even though I love Mario Kart, I always thought this was the Mario Kart 64 killer. The Adventure Mode was so cool (something I always wanted for Mario Kart). Also the design of the Tracks were so much better than the one from Mario Kart (So many cool obstacles, hidden pathes etc)
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
@HammerGalladeBro Ok your right, maybe I should change my wording a bit. I think it is ok if you play the games. If you cannot play the games because of the language barrier, it makes no sense in my opinion. I saw many people in youtube videos with games like Dragon Quest for NES.
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
To be really honest here, I think it makes zero sense if you go to japan to buy retro games there, that you can never play because, lets be realistic, most people do not speak japanese or can't read it. so instead of hording that stuff, let japanese people enjoy it other wise it will rotting in your shelf...
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch With Tomb Raider This July
But what is the difference of the new and old EXP?
Re: This Fanmade Terranigma Prototype Has Us Once Again Wishing For A Remake
looks interesting but I prefer the original. It's again one of those "hey Game XYZ looks super awesome in unreal engine" demos. they never look really good. There are millions of graphical styles but people now only want to see 2D HD even though it doesn't fit to most old games...
Re: Suikoden III Is Getting A New HD Fan Remaster For PS2
the old one looks better in my opinion
Re: A Kickstarter For A Hogs Of War Remaster Has Just Gone Live
love the original but i think 40 bucks for a game that looks pretty much like a ps 1 game with little updated graphics is
25 bucks too much for my taste.
Re: Best PS2 RPGs Of All Time
The PS2 was the decline of JRPGs... Grandia 3, Star Ocean, Breath of Fire they all were worse on PS2... Some other were worse but still ok like Suikoden 3 (which got worse afterwards). It took 10-15 Years until the JRPG market recovered in my opinion but we are still not on a quality level of the SNES or the PS1 compared to their time.
Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts
@shgamer but if you want those games digital just buy a switch or one of those china emulation handhelds. i think an evercade loses all of it’s USP when it’s digital
Re: Rock n' Roll Racing "Spiritual Successor" Motor Rock Returns To Steam, Kind Of
Love Rock n Roll Racing but why the hell did they changed the perspective? the "top down"-ish perspective is far to flat which makes the game very bad readable and the other behind the shoulder perspective just looks very rough. they copied so much from the original and added some bad changes to it...
Re: It's Official! Sega Poll Reveals Fans Want The Sega Saturn Mini Next
whats wrong with people? dreamcast had much more exclusives and interesting games...