Comments 23

Re: Why YouTube Censorship Is Causing Headaches For Retro Game Historians


I would be interested to see if YouTube could implement some sort of community-driven moderation. e.g. 20 upvotes from moderators could allow the video to be approved.

Similar things seem to work for Wikipedia.

And in fairness to YouTube, I've never come across anything particularly bad, unlike liveleak and such. So their approach of "err on the side of caution" at least makes the platform approachable in general.

Re: This Rare Promo VHS For Nintendo's Satellaview Has Been Lovingly Restored


It seems like some ancient tech... but that audio broadcasting was something different!

We have nothing like this these days. We have consume-at-will, but nothing where everyone tunes in to the same broadcast. Imagine Tears of the Kingdom the music (and quests/NPCs) were live!

Granted we could do it with streaming services, but the satellite had the ability to multicast which I think makes the infrastructure a bit easier.

Re: Castlevania's "Ultimate Glitch" Has Been Discovered


@bippity_bop This makes a lot of sense! Every scenario is different. Thanks for the help there.

Every time I hear about the speedrun community I'm impressed with the overall organization. In this case, that everyone can agree on a per-game basis.

I remember speedrunning Contra for the SNES as a kid (with lots of free time and only a few carts), but I never imagined that becoming a thing like it is today.

Re: Anniversary: Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Is 25 Years Old Today


I was 11 years old. I remember pre-ordering it so that I could get the gold cart. I saved up my allowance money for like a year to pay for it.

When we went to Toys-R-Us to pick it up, they said they didn't have any more in stock. My dad, who was a normally chill person, was furious and gave them a hard time. I guess one of the employees was trying to keep it for themselves. In the end I got my gold cart, and I still have and cherish it to this day. Thanks Dad!

Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time


Some of my favorite codes were the ones I came across accidentally.

I remember trying to learn the keys to Tribes II, just pressing them randomly to figure out what's going on, and I accidentally enabled some sort of in-game map editor. I haven't been able to reproduce since.

Similarly, I remember learning that FWBARNEY (My sister was watching the purple dinosaur at the time) was a cheat code for Rebel Moon Rising.

Re: Prince of Persia Creator Reveals Drama Behind "Sexy" Artwork That Just Sold For $63,000


It's an absolutely beautiful piece of art — though, I can see why some may have found it being a bit violent. To be honest, I had always seen it as him grabbing her to take her away and nothing more.

LPT: If anyone ever grabs your wrist/arm like that, push or pull towards the tip of their thumb. No strongman in the world has a thumb strong enough to hold a grip against that.