Comments 85

Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March


'Stalking' you massively overestimate your importance.
I will continue to call out the fraud present throughout this entire escapade.
Simple questions, if that's not 'harrassment'.

Why did Teets announce partnership and licence agreements, over and over again, when it's now been proved to be outright lies?

Why did he claim a crowdfunded console wasn't?

Why are the games that were 'finished' three years ago still not finished.

Why has Alvarado continued to lie about the controller and console? They aren't coming and we both know it.

Why doesn't the same guy update the people he took money from?

But keep calling ME out by all means

Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March



You think that was abuse?
THIS is abuse...... joking.

I'm just puzzled over the whole thing, it seems a lot of messing around to play bang-average games that are already available on every other console, and it's the very opposite of the entire SAFE ethos.

And it's not abusive to point out there is no money to licence anything.

You do you, I'll continue to be puzzled

Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend


Yawn dude. Not a single point answered.
Here are a few more:
Current consoles are too expensive - ended up a projected 250.00 with ONE controller
All about bringing back couch co-op - see above
SAFE - the S stood for simple. Now a home device with multiple mobiles requires
Games 'can't be done' on any other console - oops
How'd that Earthworm Jim game turn out?

Obsessively - how much do YOU think of yourself? Bore off.
It's over, Tommy isn't your friend, you're not getting a 'pilot', abd you're making DJC look normal.
I wouldn't know how to 'dox' someone if I wanted to. Pc's are for work only

Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend


'I have no respect t for someone that's launched FIVE consoles, but will get very upset about a guy that scammed millions, replayed his own loans out of Kikstaetex money, lied about it being crowdfunded, and released nothing'

You do you man. Outraged? I ordered from Amazon and pressed cancel after the second delay, when it became plain for all to see it was a ***** scam. Nothing to be outraged about. Amused at people like you and the one above, sure.

Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month


Nobody mentioned realistic. 1 & 2 were fantastic arcade racers, 3 leaned into combat way too hard. 4 was so insultingly vapid you yould teach a chimp to play it. If I want brain-dead crashing in my arcade racer I'll play Destruction Derby.

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