@no_donatello that's an amazing find! I believe it's in English because it was aimed at the Hong Kong market. I gave up my search for that particular holy grail in the end and payed a huge amount of money for a flashcart from Flash Masta, so I have the English version loaded on there, along with fan translations of other Digimon games.
@EarthboundBenjy the power button on the WSC does tend to wear out - I've owned a bunch of consoles and it has never worked consistently on any of them, so no surprise if it has failed altogether on yours.
The other thing that can stop the WSC from turning on is the cart not properly connecting. I often find I have to have the cart very slightly pulled out rather than fully seated in the slot. However, if that is the issue you'll usually get a pop from the speaker as the console fails to turn on.
@no_donatello Nice collection. I have a boxed b/w console, a boxed Final Fantasy edition WSC and a WSC modded with an IPS screen. I have a nice little collection of boxed games but I came to it too late to get even a loose cart of Klanoa (and many others on this list) for a reasonable price. I do have a flashcart (not cheap!) so I'm able to play the unobtainable stuff, as well as fan translations of which there are quite a few - romhacking currently lists a dozen fully playable translations.
@Sketcz Surprised not to see it on the list next to the other WonderWitch competition winner Judgement Silversword - they're often mentioned in the same breath. Both excellent games.
@NinChocolate I thought I could hold off, for at least for a while, on buying yet another handheld (I have around 20 including classic and modern devices) until I saw the ARC. I shouldn't... I can't... I must!
This one looks nice too but it's not the one to lead me into temptation.
@RetroGames Glad you saw that one line responce as an invitation to essentially repeat your entire OP. We got it the first time - impossible not to, considering you went on at such great length.
You began by reading an enormous amount of crap into a short Tweet though, so to be expected I suppose.
Comments 10
Re: Random: Balenciaga Made A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Only Plays Snake
@drypaphmrbro Dammit, now I'll have to buy the console!
Re: Random: Balenciaga Made A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Only Plays Snake
@KingMike Ah yes - classic machines like Chanticleer Hegemony and Mankind Retrieval's Batman.
Re: Best WonderSwan Games Of All Time
@no_donatello that's an amazing find! I believe it's in English because it was aimed at the Hong Kong market. I gave up my search for that particular holy grail in the end and payed a huge amount of money for a flashcart from Flash Masta, so I have the English version loaded on there, along with fan translations of other Digimon games.
Re: Best WonderSwan Games Of All Time
@EarthboundBenjy the power button on the WSC does tend to wear out - I've owned a bunch of consoles and it has never worked consistently on any of them, so no surprise if it has failed altogether on yours.
Check the reply to this post for what seems like an easy fix (easier than the one in the OP): https://www.reddit.com/r/WonderSwan/comments/d9nfbw/comment/f1je3ln/
The other thing that can stop the WSC from turning on is the cart not properly connecting. I often find I have to have the cart very slightly pulled out rather than fully seated in the slot. However, if that is the issue you'll usually get a pop from the speaker as the console fails to turn on.
Re: Best WonderSwan Games Of All Time
@no_donatello Nice collection. I have a boxed b/w console, a boxed Final Fantasy edition WSC and a WSC modded with an IPS screen. I have a nice little collection of boxed games but I came to it too late to get even a loose cart of Klanoa (and many others on this list) for a reasonable price. I do have a flashcart (not cheap!) so I'm able to play the unobtainable stuff, as well as fan translations of which there are quite a few - romhacking currently lists a dozen fully playable translations.
Re: Best WonderSwan Games Of All Time
@Sketcz Surprised not to see it on the list next to the other WonderWitch competition winner Judgement Silversword - they're often mentioned in the same breath. Both excellent games.
Re: Check Out The Game Gear-Inspired Z-Pocket Game Bubble
@NinChocolate I thought I could hold off, for at least for a while, on buying yet another handheld (I have around 20 including classic and modern devices) until I saw the ARC. I shouldn't... I can't... I must!
This one looks nice too but it's not the one to lead me into temptation.
Re: Check Out The Game Gear-Inspired Z-Pocket Game Bubble
@Poodlestargenerica haha, well said.
Re: Gears Of Rage Brings "Mode 7-Like" Scaling To Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
@RetroGames Glad you saw that one line responce as an invitation to essentially repeat your entire OP. We got it the first time - impossible not to, considering you went on at such great length.
You began by reading an enormous amount of crap into a short Tweet though, so to be expected I suppose.
Re: Gears Of Rage Brings "Mode 7-Like" Scaling To Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
@-wc- they're quoting the first post in the thread, the one by the same user who then gave them a lengthy reply...