An amazing series. Doing fantastic preservation work at affordable prices, often with additions that make them better than arcade perfect. I'm at 130, which would have bought a nice holiday, but I don't regret a single purchase.
It includes Extra, but I was under the impression that always had a re-areanged soundtrack. Either way, it changes way too much for me. I can't get along with it.
TBH the 2600 stuff is of no interest to me, but hopefully it'll lead to.some 7800 titles and maybe a few more Jaguar games. Super Burnout would be nice.
And here lies my chief annoyance with this series - why remove already ported games? Gaiden should have a massive arcade now, but instead I've got to boot up another version to play Super Hang-On or Space Harrier..... It's frustrating as hell.
@JayJ It does seem daft to have them scattered over various Yakuza games. I believe sales of the Switch Ages series were underwhelming, but surely a big comp if all the stuff from these games would be viable.
There seems to be a strange reluctance to port it since the PS2 era, for some reason. I'd have said it's the controls, but the Arcade Archives version of Pole Pisition has just done a great job.
People really should stop giving press to this scam now. Slope was initially one of the worst ones. And these games are still garbage that have many better equivalents already.
Comments 85
Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable
An amazing series. Doing fantastic preservation work at affordable prices, often with additions that make them better than arcade perfect. I'm at 130, which would have bought a nice holiday, but I don't regret a single purchase.
Re: Sega's Turbo OutRun Has Been Brilliantly Remastered By Fans
Looks superb.
Re: Retro-Bit Bringing SNES Cult Classic 'Majyūō - King Of Demons' To The West For The First Time
Great little game, but more interested in a current gen re-reiease.
Re: So, What Music Will Rainbow Islands Use On Nintendo Switch And PS4?
It includes Extra, but I was under the impression that always had a re-areanged soundtrack.
Either way, it changes way too much for me. I can't get along with it.
Re: The Monty Mole Collection Brings Four Speccy And C64 Classics To Nintendo Switch
I didn't realise the first game was such a turd on both Speccy and C64. The other three are decent though.
Re: Random: Have You Seen This Rare Early Footage Of Space Harrier?
That's new to me, interesting.
Re: Sega Provides New Info & Images Of Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, And Its Other Classic Reboots
Crazy Taxi looks neat. I just want, no, NEED, a new OutRun.
Re: Konami's Arcade Classic 'Mystic Warriors' Finally Arrives On Consoles This Week
Hopefully this should lead to a slew of 90s Konami stuff if yhryvecdmupated the hardware decently. Which knowing Hamster, they have.
Re: Spelunky Is Getting A New Fanmade Port For The C64
That actually looks really cool.
Re: Evercade's Indie Heroes Collection 3 Arrives Early Next Year
Worth it for Donut Dodo alone, it's brilliant.
Re: A Bunch Of Data East Games Have Vanished From The Switch eShop
They weren't the greatest efforts, but I'm still checking g they haven't vanished from my console just jn case.
Re: Digital Eclipse Announces Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story
It was brilliant. Gutted there's no IOS stuff on here.
Re: Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Adds 12 New Games With Free Update
TBH the 2600 stuff is of no interest to me, but hopefully it'll lead to.some 7800 titles and maybe a few more Jaguar games. Super Burnout would be nice.
Re: Guide: All Yakuza Sega Arcade Minigames
And here lies my chief annoyance with this series - why remove already ported games? Gaiden should have a massive arcade now, but instead I've got to boot up another version to play Super Hang-On or Space Harrier.....
It's frustrating as hell.
Re: Athena's Six-Button Shmup 'Daioh' Joins Arcade Archives On Switch And PS4 This Week
The jump in quality between this, and the recently released Strike Gunner is immense. I suppose this means Shienryu will pop up at some point.
Re: Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden
Wait, Galaxy Force is the Master System version? Damn......
Re: Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden
Apart from OutRun and VR......
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
From what they've said, it was predominantly to do with the MD version already being mapped to a controller.
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
Flashback is actually the MD version, not the Amiga.
Re: The Nintendo Switch & PC Title Xiaomei & The Flame Dragon's Fist Is Heading To Mega Drive
Great Kung-Fu Master rip, highly recommended.
Re: Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden
It does seem daft to have them scattered over various Yakuza games. I believe sales of the Switch Ages series were underwhelming, but surely a big comp if all the stuff from these games would be viable.
Re: Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden
Sold. Absolutely fantastic news.
Re: Snow Bros. 2 Is Getting A Remake For PC And Switch
I quite like the original, it's slower and less frantic than the sequel but still good fun.
Re: Here Are The 10 Games Included In Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 2
That's a pretty crappy line-up. Oh well.
Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 2 Coming This December
There seems to be a strange reluctance to port it since the PS2 era, for some reason. I'd have said it's the controls, but the Arcade Archives version of Pole Pisition has just done a great job.
Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 2 Coming This December
@Porco it has, I wouldn't mess with mine personally but it seems pretty easy.
Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 2 Coming This December
Yeah, interested, but not at the price it'll go for.
Re: "Lost" Taito Game Crescent Tale Resurfaces 26 Years Later
Oh wow. This needs a full release.
Re: Anniversary: F-Zero GX Is 20 Today
My god, where'd the time go? Story Mode was probably my proudest gaming completion.
Just HD it. PROPERLY. Please!
Re: Rock n' Roll Racing "Spiritual Successor" Motor Rock Returns To Steam, Kind Of
So is the HD isometric an option? I need that. The 3D stuff not so much.
Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives
Fantastic series, long may it continue.
Re: Slick OutRun-Style Racer Slipstream Getting Free Expansion This Month
I wanted to love it, bit the handling was just a bit too heavy, it lacks responsiveness compared to OutRun 2.
Re: Taito's 1989 Shoot 'Em Up Megablast Is This Week's Arcade Archives Title
The sort of oddity I love on AA, and for once, it's not already on my Egret.
Re: Intellivision Amico 'Exclusives' Shark! Shark! And Astrosmash Are Coming To Switch
People really should stop giving press to this scam now. Slope was initially one of the worst ones. And these games are still garbage that have many better equivalents already.
Re: 32 Years Later, Blatant R-Type Clone Rezon Finally Comes To Home Consoles
The first three levels aren't too bad, but the 4th is currently kicking my ass.