Comments 3

Re: There's A New Polymega Project Coming In 2024


@Damo How are you able to any information from Polymega? I've been waiting for weeks to hear back from any of my emails that I've sent. If you've got a direct line, could you tell them to start responding to emails and making actual statements on their official outlets. It really is getting old having all this radio silence from them. It's worrisome having no news from them at all.

Sorry I'm not counting your report as official, it's not made by them on any of their outlets. A statement made to you, and only you, just doesn't feel authentic to me. Especially when no one else also got the same update from them. I believe that's so they don't have to deal with the backlash of why haven't they said anything in a while, setting a date for something to happen which they didn't make again, and not meeting the multitude of promises they've made and not kept.

A lot of people have paid them money and waited somewhat patiently through all the ups and downs. Well really there hasn't been any ups, only ups that are illusory to keep people strung along. At one point this year we had our units coming in October, then it was through the end of the year, and now maybe hopefully in January. And that's not even including that Remix was supposed to be out this year, same with the app and the store.

People want answers and these updates/statements are just another in a long line of concerning decisions that are getting me close to possibly looking to report them agencies, government or otherwise to get real answers on what's going on.

Re: There's A New Polymega Project Coming In 2024


@Damo What's the latest? Seeming as this is the only place to get any sort of news or updates.

Not trying to be antagonistic towards you, it's just you're the last person with any sort "official" news. It's just frustrating how little transparency and communication there is. I don't need promises or concrete dates, but if they were more forthcoming in what's actually going on it would go a long way. Their last update of any kind on their official outlets is July. That's just unacceptable.