@PixelTavern The game was released for free on PC this year and recieved critical acclaim from FPS gamers all around. A stunning remaster considering the age.
@NImH Old comment I know lol. But seriously, that wasn't your issue, you thought it was, as it is very easy to blame a scapegoat for not enjoying something without actually accepting fundamental issues with the game design - Fox McCloud was used by fans as an excuse, but a character does not hide the gameplay. Star Fox is a well developed and impeccably designed character by Rare, easily the best ever Star Fox design, the rest of the Star Fox team fit brilliantly into Star Fox Adventures.
I enjoy playing Star Fox Adventures now but in 2002 I didn't, it was very meh. The big reason was - it followed Rare's collectathon template which had became very stale, with oft not ideal backtracking, fetch quests, obstacle courses, I remember also thinking how stupid is it that to get to the shop you literally have to complete an... obstacle course, and not only that but the shop was needlessly large but this was all typical of old Rare design, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Tooie all fell flat for becoming laborious for the same reasons.
But now 2021, for me SFA feels fresh and enjoyable. Fox McCloud slots perfectly into place and really the same types of people gave out about Mario being in karts in 1990 on SNES. MARIO IS A PLATFORMER NOT A KART RACER. See, inherently gamers are not open to change and the Switch community certainly shows that with the mention of Switch Lite causing unheard of trauma and now the growing amount of Switch Pro rumours causing even more fury amongst fans.
With fresh eyes I can say Star Fox Adventures is the best game of old Rare by a country mile.
@SleeplessKnight I never understood why Nintendo fans hated Rare's sale. Like where they all stupid???
I remember reading about the mass exodus of staff during Perfect Dark and other games in 2000, Rare had got stuck in a rut, and alot of the new guys in, for better or worse, were picking up the pieces and did their best to imitate what came before. It was such an easy decision to sell.
I will say Rare's resurgence with Sea of Thieves, their most ambitious title to date has really has me excited for their future.
@Caboose1979 Seriously lol, IMO Starfox fits the bill perfectly, his design isn't a million miles away from Saber, and I have no doubt if Rare showed of Timber in Dinosaur Planet initially all the Nintendo gamers would have been complaining about the move to Saber! So Rare were in a no win situation with the state of the community.
The StarFox character designs produced by the DP team are exquisite and suit Dinosaur Planet perfectly - I feel the StarFox branding has been used as a scapegoat for Nintendo fanboys and a few Rare designers for too long on this game, without looking at the overall game design issue in 2002 - we were suffering from collectathon and backtracking fatigue. I remember quitting the game in 2003 because I was fed up, bored with the classic Rare 3D game formula - however 18 years grace has actually made this a good one, it shows how much a stinker Yookalaylee is.
Star Fox Adventures is now arguably the pinnacle of Rare's Explorathon/collectathon releases - I played it recently on Wii U (via mClassic - stunning) and because it had been so long since I last played an old school Rare 3D game in this style it felt fresh and very enjoyable to play.
@urbanman2004 To be honest this was Nintendo before Minecraft. Miyamoto was also dead against Minecraft coming to Nintendo but alas with the great winds of change, new management structure, people like Miyamoto and the remnants of Yamuchi's reign of terror and destruction were lowered down the food chain to more PR and advisory based roles for a more modern business approach.
@everynowandben Well Nintendo don't own the source code. As I said, if they did, sure all Rare would have to do is shift the game assets to the PD engine (which was essentially the GE engine with tonnes of bolt ons), remove any mention of Nintendo including their logo, et voila problem solved. But even so Nintendo can't touch decompilation projects so no one needs access to the original code.
All Nintendo had was a copyright they put on GoldenEye in 1997 - which ended in 2017. Perhaps the copyright was the reason which allowed Nintendo to stop the game. It would make sense since Nintendo had to change Star Fox to Starwing and Lylat Wars in the UK until a certain Star copyright ended.
What is it with Nintendo fans believing Nintendo own everything they publish 🤷♂️ they had a single game, time limited, license agreement with MGM nothing more. Nintendo do not own the sourcecode, just like they don't to Diddy Kong Racing or Banjo Kazooie or Bayonetta etc. They only secured the Bond license and published the game.
Lets just look at Perfect Dark, released on XBLA It is built on a modified GE engine as is Timesplitters series. If somehow Nintendo owned the og GE source code, Rare could simply port the levels to the upgraded PD engine, problem solved
On Perfect Darks og release Rare had to change levels such as Facility to Felicity simply due to them being copyright of MGM.
@everynowandben I don't think even Nintendo have rights to a say over GoldenEye. The license is owned by MGM. Nintendo could say no to their logo being in the game and so it would be removed, which isn't rocket science.
But if there was a guy at Nintendo had a say I'd say he is one of the old school Yamuchi mafia 6 foot under by now. Scumbag.
@BlueOcean if you have an Xbox One X all in 4K too.
It really is a great collection and as it is Microsoft they usually have it on sale on Xbox love for £5 or free to download on Gamepass.
I feel sorry for all the ones on here who think digital is extortion all because they only use a Switch. XBL and PSN have so many sales as good as Steam, the prices cannot be found second hand or in store.
@Zeldafan79 Take a chill pill bruh or you'll have a heart attack.
Seriously this is good news for fans of the Sega MD version of Street Fighter, which in this day and age will be a niche audience. I highly doubt it will harm a massive corporation and I've no doubt the designers themselves try out these hacks.
How do you think Sonic Mania started and Sega liked the teams work so much.
After going through two Mario Kart 8 discs, two Mass Effect and two Sonic Booms (seriously lol) Super Mario 3D World was starting to get iffy and so was Rayman - so to preserve my collection and Wii U disc drive In 2014 I gave in and softmodded my Wii U. This year due to covid I had the time to finish burning and installing my full collection to a 500GB SSD directly on Wii U. My Wii U and Wii games disc collection sits on display permanently on shelves below it. It's the best all round solution for keeping my discs and Wii U ticking on.
@Kalmaro Even Nintendo download the ROMS they resell lol. Now whose shady??? Lol. But all joking aside, if you own a physical copy of the game you have the right to own a backup of that game.
Of course you have people who don't have the originals...But at the same time there is ALOT of downloading for the sake of it - I'm sure many have games that they will never play lol.
But if Nintendo offered an online service, even subscription with their back catalogue available at a low price they could easily end piracy. Seriously, if NES games were 99p, SNES £1.49, N64 £1.99, GCN £2.49 the majority of pirates would purchase!!
@NiBar Lol. Old post I know, but you sir are just after talking out of your ass. Diddy Kong Racing has one of the smoothest framerates across that generation of platforms, pretty much hogging 25-30fps. Rare titles spend most of their time at 25fps, with split second spikes either side. As for the N64 not being able to deliver, I suggest you AVOID consoles and stick to high end PC gaming.
Every generation of systems, even today, games are still targetting 30fps apart from those that forgo graphics. The games that pushed the PS1 run below 20fps, PS2, 360, PS3, X1, PS4 around 20-25fps.
MGS TS was a good game though had many glaring issues. SK just copied and pasted the old MGS mechanics whilst relying on Japans cinematic wizardry.
Digital, stiff movement, very weak combat, iffy visuals at times - Silicon Knights should've improved on the gameplay considering all they had to do was port. The team didn't have the talent to push it further like Rare would have.
To be honest SK would never have produced a great game had it not been for Nintendo's heavy influence on ED. Dyack unfortunately had a massively over inflated ego, just looking at what they did after they dumped Nintendo says it all really.
@shani Wii U VC is great emulation? Terrible more like it.
Yes games are playable but I always point to the likes of Donkey Kong 64. The 16:9 mode and Dolby surround in game options clearly work in game however Nintendo have them disabled. Mario Kart 64 broken TT ghosts, unoptimised controls, all games emulated darker, needless bilinear filter/deflicker blurring over all SNES titles... Slow loading times.
I've recently had the chance to extensively test and play on an Nvidia Shield TV with the latest Mupen build installed - the 1080p experience for N64 games is breathtaking. Bright punching colour like the original system, instantaneous loading, few glitches, automatic artwork download, 99% compatible with N64 titles, mods and the with the options of using higher resolution textures.
I would advice you to do some research before blindly defending Nintendo's overpriced, pathetic excuse of a retro gaming platform.
Nintendo have no respect for retro gaming, maximum profit, minimum effort is their agenda.
@Aentik They wouldn't even need to update the textures in both GCN titles. Their clarity and detail alone is as high as the latest Battlefront. Rebel Strike 3 features 16.5 million PPS @ 60Fps with advanced lighting, double the amount of AI on screen and fully bump mapped textures that Factor 5 had designed for next gen technology. The forests battle alone is as detailed as the new Battlefront.
It just goes to show how pathetic Nintendo are in their 3D engines and texture design and how under utilised the GCN actually was.
Body Harvest is an exceptional game - it was dragged kicking and screaming through a scattered development and in many ways it looks like a beta 1st gen N64 release but with incredible gameplay and scope - while the graphics were certainly poor compared to what Rare and even Nintendo were achieving on N64 hardware in 1998, DMA created a classic in the eyes of all gamers who played it.
Comments 29
Re: Best Of 2021: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@PixelTavern The game was released for free on PC this year and recieved critical acclaim from FPS gamers all around. A stunning remaster considering the age.
Perhaps gaming isn't for you.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet
@NImH Old comment I know lol. But seriously, that wasn't your issue, you thought it was, as it is very easy to blame a scapegoat for not enjoying something without actually accepting fundamental issues with the game design - Fox McCloud was used by fans as an excuse, but a character does not hide the gameplay. Star Fox is a well developed and impeccably designed character by Rare, easily the best ever Star Fox design, the rest of the Star Fox team fit brilliantly into Star Fox Adventures.
I enjoy playing Star Fox Adventures now but in 2002 I didn't, it was very meh. The big reason was - it followed Rare's collectathon template which had became very stale, with oft not ideal backtracking, fetch quests, obstacle courses, I remember also thinking how stupid is it that to get to the shop you literally have to complete an... obstacle course, and not only that but the shop was needlessly large but this was all typical of old Rare design, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Tooie all fell flat for becoming laborious for the same reasons.
But now 2021, for me SFA feels fresh and enjoyable. Fox McCloud slots perfectly into place and really the same types of people gave out about Mario being in karts in 1990 on SNES. MARIO IS A PLATFORMER NOT A KART RACER. See, inherently gamers are not open to change and the Switch community certainly shows that with the mention of Switch Lite causing unheard of trauma and now the growing amount of Switch Pro rumours causing even more fury amongst fans.
With fresh eyes I can say Star Fox Adventures is the best game of old Rare by a country mile.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet
@SleeplessKnight I never understood why Nintendo fans hated Rare's sale. Like where they all stupid???
I remember reading about the mass exodus of staff during Perfect Dark and other games in 2000, Rare had got stuck in a rut, and alot of the new guys in, for better or worse, were picking up the pieces and did their best to imitate what came before. It was such an easy decision to sell.
I will say Rare's resurgence with Sea of Thieves, their most ambitious title to date has really has me excited for their future.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet
@Caboose1979 Seriously lol, IMO Starfox fits the bill perfectly, his design isn't a million miles away from Saber, and I have no doubt if Rare showed of Timber in Dinosaur Planet initially all the Nintendo gamers would have been complaining about the move to Saber! So Rare were in a no win situation with the state of the community.
The StarFox character designs produced by the DP team are exquisite and suit Dinosaur Planet perfectly - I feel the StarFox branding has been used as a scapegoat for Nintendo fanboys and a few Rare designers for too long on this game, without looking at the overall game design issue in 2002 - we were suffering from collectathon and backtracking fatigue. I remember quitting the game in 2003 because I was fed up, bored with the classic Rare 3D game formula - however 18 years grace has actually made this a good one, it shows how much a stinker Yookalaylee is.
Star Fox Adventures is now arguably the pinnacle of Rare's Explorathon/collectathon releases - I played it recently on Wii U (via mClassic - stunning) and because it had been so long since I last played an old school Rare 3D game in this style it felt fresh and very enjoyable to play.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@urbanman2004 To be honest this was Nintendo before Minecraft. Miyamoto was also dead against Minecraft coming to Nintendo but alas with the great winds of change, new management structure, people like Miyamoto and the remnants of Yamuchi's reign of terror and destruction were lowered down the food chain to more PR and advisory based roles for a more modern business approach.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@everynowandben Well Nintendo don't own the source code. As I said, if they did, sure all Rare would have to do is shift the game assets to the PD engine (which was essentially the GE engine with tonnes of bolt ons), remove any mention of Nintendo including their logo, et voila problem solved. But even so Nintendo can't touch decompilation projects so no one needs access to the original code.
All Nintendo had was a copyright they put on GoldenEye in 1997 - which ended in 2017. Perhaps the copyright was the reason which allowed Nintendo to stop the game. It would make sense since Nintendo had to change Star Fox to Starwing and Lylat Wars in the UK until a certain Star copyright ended.
Nothing Nintendo can do now though.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@TheRedComet @everynowandben
What is it with Nintendo fans believing Nintendo own everything they publish 🤷♂️ they had a single game, time limited, license agreement with MGM nothing more. Nintendo do not own the sourcecode, just like they don't to Diddy Kong Racing or Banjo Kazooie or Bayonetta etc. They only secured the Bond license and published the game.
Lets just look at Perfect Dark, released on XBLA It is built on a modified GE engine as is Timesplitters series. If somehow Nintendo owned the og GE source code, Rare could simply port the levels to the upgraded PD engine, problem solved
On Perfect Darks og release Rare had to change levels such as Facility to Felicity simply due to them being copyright of MGM.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@T0biasCZe loosely based on the story. It's not GoldenEye.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@everynowandben I don't think even Nintendo have rights to a say over GoldenEye. The license is owned by MGM. Nintendo could say no to their logo being in the game and so it would be removed, which isn't rocket science.
But if there was a guy at Nintendo had a say I'd say he is one of the old school Yamuchi mafia 6 foot under by now. Scumbag.
Re: The Untold Story Of The Bug That Almost Sank The Dreamcast's North American Launch
@CurryPowderKeg79 well for a year it was until the PS2 arrived, then GCN and Xbox.
Re: The Untold Story Of The Bug That Almost Sank The Dreamcast's North American Launch
@the4seer There is no considering, it is fact that the Dreamcast and PS2 were the same generation.
Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II
@BlueOcean if you have an Xbox One X all in 4K too.
It really is a great collection and as it is Microsoft they usually have it on sale on Xbox love for £5 or free to download on Gamepass.
I feel sorry for all the ones on here who think digital is extortion all because they only use a Switch. XBL and PSN have so many sales as good as Steam, the prices cannot be found second hand or in store.
Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II
@Zeldafan79 Take a chill pill bruh or you'll have a heart attack.
Seriously this is good news for fans of the Sega MD version of Street Fighter, which in this day and age will be a niche audience. I highly doubt it will harm a massive corporation and I've no doubt the designers themselves try out these hacks.
How do you think Sonic Mania started and Sega liked the teams work so much.
Relax and enjoy
Re: Polymega Will Launch For Real This November - Or Earlier, If We're Lucky
@Zuljaras You clearly haven't lol...theres even a picture included in this very article with Streets of Rage plugged in!
Re: Polymega Will Launch For Real This November - Or Earlier, If We're Lucky
@Bobb No legal issues with emulation, this console plays your physical cartridges and discs with the right add on.
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?
After going through two Mario Kart 8 discs, two Mass Effect and two Sonic Booms (seriously lol) Super Mario 3D World was starting to get iffy and so was Rayman - so to preserve my collection and Wii U disc drive In 2014 I gave in and softmodded my Wii U. This year due to covid I had the time to finish burning and installing my full collection to a 500GB SSD directly on Wii U. My Wii U and Wii games disc collection sits on display permanently on shelves below it. It's the best all round solution for keeping my discs and Wii U ticking on.
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@jcvandan I use an everdrive 3.0 on my Ultra Hdmi modded N64, with AA disabled on my 20" 4:3 1200p monitor it actually looks incredible.
Re: Terraonion Is Releasing An Optical Disc Emulator For The Sega Saturn And Dreamcast
@wazlon unscrew and replace the battery 👌
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
Looks like the atari execs have their Christmas party paid for.
Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True
Impressive Star Fox!
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@Kalmaro Even Nintendo download the ROMS they resell lol. Now whose shady??? Lol. But all joking aside, if you own a physical copy of the game you have the right to own a backup of that game.
Of course you have people who don't have the originals...But at the same time there is ALOT of downloading for the sake of it - I'm sure many have games that they will never play lol.
But if Nintendo offered an online service, even subscription with their back catalogue available at a low price they could easily end piracy. Seriously, if NES games were 99p, SNES £1.49, N64 £1.99, GCN £2.49 the majority of pirates would purchase!!
Re: Month Of Kong: The Making Of Diddy Kong Racing
@NiBar Lol. Old post I know, but you sir are just after talking out of your ass. Diddy Kong Racing has one of the smoothest framerates across that generation of platforms, pretty much hogging 25-30fps. Rare titles spend most of their time at 25fps, with split second spikes either side. As for the N64 not being able to deliver, I suggest you AVOID consoles and stick to high end PC gaming.
Every generation of systems, even today, games are still targetting 30fps apart from those that forgo graphics. The games that pushed the PS1 run below 20fps, PS2, 360, PS3, X1, PS4 around 20-25fps.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
@able_to_think. If you carefully heat up the glue on the sticker it should come off quite easily.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
MGS TS was a good game though had many glaring issues. SK just copied and pasted the old MGS mechanics whilst relying on Japans cinematic wizardry.
Digital, stiff movement, very weak combat, iffy visuals at times - Silicon Knights should've improved on the gameplay considering all they had to do was port. The team didn't have the talent to push it further like Rare would have.
To be honest SK would never have produced a great game had it not been for Nintendo's heavy influence on ED. Dyack unfortunately had a massively over inflated ego, just looking at what they did after they dumped Nintendo says it all really.
Re: Coleco Chameleon's Future In Doubt Following Claims That SNES Hardware Was Used In Prototype
@shani Wii U VC is great emulation? Terrible more like it.
Yes games are playable but I always point to the likes of Donkey Kong 64. The 16:9 mode and Dolby surround in game options clearly work in game however Nintendo have them disabled. Mario Kart 64 broken TT ghosts, unoptimised controls, all games emulated darker, needless bilinear filter/deflicker blurring over all SNES titles... Slow loading times.
I've recently had the chance to extensively test and play on an Nvidia Shield TV with the latest Mupen build installed - the 1080p experience for N64 games is breathtaking. Bright punching colour like the original system, instantaneous loading, few glitches, automatic artwork download, 99% compatible with N64 titles, mods and the with the options of using higher resolution textures.
I would advice you to do some research before blindly defending Nintendo's overpriced, pathetic excuse of a retro gaming platform.
Nintendo have no respect for retro gaming, maximum profit, minimum effort is their agenda.
Re: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
@Aentik They wouldn't even need to update the textures in both GCN titles. Their clarity and detail alone is as high as the latest Battlefront. Rebel Strike 3 features 16.5 million PPS @ 60Fps with advanced lighting, double the amount of AI on screen and fully bump mapped textures that Factor 5 had designed for next gen technology. The forests battle alone is as detailed as the new Battlefront.
It just goes to show how pathetic Nintendo are in their 3D engines and texture design and how under utilised the GCN actually was.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
An N64 prototype release is the holy grail in gaming.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Body Harvest
@ULTRA-64 I did last year too and played through the whole thing! Loved it!
Re: Feature: The Making Of Body Harvest
Body Harvest is an exceptional game - it was dragged kicking and screaming through a scattered development and in many ways it looks like a beta 1st gen N64 release but with incredible gameplay and scope - while the graphics were certainly poor compared to what Rare and even Nintendo were achieving on N64 hardware in 1998, DMA created a classic in the eyes of all gamers who played it.
The devs shouldn't be so hard on themselves!