Comments 2

Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine


This will be pretty cool if 3rd-party publishers actually use it's virtual console mode to publish roms of their back catalogues (to any reasonably significant degree). And that's likely going to be influenced by the install base. But I can't recommend buying this just for the virtual console feature until we know how many companies opt into it.

Otherwise, it's use is only as good as your old cartridge/disk collection. Which in of themselves are only as good as they haven't degraded over too many years.

I only have a significant # of old cartridges/cd-roms/floppies from early Windows/Mac, N64, and Gameboy (well, and everything Nintendo since), so this wouldn't serve me without a significant # of legally-emulated titles built in (and my N64 and Gameboy carts aren't in the best of shape).

But for those who have taken good care of their large collection of old carts & disks, probably a must-buy if only for it's modern TV all-in-one connection (such a pain to keep swapping between devices and/or HDMI chords, let alone storing these old consoles that are likely falling apart faster than the carts are!).