Comments 14

Re: This Video Game Magazine Trolled A Final Fantasy VIII Hater For Two Years


This story is great, though the fact that it’s a screenshot from the very end of the game reminds me of that annoying habit game magazines had in the 90s. I had an Ultra Game Players CD-ROM months before FF7 released with a handful of cutscenes from the game, including the final boss’s Supernova attack, which is a very climactic moment that the whole game builds up to. Just incredibly uncool, Ultra Game Players.

Re: New Doom 64 Mod Adds New Features From Nightdive Remaster Into N64 Original


Very cool project with one issue. As much as I respect what they’re trying to do by requiring people to own the 2020 version of Doom 64, I already bought it on Xbox One and Switch, and this requires the PC version. I’d have to buy it a third time on PC to enjoy the updated N64 version. Nobody seems to have considered that possibility, which is weird considering it’s a mod for a console game.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?


What is even being argued here? We’re not learning video game history from a textbook. There are no shadowy figures rewriting history. If you want to watch content about Commodore games, use the search bar in YouTube. A lot of people are making those videos and they would love your views. The reason Nintendo content rises to the top is because it’s popular, and the reason those YouTubers are the most popular is because they cover topics that get views.

As a side note, every time somebody uses sales figures as evidence of something’s quality or cultural importance, I die a little inside.

Re: Best Ridge Racer Games - Every Ridge Racer, Ranked


The “small number of racing games on the N64?” I think we’ve reached a point where everyone just assumes every genre was underrepresented on N64, because it’s only a small exaggeration to say racers make up a quarter of the system’s library.